# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- vim:sw=4:sts=4:et:ai:si:sta:fenc=utf-8

__ebegin_params = {}
def ebegin(msg, level=None, params=__ebegin_params):
    if not check_verbosity(level, V_INFO): return
    params['status'] = 0
    params['first'] = True
    print_stdout('%s:' % msg, '* ', COLOR_WHITE, nl=None)

def edot(status=0, msg=None, warn=None, level=None, params=__ebegin_params):
    # note: status est un exitcode (logique inversée)
    if not check_verbosity(level, V_INFO): return
    if not status and warn is not None:
        status = 1
    if not params.get('status', 0): params['status'] = status
    if params.get('first', True):
        print_stdout(' ', nl=None)
        params['first'] = False
    if display_debug():
        if status:
            if warn is not None:
                print_stdout(warn and '(%s)' % warn or '', 'w', COLOR_YELLOW, before=warn and '\n  ' or '', nl=None)
                print_stdout(msg and '(%s)' % msg or '', 'x', COLOR_RED, before=msg and '\n  ' or '', nl=None)
            print_stdout(msg and '(%s)' % msg or '', '.', before=msg and '\n  ' or '', nl=None)
        if status:
            if warn is not None:
                print_stdout('', 'w', COLOR_YELLOW, nl=None)
                print_stdout('', 'x', COLOR_RED, nl=None)
            print_stdout('.', nl=None)

def eend(status=None, level=None, params=__ebegin_params):
    # note: status est un exitcode (logique inversée)
    if not check_verbosity(level, V_INFO): return
    if status is None: status = params.get('status', 0)
    if not status:
        print_stdout('', ' ok', COLOR_GREEN)
        print_stdout('', ' error', COLOR_RED)
    return status