suite de la nouvelle implémentation

This commit is contained in:
Jephte CLAIN 2014-02-03 21:47:13 +04:00
parent 136b8e225e
commit 071032b20a

View File

@ -114,49 +114,164 @@ END {
function __network_parse_confbr() {
local br; local -a ifaces
splitpair "$1" br ifaces
array_split ifaces "$ifaces" ,
array_copy __npc_ifaces ifaces
function network_parse_confbr() { function network_parse_confbr() {
: # network_parse_confbr "$confbr" br ifaces
local __npc_br; local -a __npc_ifaces
__network_parse_confbr "$1"
set_var "${2:-br}" "$__npc_br"
array_copy "${3:-ifaces}" __npc_ifaces
} }
function network_format_confbr() { function network_format_confbr() {
: # network_format_confbr "$br" ifaces --> "br:ifaces"
echo "$1:$(array_join "${2:-ifaces}" ,)"
} }
function __network_parse_confip() {
local tmpig iface gateway; local -a ipsuffixes
splitfsep2 "$1" : tmpig ipsuffixes
splitfsep "$tmpig" // iface gateway
array_split ipsuffixes "$ipsuffixes" ,
array_copy __npc_ipsuffixes ipsuffixes
function network_parse_confip() { function network_parse_confip() {
: # network_parse_confip "$confip" iface gateway ipsuffixes
local __npc_iface __npc_gateway; local -a __npc_ipsuffixes
__network_parse_confip "$1"
set_var "${2:-iface}" "$__npc_iface"
set_var "${3:-gateway}" "$__npc_gateway"
array_copy "${4:-ipsuffixes}" __npc_ipsuffixes
} }
function network_parse_ipsuffix() { function network_parse_ipsuffix() {
: # network_parse_ipsuffix "$ipsuffix" ip suffix
splitfsep "$1" / "${2:-ip}" "${3:-suffix}"
} }
function network_format_confip() { function network_format_confip() {
: # network_format_confip "$iface" "$gateway" ipsuffixes --> "iface//gateway:ipsuffixes"
local tmpig="$1${2:+//$2}"
echo "${tmpig:+$tmpig:}$(array_join "${3:-ipsuffixes}" ,)"
} }
function network_format_ipsuffix() { function network_format_ipsuffix() {
: # network_format_ipsuffix "$ip" "$suffix" --> "ip:suffix"
if [ "${1,,}" == "dhcp" ]; then
echo "${1,,}"
echo "$1${2:+/$2}"
} }
function network_set_confbrs() { function __network_fix_confbrs() {
: local -a confbrs ifaces brs ips
} local confbr br iface
# recenser les bridges et créer les tableaux __BR_ifaces
for confbr in "${__nfc_confbrs[@]}"; do
network_parse_confbr "$confbr" br ifaces
array_addu brs "$br"
eval "local -a ${br}_ifaces"
# puis constuire la liste des interfaces associées à chaque bridge
for confbr in "${__nfc_confbrs[@]}"; do
network_parse_confbr "$confbr" br ifaces
array_extendu "${br}_ifaces" ifaces
# puis construire le tableau final
array_new confbrs
for br in "${brs[@]}"; do
array_add confbrs "$(network_format_confbr "$br" "${br}_ifaces")"
function network_set_confips() { array_copy __nfc_confbrs confbrs
} }
function network_fix_confbrs() { function network_fix_confbrs() {
: # normaliser le tableau $1(=confbrs): fusionner les doublons
local -a __nfc_confbrs
array_copy __nfc_confbrs "${1:-confbrs}"
array_copy "${1:-confbrs}" __nfc_confbrs
} }
function __network_fix_confips() {
local -a confips ipsuffixes ifaces ips
local confip iface gateway ip suffix mainip
# recenser les interfaces et créer les tableaux __IFACE_ipspecs
for confip in "${__nfc_confips[@]}"; do
network_parse_confip "$confip" iface gateway ipsuffixes
[ -n "$iface" ] || iface="$mainiface"
array_addu ifaces "$iface"
eval "local ${iface}_gateway; local -a ${iface}_ipsuffixes"
# puis construire la liste des adresses IP associées à chaque interface
for confip in "${__nfc_confips[@]}"; do
network_parse_confip "$confip" iface gateway ipsuffixes
[ -n "$iface" ] || iface="$mainiface"
# si la passerelle a déjà été spécifiée, la récupérer
local tmpgw="${iface}_gateway"
[ -n "${!tmpgw}" ] && gateway="${!tmpgw}"
# calculer l'adresse ip principale, pour pouvoir traiter le cas où
# l'adresse ip principale est l'adresse de la passerelle.
for ipsuffix in "${ipsuffixes[@]}"; do
network_parse_ipsuffix "$ipsuffix" ip suffix
if ! array_contains ips "$ip"; then
[ -n "$suffix" ] || suffix=24
if [ -z "$mainip" ]; then
[ -n "$gateway" ] || gateway="$(ipcalc_gateway "$ip" "$suffix")"
array_add "${iface}_ipsuffixes" "$(network_format_ipsuffix "$ip" "$suffix")"
array_add ips "$ip"
[ "$gateway" == "$mainip" ] && gateway=
# si l'adresse ip principale est obtenue par dhcp, il ne faut pas
# spécifier la passerelle: elle sera fournie par le serveur DHCP.
# Utiliser le marqueur "none" pour que la valeur ne soit pas modifiée.
[ "${ipsuffixes[0]}" == "dhcp" ] && gateway=none
set_var "${iface}_gateway" "$gateway"
# puis construire le tableau final
array_new confips
for iface in "${ifaces[@]}"; do
gateway="${iface}_gateway"; gateway="${!gateway}"
[ "$gateway" == "none" ] && gateway=
array_add confips "$(network_format_confip "$iface" "$gateway" "${iface}_ipsuffixes")"
array_copy __nfc_confips confips
function network_fix_confips() { function network_fix_confips() {
# $2==mainiface, l'interface associée aux adresses ip non qualifiées # normaliser le tableau $1(=confips): fusionner les doublons, spécifier le
: # suffixe /24 par défaut, etc. $2 est le cas échéant l'interface associée
# aux adresses ip non qualifiées
local -a __nfc_confips
array_copy __nfc_confips "${1:-confips}"
local mainiface="$2"
array_copy "${1:-confips}" __nfc_confips
} }
function network_fix_mainiface() { function network_fix_mainiface() {
# confips[0] est la configuration ip de l'interface principale # réorganiser les tableaux de façon que confips[0] devienne la configuration
# ip de l'interface principale
: :
} }
@ -166,6 +281,84 @@ function network_fix_confs() {
network_fix_mainiface "${1:-confbrs}" "${2:-confips}" "$3" network_fix_mainiface "${1:-confbrs}" "${2:-confips}" "$3"
} }
function __network_valid_ifaces() {
ip link | awk '/<.*>/ {
flags = $0; sub(/^.*</, ",", flags); sub(/>.*$/, ",", flags)
if (flags ~ /,LOOPBACK,/) next
if (flags !~ /,UP,/) next
sub(/:$/, "", $2); print $2
function __network_set_confbrs() {
local -a ifaces tmpconfbrs confbrs
local confbr br iface
array_from_lines ifaces "$(__network_valid_ifaces)"
array_from_lines tmpconfbrs "$(brctl show 2>/dev/null | awk '
BEGIN { confbrs = "" }
NR == 1 { next }
if ($1 != "" && $2 != "") {
if (confbr != "") print confbr
confbr = $1 ":" $4
} else {
confbr = confbr "," $1
if (confbr != "") print confbr
for confbr in "${tmpconfbrs[@]}"; do
splitpair "$confbr" br iface
array_contains ifaces "$br" || continue
array_add confbrs "$confbr"
array_copy __nsc_confbrs confbrs
function network_set_confbrs() {
# initialiser $1(=confbrs) avec l'état des bridges sur le système courant
local -a __nsc_confbrs
array_copy "${1:-confbrs}" __nsc_confbrs
function __network_set_gateway() {
# initialiser la variable gateway avec la passerelle associée à l'interface
# $1
gateway="$(route -n | awk -v iface="$1" '$1 == "" && $8 == iface { print $2 }')"
function __network_set_confip() {
# initialiser la variable confip avec l'état de l'interface $1.
# retourner 1 si l'interface n'a pas d'adresse ip associée
local -a ipsuffixes
array_from_lines ipsuffixes "$(ip addr show dev "$1" | awk '$1 == "inet" { print $2 }')"
__network_set_gateway "$1"
confip="$(network_format_confip "$iface" "$gateway" ipsuffixes)"
[ "${#ipsuffixes[*]}" -gt 0 ]
function __network_set_confips() {
local -a confips ifaces
local iface
array_from_lines ifaces "$(__network_valid_ifaces)"
for iface in "${ifaces[@]}"; do
__network_set_confip "$iface" || continue
array_add confips "$confip"
array_copy __nsc_confips confips
function network_set_confips() {
# initialiser le tableau $1(=confips) avec l'état des interfaces sur le
# système courant
local -a __nsc_confips
array_copy "${1:-confips}" __nsc_confips
function network_interfaces_check_confbr() { function network_interfaces_check_confbr() {
: :
} }
@ -187,19 +380,19 @@ function network_interfaces_add_confip() {
} }
function network_backup() { function __old_network_backup() {
local file="$1" local file="$1"
local backup="$file.orig$(date +%Y%m%d)" local backup="$file.orig$(date +%Y%m%d)"
[ -f "$backup" ] || cat "$file" >"$backup" 2>/dev/null [ -f "$backup" ] || cat "$file" >"$backup" 2>/dev/null
} }
function network_hostname() { function __old_network_hostname() {
local hostname="${1%%.*}" local hostname="${1%%.*}"
[ -f /etc/hostname ] || touch /etc/hostname [ -f /etc/hostname ] || touch /etc/hostname
uecho "Setting /etc/hostname to $hostname" uecho "Setting /etc/hostname to $hostname"
elif [ "$(</etc/hostname)" != "$hostname" ]; then elif [ "$(</etc/hostname)" != "$hostname" ]; then
network_backup /etc/hostname __old_network_backup /etc/hostname
if show_debug; then if show_debug; then
edebug "Setting /etc/hostname to $hostname" edebug "Setting /etc/hostname to $hostname"
else else
@ -209,13 +402,13 @@ function network_hostname() {
fi fi
} }
function network_mailname() { function __old_network_mailname() {
local host="$1" local host="$1"
[ -f /etc/mailname ] || touch /etc/mailname [ -f /etc/mailname ] || touch /etc/mailname
uecho "Setting /etc/mailname to $host" uecho "Setting /etc/mailname to $host"
elif [ "$(</etc/mailname)" != "$host" ]; then elif [ "$(</etc/mailname)" != "$host" ]; then
network_backup /etc/mailname __old_network_backup /etc/mailname
if show_debug; then if show_debug; then
edebug "Setting /etc/mailname to $host" edebug "Setting /etc/mailname to $host"
else else
@ -225,7 +418,7 @@ function network_mailname() {
fi fi
} }
function network_fix_exim4() { function __old_network_fix_exim4() {
local host="$1" oldhost="$2" local host="$1" oldhost="$2"
local tmpfile; ac_set_tmpfile tmpfile local tmpfile; ac_set_tmpfile tmpfile
@ -240,7 +433,7 @@ dc_other_hostnames='$host'"
uecho "/etc/exim4/update-exim4.conf.conf: pas de modifications" uecho "/etc/exim4/update-exim4.conf.conf: pas de modifications"
fi fi
elif testdiff "$tmpfile" /etc/exim4/update-exim4.conf.conf; then elif testdiff "$tmpfile" /etc/exim4/update-exim4.conf.conf; then
network_backup /etc/exim4/update-exim4.conf.conf __old_network_backup /etc/exim4/update-exim4.conf.conf
if show_debug; then if show_debug; then
edebug "Setting /etc/exim4/update-exim4.conf.conf to:" edebug "Setting /etc/exim4/update-exim4.conf.conf to:"
cat "$tmpfile" | sed 's/^/ /g' 1>&2 cat "$tmpfile" | sed 's/^/ /g' 1>&2
@ -253,7 +446,7 @@ dc_other_hostnames='$host'"
ac_clean "$tmpfile" ac_clean "$tmpfile"
} }
function network_fix_postfix() { function __old_network_fix_postfix() {
local host="$1" oldhost="$2" local host="$1" oldhost="$2"
local tmpfile; ac_set_tmpfile tmpfile local tmpfile; ac_set_tmpfile tmpfile
@ -274,7 +467,7 @@ function network_fix_postfix() {
uecho "/etc/postfix/ pas de modifications" uecho "/etc/postfix/ pas de modifications"
fi fi
elif testdiff "$tmpfile" /etc/postfix/; then elif testdiff "$tmpfile" /etc/postfix/; then
network_backup /etc/postfix/ __old_network_backup /etc/postfix/
if show_debug; then if show_debug; then
edebug "Setting /etc/postfix/ to:" edebug "Setting /etc/postfix/ to:"
cat "$tmpfile" | sed 's/^/ /g' 1>&2 cat "$tmpfile" | sed 's/^/ /g' 1>&2
@ -286,7 +479,7 @@ function network_fix_postfix() {
ac_clean "$tmpfile" ac_clean "$tmpfile"
} }
function network_hosts() { function __old_network_hosts() {
local host="$1" hostname="${1%%.*}" ip="$2" local host="$1" hostname="${1%%.*}" ip="$2"
local shost="${host//./\\.}" local shost="${host//./\\.}"
local tmpfile; ac_set_tmpfile tmpfile local tmpfile; ac_set_tmpfile tmpfile
@ -313,7 +506,7 @@ $ip$TAB$host $hostname" "$tmpfile"
uecho "/etc/hosts: pas de modifications" uecho "/etc/hosts: pas de modifications"
fi fi
elif testdiff "$tmpfile" /etc/hosts; then elif testdiff "$tmpfile" /etc/hosts; then
network_backup /etc/hosts __old_network_backup /etc/hosts
if show_debug; then if show_debug; then
edebug "Setting /etc/hosts to:" edebug "Setting /etc/hosts to:"
cat "$tmpfile" | sed 's/^/ /g' 1>&2 cat "$tmpfile" | sed 's/^/ /g' 1>&2
@ -325,173 +518,13 @@ $ip$TAB$host $hostname" "$tmpfile"
ac_clean "$tmpfile" ac_clean "$tmpfile"
} }
function network_parse_confip() { function __old_network_resolve_mainiface() {
# confip --> iface [ipspecs@] [ipspecs]
local __npc_tmp
splitfsep2 "$1" : "${2:-iface}" __npc_tmp
[ -n "$3" ] && array_split "$3" "$__npc_tmp" ,
[ -n "$4" ] && set_var "$4" "$__npc_tmp"
function network_parse_ipspec() {
# ipspec --> ip suffix gateway
local __npi_tmp
splitfsep "$1" / "${2:-ip}" __npi_tmp
splitfsep "$__npi_tmp" + "${3:-suffix}" "${4:-gateway}"
function network_parse_confbr() {
# confbr --> br [ifaces@] [ifaces]
local __npc_tmp
splitfsep "$1" : "${2:-br}" __npc_tmp
[ -n "$3" ] && array_split "$3" "$__npc_tmp" ,
[ -n "$4" ] && set_var "$4" "$__npc_tmp"
function network_fix_confips() {
# confips@
local -a __nfc_confips __nfc_ipspecs __nfc_ifaces __nfc_ips
local __nfc_confip __nfc_iface __nfc_ipspec __nfc_ip __nfc_suffix __nfc_gateway __nfc_first
array_copy __nfc_confips "${1:-confips}"
# recenser les interfaces et créer les tableaux __IFACE_ipspecs
for __nfc_confip in "${__nfc_confips[@]}"; do
network_parse_confip "$__nfc_confip" __nfc_iface __nfc_ipspecs
array_addu __nfc_ifaces "$__nfc_iface"
eval "local -a __nfc_${__nfc_iface}_ipspecs"
# puis constuire la liste des adresses IP associées à chaque interface
for __nfc_confip in "${__nfc_confips[@]}"; do
network_parse_confip "$__nfc_confip" __nfc_iface __nfc_ipspecs
for __nfc_ipspec in "${__nfc_ipspecs[@]}"; do
network_parse_ipspec "$__nfc_ipspec" __nfc_ip __nfc_suffix __nfc_gateway
if ! array_contains __nfc_ips "$__nfc_ip"; then
[ -n "$__nfc_suffix" ] || __nfc_suffix=24
if [ -z "$__nfc_gateway" ] && array_isempty "__nfc_${__nfc_iface}_ipspecs"; then
# premier ipspec, il faut spécifier le gateway
__nfc_gateway="$(ipcalc_gateway "$__nfc_ip" "$__nfc_suffix")"
eval "array_add __nfc_${__nfc_iface}_ipspecs \"$__nfc_ip/$__nfc_suffix${__nfc_gateway:++$__nfc_gateway}\""
array_add __nfc_ips "$__nfc_ip"
# puis construire le tableau final
array_new __nfc_confips
for __nfc_iface in "${__nfc_ifaces[@]}"; do
array_add __nfc_confips "$__nfc_iface:$(array_join "__nfc_${__nfc_iface}_ipspecs" ,)"
array_copy "${1:-confips}" __nfc_confips
function network_fix_confbrs() {
# confbrs@
local -a __nfc_confbrs __nfc_ifaces __nfc_brs __nfc_ips
local __nfc_confbr __nfc_br __nfc_iface __nfc_ip __nfc_suffix __nfc_gateway
array_copy __nfc_confbrs "${1:-confbrs}"
# recenser les bridges et créer les tableaux __BR_ifaces
for __nfc_confbr in "${__nfc_confbrs[@]}"; do
network_parse_confbr "$__nfc_confbr" __nfc_br __nfc_ifaces
array_addu __nfc_brs "$__nfc_br"
eval "local -a __nfc_${__nfc_br}_ifaces"
# puis constuire la liste des interfaces associées à chaque bridge
for __nfc_confbr in "${__nfc_confbrs[@]}"; do
network_parse_confbr "$__nfc_confbr" __nfc_br __nfc_ifaces
array_extendu "__nfc_${__nfc_br}_ifaces" __nfc_ifaces
# puis construire le tableau final
array_new __nfc_confbrs
for __nfc_br in "${__nfc_brs[@]}"; do
array_add __nfc_confbrs "$__nfc_br:$(array_join "__nfc_${__nfc_br}_ifaces" ,)"
array_copy "${1:-confbrs}" __nfc_confbrs
function network_resolve_mainiface() {
local __nrm_mainiface="${1:-mainiface}" __nrm_mainconfbr="$2" __nrm_mainconfip="$3" local __nrm_mainiface="${1:-mainiface}" __nrm_mainconfbr="$2" __nrm_mainconfip="$3"
[ -n "${!__nrm_mainiface}" ] || network_parse_confbr "$__nrm_mainconfbr" "$__nrm_mainiface" [ -n "${!__nrm_mainiface}" ] || __old_network_parse_confbr "$__nrm_mainconfbr" "$__nrm_mainiface"
[ -n "${!__nrm_mainiface}" ] || network_parse_confip "$__nrm_mainconfip" "$__nrm_mainiface" [ -n "${!__nrm_mainiface}" ] || __old_network_parse_confip "$__nrm_mainconfip" "$__nrm_mainiface"
[ -n "${!__nrm_mainiface}" ] || set_var "$__nrm_mainiface" eth0 [ -n "${!__nrm_mainiface}" ] || set_var "$__nrm_mainiface" eth0
} }
function network_set_confip() {
eval "$(ip addr show dev "$1" | awk "BEGIN {
mainipvar = \"${2:-mainip}\"
supplipsvar = \"${3:-supplips}\"
print mainipvar "="
print supplipsvar "=()"
mainip = ""
supplips = 0
$1 == "inet" {
if (mainip == "") {
mainip = $2
print mainipvar "=\"" mainip "\""
} else {
if (!supplips) {
supplips = 1
print supplipsvar "=("
print "\"" $2 "\""
if (supplips) {
print ")"
set_var "$2" "$(array_join "$2" ,)"
function network_set_gateway() {
eval "$(route -n | awk "BEGIN {
iface = \"$1\"
gatewayvar = \"${2:-gateway}\"
print gatewayvar "="
$1 == "" && $8 == iface {
print gatewayvar "=\"" $2 "\""
function network_set_confips() {
local -a __nsc_confips __nsc_ifaces __nsc_supplips
local __nsc_iface __nsc_mainip __nsc_gateway
array_from_lines __nsc_ifaces "$(ip link | grep -v '<.*LOOPBACK.*>' | grep '<.*UP.*>' | awk '{ sub(/:$/, "", $2); print $2}')"
for __nsc_iface in "${__nsc_ifaces[@]}"; do
network_set_confip "$__nsc_iface" __nsc_mainip __nsc_supplips
[ -n "$__nsc_mainip" ] || continue
network_set_gateway "$__nsc_iface" __nsc_gateway
array_add __nsc_confips "$__nsc_iface:$__nsc_mainip${__nsc_gateway:++$__nsc_gateway}${__nsc_supplips:+,$__nsc_supplips}"
array_copy "${1:-confips}" __nsc_confips
function network_set_confbrs() {
local -a __nsc_ifaces __nsc_tmpconfbrs __nsc_confbrs
local __nsc_confbr __nsc_br __nsc_iface
array_from_lines __nsc_ifaces "$(ip link | grep -v '<.*LOOPBACK.*>' | grep '<.*UP.*>' | awk '{ sub(/:$/, "", $2); print $2}')"
array_from_lines __nsc_tmpconfbrs "$(brctl show 2>/dev/null | awk 'BEGIN { br = "" }
NR == 1 { next }
$1 != "" { br = $1 }
{ print br ":" $4 }
for __nsc_confbr in "${__nsc_tmpconfbrs[@]}"; do
splitpair "$__nsc_confbr" __nsc_br __nsc_iface
array_contains __nsc_ifaces "$__nsc_br" || continue
array_add __nsc_confbrs "$__nsc_confbr"
array_copy "${1:-confbrs}" __nsc_confbrs
method = "dhcp" method = "dhcp"
@ -622,7 +655,7 @@ BEGIN {
} }
' '
function network_update_bridge() { function __old_network_update_bridge() {
# vérifier la configuration (interfaces de ifaces[@] en manual, présence du # vérifier la configuration (interfaces de ifaces[@] en manual, présence du
# bridge, bridge en auto, adresse ip principale statique ou en dhcp, # bridge, bridge en auto, adresse ip principale statique ou en dhcp,
# adresses ip supplémentaires), puis si nécessaire, supprimer l'ancienne # adresses ip supplémentaires), puis si nécessaire, supprimer l'ancienne
@ -856,7 +889,7 @@ END {
return 0 return 0
} }
function network_update_iface() { function __old_network_update_iface() {
# vérifier la configuration (présence de l'interface, interface en auto, # vérifier la configuration (présence de l'interface, interface en auto,
# adresse ip principale statique ou en dhcp, adresses ip supplémentaires), # adresse ip principale statique ou en dhcp, adresses ip supplémentaires),
# puis si nécessaire, supprimer l'ancienne configuration et créer la # puis si nécessaire, supprimer l'ancienne configuration et créer la
@ -1019,16 +1052,16 @@ function network_config() {
array_copy confips __nc_confips array_copy confips __nc_confips
array_copy confbrs __nc_confbrs array_copy confbrs __nc_confbrs
network_fix_confips confips __old_network_fix_confips confips
network_fix_confbrs confbrs __old_network_fix_confbrs confbrs
local mainbr # bridge principal local mainbr # bridge principal
local mainip # adresse IP principale de l'interface principale local mainip # adresse IP principale de l'interface principale
local confbr confip br iface suffix gateway local confbr confip br iface suffix gateway
local -a ipspecs local -a ipspecs
network_resolve_mainiface mainiface "${confbrs[0]}" "${confips[0]}" __old_network_resolve_mainiface mainiface "${confbrs[0]}" "${confips[0]}"
network_parse_confbr "${confbrs[0]}" mainbr __old_network_parse_confbr "${confbrs[0]}" mainbr
[ -n "$mainbr" ] || mainbr=br0 [ -n "$mainbr" ] || mainbr=br0
if [ -n "${confips[*]}" -o -n "${confbrs[*]}" ]; then if [ -n "${confips[*]}" -o -n "${confbrs[*]}" ]; then
@ -1041,11 +1074,11 @@ function network_config() {
local -a brifaces local -a brifaces
ifaces_with_ips=() ifaces_with_ips=()
for confip in "${confips[@]}"; do for confip in "${confips[@]}"; do
network_parse_confip "$confip" iface __old_network_parse_confip "$confip" iface
array_addu ifaces_with_ips "$iface" array_addu ifaces_with_ips "$iface"
done done
for confbr in "${confbrs[@]}"; do for confbr in "${confbrs[@]}"; do
network_parse_confbr "$confbr" br ifaces __old_network_parse_confbr "$confbr" br ifaces
array_add brifaces "$br" array_add brifaces "$br"
for iface in "${ifaces[@]}"; do for iface in "${ifaces[@]}"; do
if array_contains ifaces_with_ips "$iface"; then if array_contains ifaces_with_ips "$iface"; then
@ -1056,7 +1089,7 @@ function network_config() {
done done
local -a confstdips confbrips local -a confstdips confbrips
for confip in "${confips[@]}"; do for confip in "${confips[@]}"; do
network_parse_confip "$confip" iface __old_network_parse_confip "$confip" iface
[ -n "$iface" ] || iface="$mainiface" [ -n "$iface" ] || iface="$mainiface"
if array_contains brifaces "$iface"; then if array_contains brifaces "$iface"; then
array_add confbrips "$confip" array_add confbrips "$confip"
@ -1086,37 +1119,37 @@ iface lo inet loopback
local -a tmpifaces local -a tmpifaces
local tmpbr local tmpbr
for confip in "${confbrips[@]}"; do for confip in "${confbrips[@]}"; do
network_parse_confip "$confip" br ipspecs __old_network_parse_confip "$confip" br ipspecs
[ -n "$br" ] || br="$mainbr" [ -n "$br" ] || br="$mainbr"
if [ -z "$mainip" -a "$br" == "$mainiface" ]; then if [ -z "$mainip" -a "$br" == "$mainiface" ]; then
network_parse_ipspec "${ipspecs[0]}" mainip suffix gateway __old_network_parse_ipspec "${ipspecs[0]}" mainip suffix gateway
fi fi
ifaces=() ifaces=()
for confbr in "${confbrs[@]}"; do for confbr in "${confbrs[@]}"; do
network_parse_confbr "$confbr" tmpbr tmpifaces __old_network_parse_confbr "$confbr" tmpbr tmpifaces
if [ "$tmpbr" == "$br" ]; then if [ "$tmpbr" == "$br" ]; then
array_copy ifaces tmpifaces array_copy ifaces tmpifaces
break break
fi fi
done done
if network_update_bridge "$interfaces" "$workfile" "$br" ipspecs ifaces; then if __old_network_update_bridge "$interfaces" "$workfile" "$br" ipspecs ifaces; then
cat "$workfile" >"$interfaces" cat "$workfile" >"$interfaces"
fi fi
done done
# configurer chaque interface classique # configurer chaque interface classique
for confip in "${confstdips[@]}"; do for confip in "${confstdips[@]}"; do
network_parse_confip "$confip" iface ipspecs __old_network_parse_confip "$confip" iface ipspecs
[ -n "$iface" ] || iface="$mainiface" [ -n "$iface" ] || iface="$mainiface"
if [ -z "$mainip" -a "$iface" == "$mainiface" ]; then if [ -z "$mainip" -a "$iface" == "$mainiface" ]; then
network_parse_ipspec "${ipspecs[0]}" mainip suffix gateway __old_network_parse_ipspec "${ipspecs[0]}" mainip suffix gateway
fi fi
if network_update_iface "$interfaces" "$workfile" "$iface" ipspecs; then if __old_network_update_iface "$interfaces" "$workfile" "$iface" ipspecs; then
cat "$workfile" >"$interfaces" cat "$workfile" >"$interfaces"
fi fi
done done
@ -1130,7 +1163,7 @@ iface lo inet loopback
uecho "/etc/network/interfaces: pas de modifications" uecho "/etc/network/interfaces: pas de modifications"
fi fi
elif testdiff "$interfaces" /etc/network/interfaces; then elif testdiff "$interfaces" /etc/network/interfaces; then
network_backup /etc/network/interfaces __old_network_backup /etc/network/interfaces
if show_debug; then if show_debug; then
edebug "Setting /etc/network/interfaces to:" edebug "Setting /etc/network/interfaces to:"
cat "$interfaces" | sed 's/^/ /g' 1>&2 cat "$interfaces" | sed 's/^/ /g' 1>&2
@ -1164,10 +1197,10 @@ iface lo inet loopback
mainip="${mainips[0]}" mainip="${mainips[0]}"
fi fi
network_hostname "$host" __old_network_hostname "$host"
network_mailname "$host" __old_network_mailname "$host"
if [ -n "$mainip" ]; then if [ -n "$mainip" ]; then
network_hosts "$host" "$mainip" __old_network_hosts "$host" "$mainip"
fi fi
eend eend