implémentation initiale: host, group, attr
This commit is contained in:
Executable file
Executable file
@ -0,0 +1,489 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 mode: python -*- vim:sw=4:sts=4:et:ai:si:sta:fenc=utf-8
import os, sys, re
from os import path
from argparse import ArgumentParser, REMAINDER
from glob import glob
USER_CONFDIR = '~/etc/deploy'
SYSTEM_CONFDIR = '/var/local/deploy'
class EOL(object):
__repr__ = __string__ = lambda self: 'EOL'
class EOF(object):
__repr__ = __string__ = lambda self: 'EOF'
class Lexer(object):
file = None
lexems = None
_inf = None
_lcount = None
_line = None
def __init__(self, file, parse=True):
self.file = file
if parse: self.parse()
def next_line(self):
line = self._inf.readline()
if line == '': return None
if line.endswith("\r\n"): line = line[:-2]
elif line.endswith("\n"): line = line[:-1]
elif line.endswith("\r"): line = line[:-1]
self._lcount += 1
self._line = line
return line
def is_empty(self): return self._line == ''
def isa_comment(self): return self._line[:1] == '#'
def isa_squote(self): return self._line[:1] == "'"
def isa_dquote(self): return self._line[:1] == '"'
RE_SPACE = re.compile(r'\s+')
RE_COMMENT = re.compile(r'#.*')
def parse_ws(self):
mo = self.RE_SPACE.match(self._line)
if mo is not None:
self._line = self._line[mo.end(0):]
mo = self.RE_COMMENT.match(self._line)
if mo is not None:
self._line = self._line[mo.end(0):]
def isa_space(self): return self.RE_SPACE.match(self._line) is not None
def isa_comment(self): return self.RE_COMMENT.match(self._line) is not None
RE_SQUOTE = re.compile(r"'")
def parse_sstring(self):
slos = self._lcount
lexem = ''
self._line = self._line[1:]
mo =
while mo is None:
lexem += self._line
if self.next_line() is None:
raise ValueError("unterminated quoted string starting at line %i" % slos)
lexem += "\n"
mo =
lexem += self._line[0:mo.start(0)]
self._line = self._line[mo.end(0):]
return lexem
RE_DQUOTE = re.compile(r'"')
def parse_dstring(self):
slos = self._lcount
lexem = ''
self._line = self._line[1:]
mo =
while mo is None:
lexem += self._line
if self.next_line() is None:
raise ValueError("unterminated double-quoted string starting at line %i" % slos)
lexem += "\n"
mo =
lexem += self._line[0:mo.start(0)]
self._line = self._line[mo.end(0):]
lexem = lexem.replace('\\"', '"')
lexem = lexem.replace("\\'", "'")
lexem = lexem.replace('\\\\', '\\')
return lexem
RE_EOS = re.compile(r'''\s|(?<!\\)['"]''')
def parse_string(self):
mo =
if mo is not None:
lexem = self._line[0:mo.start(0)]
self._line = self._line[mo.start(0):]
lexem = self._line
self._line = ''
lexem = lexem.replace('\\"', '"')
lexem = lexem.replace("\\'", "'")
lexem = lexem.replace('\\\\', '\\')
return lexem
def parse(self):
if self.lexems is not None: return self.lexems
lexems = self.lexems = []
self._inf = open(self.file, 'rb')
self._lcount = 0
self._line = ''
SOL = False
while True:
# Ignorer lignes vides et commentaires
stop = False
while self.is_empty():
if SOL:
SOL = False
if self.next_line() is None:
stop = True
if stop: break
SOL = True
# Construire une chaine
lexem = ''
while True:
if self.is_empty(): break
elif self.isa_space(): break
if self.isa_squote(): lexem += self.parse_sstring()
elif self.isa_dquote(): lexem += self.parse_dstring()
else: lexem += self.parse_string()
return lexems
self._inf = None
return lexems
def get_predicates(self):
predicates = []
predicate = []
for lexem in self.parse():
if lexem is EOF: break
elif lexem is EOL:
predicate = []
return predicates
class HostObject(object):
id = None
dir = None
hosts = None
attrs = None
def __init__(self, id):
| = id
self.hosts = []
self.attrs = {}
def get_id(self): return
def get_dir(self): return self.dir
def set_dir(self, dir): self.dir = dir
def get_hosts(self): return self.hosts
def add_host(self, host):
if host not in self.hosts: self.hosts.append(host)
def get_attrs(self): return self.attrs
def get_attr(self, name): return self.attrs.get(name, None)
def set_attr(self, name, value):
if name not in self.attrs: self.attrs[name] = []
def reset_attr(self, name, value=None):
if name in self.attrs: del self.attrs[name]
if value is not None: self.set_attr(name, value)
def copy_attrs(self, other, reset=True):
for name, values in other.attrs.items():
for value in values:
if reset: self.reset_attr(name, value)
else: self.set_attr(name, value)
def split_scalar(arg):
if '=' in arg:
name, value = arg.split('=', 1)
name = arg
value = None
if name.endswith('%'):
name = name[:-1]
reset = True
reset = False
return name, reset, value
def split_list(arg):
if '=' in arg:
name, values = arg.split('=', 1)
values = values.split(',')
name = None
values = arg.split(',')
return name, values
class Parser(object):
lexer = None
predicates = None
known_profiles = None
default_profile = None
default_domain = None
objects = None
groups = None
attr_otype = None
def __init__(self, lexer, parse=True):
self.lexer = lexer
self.objects = {}
self.groups = {}
if parse: self.parse()
def parse(self):
self.predicates = self.lexer.get_predicates()
for p in self.predicates:
cmd = p[0]
args = p[1:]
if cmd == 'default_profile': self.handle_default_profile(args)
elif cmd == 'default_domain': self.handle_default_domain(args)
elif cmd == 'group': self.handle_group(args)
elif cmd == 'attr': self.handle_attr(args)
elif cmd == 'host': self.handle_host(args)
def get_objects(self, otype):
objects = self.objects[otype]
return [objects[id] for id in objects if id is not None]
def reset_group(self, otype):
self.groups[otype]['current'] = {}
def reset_group_maybe(self, otype):
if self.groups[otype]['type'] in ('defaults', 'once'):
self.groups[otype]['type'] = 'once'
def add_group(self, otype, id):
self.groups[otype]['current'][id] = True
def handle_group(self, args):
"""group otype gtype
gtype peut valoir:
- defaults: revenir à l'état initial, permettant de spécifier les
attributs et liens pour tous les hôtes définis à partir de cette ligne
- once: un nouveau groupe est défini à chaque nouvelle ligne 'group'
- until: définir un groupe qui va jusqu'à la prochaine ligne 'group'
otype = args[0:1] and args[0] or 'host'
gtype = args[1:2] and args[1] or 'until'
self.groups[otype]['type'] = gtype
if gtype == 'defaults':
self.groups[otype]['current'] = {None: True}
elif gtype in ('once', 'until'):
self.groups[otype]['current'] = {}
def handle_attr(self, args):
otype = self.attr_otype
assert otype is not None, "attr_otype should not be None"
for nv in args:
name, reset, value = split_scalar(nv)
if value is None:
reset = True
value = '1'
for id in self.groups[otype]['current']:
if reset: self.objects[otype][id].reset_attr(name)
self.objects[otype][id].set_attr(name, value)
def handle_default_profile(self, args):
if not args or not args[0]:
profile = None
profile = args[0]
if self.known_profiles is None: self.known_profiles = {}
self.known_profiles[profile] = True
self.default_profile = profile
def handle_default_domain(self, args):
if not args or not args[0]:
domain = None
domain = args[0]
self.default_domain = domain
def __setup_hosts(self):
self.objects['host'] = {}
self.groups['host'] = {}
self.handle_group(['host', 'defaults'])
self.attr_otype = 'host'
def __fix_host(self, host):
if host.endswith('.'):
host = host[:-1]
elif '.' not in host and self.default_domain:
host = '%s.%s' % (host, self.default_domain)
return host
def __hostid(self, host):
host = re.sub(r'\..*', '', host)
host = re.sub(r'[^a-zA-Z0-9]', '_', host)
host = host.lower()
return host
def __hostib(self, id):
if re.match(r'\d+$', id): return id
ib = re.sub(r'^(.*?)\d+$', r'\1', id)
return ib
def __host_object(self, id):
ho = self.objects['host'].get(id, None)
if ho is None:
ho = HostObject(id)
self.objects['host'][id] = ho
return ho
def handle_host(self, args):
"""host [id=]host,...
AP = ArgumentParser()
AP.add_argument('-b', '--basedir', action='append', dest='basedirs')
AP.add_argument('-d', '--dirspec', action='append', dest='dirspecs')
AP.add_argument('nvss', nargs=REMAINDER)
o = AP.parse_args(args)
# construire la liste des hôtes à traiter
nvss = []
if o.basedirs is not None:
for basedir in [path.expanduser(basedir) for basedir in o.basedirs]:
nvss.extend([path.abspath(path.join(basedir, name))
for name in os.listdir(basedir)
if path.isdir(path.join(basedir, name))])
if o.dirspecs is not None:
for dirspec in [path.expanduser(dirspec) for dirspec in o.dirspecs]:
for dir in glob(dirspec)
if path.isdir(dir)])
# préparer la mise à jour du groupe courant
self.attr_otype = 'host'
default_ho = self.__host_object(None)
# traiter les hôtes
for nvs in nvss:
name, values = split_list(nvs)
for host in values:
if '/' in host:
dir, host = path.split(path.abspath(path.expanduser(host)))
dir = None
host = self.__fix_host(host)
if name:
ho = self.__host_object(name)
if dir is not None: ho.reset_attr('dir', dir)
self.add_group('host', name)
id = self.__hostid(host)
ho = self.__host_object(id)
if dir is not None: ho.reset_attr('dir', dir)
self.add_group('host', id)
ib = self.__hostib(id)
ho = self.__host_object(ib)
if dir is not None: ho.reset_attr('dir', dir)
self.add_group('host', ib)
def run_qdd(o):
# fichier de configuration
confname = o.confname or 'deploy'
if '/' in confname:
conf = path.abspath(confname)
elif path.exists('%s.conf' % confname):
conf = '%s.conf' % confname
conf = confname
if not conf.endswith('.conf'): conf = '%s.conf' % conf
user_conf = path.join(path.expanduser(USER_CONFDIR), conf)
system_conf = path.join(SYSTEM_CONFDIR, conf)
if path.exists(user_conf): conf = user_conf
elif path.exists(system_conf): conf = system_conf
lexer = Lexer(conf)
if o.action == 'nop':
elif o.action == 'dump': #XXX
parser = Parser(lexer)
print "=== predicates"
for p in parser.predicates:
print ' '.join(map(repr, p))
print "=== hosts"
for ho in parser.get_objects('host'):
id, dir, hosts = ho.get_id(), ho.get_dir(), ho.get_hosts()
attrs = ho.get_attrs()
print id
if dir: print " dir=%s" % dir
print " hosts=%r" % hosts
if attrs: print " attrs=%r" % attrs
elif o.action == 'query':
parser = Parser(lexer)
if __name__ == '__main__':
from argparse import ArgumentParser, HelpFormatter
if sys.argv[1:2] == ['--compat']:
# Avec l'argument --compat, désactiver la classe FancyHelpFormatter qui
# se base sur une API non documentée
sys.argv = sys.argv[0:1] + sys.argv[2:]
FancyHelpFormatter = HelpFormatter
class FancyHelpFormatter(HelpFormatter):
"""Comme HelpFormatter, mais ne touche pas aux lignes qui commencent par les
caractères '>>>'. Cela permet de mixer du texte formaté et du texte non
def _fill_text(self, text, width, indent):
return ''.join([indent + line for line in text.splitlines(True)])
def _split_lines(self, text, width):
lines = ['']
for line in text.splitlines():
if line.startswith('>>>'):
lines[-1] += '\n' + line
lines = filter(None, lines)
texts = []
for line in lines:
if line.startswith('>>>'):
line = line[3:]
if line: texts.append(line)
texts.extend(super(FancyHelpFormatter, self)._split_lines(line, width))
return texts
AP = ArgumentParser(
usage=u"%(prog)s --query FILTER",
AP.add_argument('-Q', '--query-action', action='store_const', dest='action', const='query',
help=u"Interroger la base de données. C'est l'option par défaut")
AP.add_argument('-N', '--nop-action', action='store_const', dest='action', const='nop',
help=u"Ne rien faire. Utile pour vérifier si le fichier ne contient pas d'erreur de syntaxe.")
AP.add_argument('-P', '--dump-action', action='store_const', dest='action', const='dump',
help=u"Afficher le contenu de la base de données.")
AP.add_argument('-c', '--config', dest='confname',
help=u"Spécifier le nom de la configuration à utiliser. Par défaut, utiliser le nom générique deploy.")
AP.add_argument('-q', '--query-type', dest='query_type',
AP.add_argument('-j', '--object-type', dest='object_type',
AP.add_argument('-t', '--link-type', dest='link_type',
AP.add_argument('-p', '--profile', dest='profile',
help=u"Spécifier le profil de déploiement")
AP.add_argument('-F', '--format', dest='format',
help=u"Spécifier le format pour la sortie. La valeur par défaut est shell.")
AP.add_argument('-v', '--include-vars', dest='vars', metavar='VARS...',
help=u"Spécifier les variables qui doivent être affichées. Par défaut, toutes les variables sont affichées.")
AP.add_argument('-o', '--object-vars', action='store_true', dest='object_vars',
help=u"Afficher les variables associées aux objets.")
AP.add_argument('-d', '--dest-vars', action='store_true', dest='dest_vars',
help=u"Afficher les variables associées aux hôtes destination.")
AP.add_argument('-l', '--link-vars', action='store_true', dest='link_vars',
help=u"Afficher les variables associées aux liens.")
AP.add_argument('--of', '--object-func', dest='object_func', metavar='FUNC',
help=u"Avec le format shell, spécifier le nom d'une fonction à afficher après les variables associées aux objets.")
AP.add_argument('--df', '--dest-func', dest='dest_func', metavar='FUNC',
help=u"Avec le format shell, spécifier le nom d'une fonction à afficher après les variables associées aux hôtes destination.")
AP.add_argument('--lf', '--link-func', dest='link_func', metavar='FUNC',
help=u"Avec le format shell, spécifier le nom d'une fonction à afficher après les variables associées aux liens.")
o = AP.parse_args()
Reference in New Issue
Block a user