modifs.mineures sans commentaires

This commit is contained in:
Jephté Clain 2023-12-26 23:27:51 +04:00
parent ad88b16a32
commit 029a16f6de
6 changed files with 387 additions and 101 deletions

View File

@ -21,33 +21,47 @@ class Console implements IMessenger {
"m" => self::LEVEL_MAJOR,
protected static function verifix_level($level, bool $debug): int {
if ($level === null) $level = $debug? self::LEVEL_DEBUG: self::LEVEL_NORMAL;
if (!in_array($level, self::VALID_LEVELS, true)) {
$level = cl::get(self::LEVEL_MAP, $level, $level);
if (!in_array($level, self::VALID_LEVELS, true)) {
throw new Exception("$level: invalid level");
return $level;
self::LEVEL_MAJOR => [
"section" => [true, "SECTION!", "===", "<color @b>= ", " =</color>", "==="],
"title" => ["TITLE!", null, "<color @b>T</color><color b> ", "</color>", "---"],
"desc" => ["DESC!", "<color @b>></color> ", ""],
"error" => ["CRITICAL!", "<color @r>E! ", "</color>"],
"warn" => ["ATTENTION!", "<color @y>W! ", "</color>"],
"note" => ["IMPORTANT!", "<color @g>N! ", "</color>"],
"info" => ["IMPORTANT!", "<color @b>I! ", "</color>"],
"section" => [true, "SECTION!", "===", "<color @b>=", "=</color>", "==="],
"title" => [false, "TITLE!", null, "<color @b>T</color><color b>", "</color>", "---"],
"desc" => ["DESC!", "<color @b>></color>", ""],
"error" => ["CRITICAL!", "<color @r>E!", "</color>"],
"warn" => ["ATTENTION!", "<color @y>W!", "</color>"],
"note" => ["IMPORTANT!", "<color @g>N!", "</color>"],
"info" => ["IMPORTANT!", "<color @b>I!", "</color>"],
"print" => [null, null, null],
self::LEVEL_NORMAL => [
"section" => [true, "SECTION:", null, "<color @b>>> ", " <<</color>", "---"],
"title" => ["TITLE:", null, "<color @b>T</color><color b> ", "</color>", null],
"desc" => ["DESC:", "<color @b>></color> ", ""],
"error" => ["ERROR:", "<color @r>E</color><color r> ", "</color>"],
"warn" => ["WARN:", "<color @y>W</color><color y> ", "</color>"],
"note" => ["NOTE:", "<color @g>N</color> ", ""],
"info" => ["INFO:", "<color @b>I</color> ", ""],
"section" => [true, "SECTION:", "---", "<color @b>-", "-</color>", "---"],
"title" => [false, "TITLE:", null, "<color @b>T</color><color b>", "</color>", null],
"desc" => ["DESC:", "<color @b>></color>", ""],
"error" => ["ERROR:", "<color @r>E</color><color r>", "</color>"],
"warn" => ["WARN:", "<color @y>W</color><color y>", "</color>"],
"note" => ["NOTE:", "<color @g>N</color>", ""],
"info" => ["INFO:", "<color @b>I</color>", ""],
"print" => [null, null, null],
self::LEVEL_DEBUG => [
"section" => [false, "s", null, "<color @w>>> ", " <<</color>", null],
"title" => ["t", "<color b>t ", "</color>"],
"desc" => [">", "<color b>></color> ", ""],
"error" => ["e", "<color r>e</color><color -r> ", "</color>"],
"warn" => ["w", "<color y>w</color><color -y> ", "</color>"],
"note" => ["i", "<color b>i</color> ", ""],
"info" => ["D", "<color @w>D</color><color w> ", "</color>"],
"section" => [false, "section", null, "<color @w>>>", "<<</color>", null],
"title" => [false, "title", null, "<color b>t", "</color>", null],
"desc" => [">", "<color b>></color>", ""],
"error" => ["e", "<color r>e</color><color -r>", "</color>"],
"warn" => ["w", "<color y>w</color><color -y>", "</color>"],
"note" => ["i", "<color b>i</color>", ""],
"info" => ["D", "<color @w>D</color><color w>", "</color>"],
"print" => [null, null, null],
@ -59,25 +73,24 @@ class Console implements IMessenger {
function __construct(?array $params=null) {
$color = cl::get($params, "color");
$debug = boolval(cl::get($params, "debug"));
$minLevel = cl::get($params, "min_level");
if ($minLevel === null) $minLevel = $debug? self::LEVEL_DEBUG: self::LEVEL_NORMAL;
if (!in_array($minLevel, self::VALID_LEVELS)) {
$minLevel = cl::get(self::LEVEL_MAP, $minLevel, $minLevel);
if (!in_array($minLevel, self::VALID_LEVELS)) {
throw new Exception("$minLevel: invalid level");
$minLevel = self::verifix_level(cl::get($params, "min_level"), $debug);
$defaultLevel = self::verifix_level(cl::get($params, "default_level"), false);
$this->out = new StdOutput(STDOUT);
$this->err = new StdOutput(STDERR);
$params = [
"color" => $color,
"indent" => static::INDENT,
$this->out = new StdOutput(STDOUT, $params);
$this->err = new StdOutput(STDERR, $params);
$this->minLevel = intval($minLevel);
$this->indent = static::INDENT;
$this->defaultLevel = intval($defaultLevel);
$this->inSection = false;
$this->titles = null;
$this->currentTitle = null;
$this->actions = null;
$this->currentAction = null;
$this->titles = [];
$this->title = null;
$this->actions = [];
$this->action = null;
/** @var StdOutput la sortie standard */
@ -89,25 +102,93 @@ class Console implements IMessenger {
/** @var int level minimum que doivent avoir les messages pour être affichés */
protected $minLevel;
/** @var string valeur unitaire de l'indentation */
protected $indent;
/** @var int level par défaut dans lequel les messages sont affichés */
protected $defaultLevel;
protected function checkLevel(?int &$level): bool {
if ($level === null) $level = $this->defaultLevel;
return $level >= $this->minLevel;
protected function _printTitle(int $level, string $type, $content, int $indentLevel, StdOutput $out): void {
$prefixes = self::GENERIC_PREFIXES[$level][$type];
if ($prefixes[0]) $out->print();
if ($out->isColor()) {
$before = $prefixes[2];
$prefix = $prefixes[3];
$prefix2 = $prefix !== null? "$prefix ": null;
$suffix = $prefixes[4];
$suffix2 = $suffix !== null? " $suffix": null;
$after = $prefixes[5];
$lines = $out->getLines(false, $content);
$maxlen = 0;
foreach ($lines as &$content) {
$line = $out->filterColors($content);
$len = strlen($line);
if ($len > $maxlen) $maxlen = $len;
$content = [$content, $len];
}; unset($content);
if ($before !== null) {
$out->iprint($indentLevel, $prefix, substr($before, 1), str_repeat($before[0], $maxlen), $suffix);
foreach ($lines as [$content, $len]) {
$padding = $len < $maxlen? str_repeat(" ", $maxlen - $len): null;
$out->iprint($indentLevel, $prefix2, $content, $padding, $suffix2);
if ($after !== null) {
$out->iprint($indentLevel, $prefix, substr($after, 1), str_repeat($after[0], $maxlen), $suffix);
} else {
$prefix = $prefixes[1];
if ($prefix !== null) $prefix .= " ";
$prefix2 = str_repeat(" ", strlen($prefix));
$lines = $out->getLines(false, $content);
foreach ($lines as $content) {
$out->iprint($indentLevel, $prefix, $content);
$prefix = $prefix2;
protected function _printGeneric(int $level, string $type, $content, int $indentLevel, StdOutput $out): void {
$prefixes = self::GENERIC_PREFIXES[$level][$type];
if ($out->isColor()) {
$prefix = $prefixes[1];
$suffix = $prefixes[2];
} else {
$prefix = $prefixes[0];
$suffix = null;
$line = [$prefix];
if ($prefix !== null) $line[] = " ";
$line[] = $content;
$line[] = $suffix;
$out->iprint($indentLevel, ...$line);
/** @var bool est-on dans une section? */
protected $inSection;
/** @var array|string section qui est en attente d'affichage */
/** @var array section qui est en attente d'affichage */
protected $section;
function section($content, int $level=self::LEVEL_NORMAL): void {
function section($content, ?int $level=null): void {
$this->inSection = true;
if ($level < $this->minLevel) return;
$this->section = $content;
if (!$this->checkLevel($level)) return;
$this->section = [
"level" => $level,
"content" => $content,
"print_content" => true,
protected function printSection() {
if ($this->section !== null) {
$this->section = null;
$section =& $this->section;
if ($section["print_content"]) {
$this->_printTitle($section["level"], "section", $section["content"], 0, $this->err);
$section["print_content"] = false;
@ -120,34 +201,57 @@ class Console implements IMessenger {
protected $titles;
/** @var array */
protected $currentTitle;
protected $title;
function title($content, int $level=self::LEVEL_NORMAL): void {
if ($level < $this->minLevel) return;
function title($content, ?int $level=null): void {
if (!$this->checkLevel($level)) return;
$this->titles[] = [
"title" => $content,
"level" => $level,
"content" => $content,
"print_content" => true,
"descs" => [],
"print" => true,
"print_descs" => false,
$this->currentTitle =& $this->titles[count($this->titles) - 1];
$this->title =& $this->titles[count($this->titles) - 1];
function desc($content, int $level=self::LEVEL_NORMAL): void {
if ($level < $this->minLevel) return;
$this->currentTitle["descs"][] = $content;
function desc($content, ?int $level=null): void {
if (!$this->checkLevel($level)) return;
$title =& $this->title;
$title["descs"][] = [
"level" => $level,
"content" => $content,
$title["print_descs"] = true;
protected function printTitles(): void {
$out = $this->err;
$indentLevel = 0;
foreach ($this->titles as &$title) {
if ($title["print_content"]) {
$this->_printTitle($title["level"], "title", $title["content"], $indentLevel, $out);
$title["print_content"] = false;
if ($title["print_descs"]) {
foreach ($title["descs"] as $desc) {
$this->_printGeneric($desc["level"], "desc", $desc["content"], $indentLevel, $out);
$title["descs"] = [];
$title["print_descs"] = false;
}; unset($title);
protected function endTitle(): void {
if ($this->titles) {
$this->currentTitle =& $this->titles[count($this->titles) - 1];
$this->title =& $this->titles[count($this->titles) - 1];
} else {
$this->titles = null;
$this->titles = [];
@ -155,9 +259,19 @@ class Console implements IMessenger {
protected $actions;
/** @var array */
protected $currentAction;
protected $action;
function action($content, int $level=self::LEVEL_NORMAL): void {
protected function getIndentLevel(): int {
$indentLevel = count($this->titles) - 1;
if ($indentLevel < 0) $indentLevel = 0;
foreach ($this->actions as $action) {
if ($action["level"] < $this->minLevel) continue;
return $indentLevel;
function action($content, ?int $level=null): void {
$this->actions[] = [
"level" => $level,
"content" => $content,
@ -166,77 +280,81 @@ class Console implements IMessenger {
"result" => null,
"print_result" => true,
$this->currentAction =& $this->actions[count($this->actions) - 1];
$this->action =& $this->actions[count($this->actions) - 1];
function printActions(): void {
function printActions(bool $willEnd=false): void {
function step($content): void {
function step($content, ?int $level=null): void {
if (!$this->actions) $this->action(null);
function success($content=null): void {
if (!$this->actions) $this->action(null);
$this->currentAction["success"] = true;
$this->currentAction["result"] = $content;
$this->action["success"] = true;
$this->action["result"] = $content;
function failure($content=null): void {
if (!$this->actions) $this->action(null);
$this->currentAction["success"] = false;
$this->currentAction["result"] = $content;
$this->action["success"] = false;
$this->action["result"] = $content;
function neutral($content=null): void {
if (!$this->actions) $this->action(null);
$this->currentAction["success"] = null;
$this->currentAction["result"] = $content;
$this->action["success"] = null;
$this->action["result"] = $content;
protected function endAction(): void {
if ($this->actions) {
$this->currentAction =& $this->actions[count($this->actions) - 1];
$this->action =& $this->actions[count($this->actions) - 1];
} else {
$this->actions = null;
$this->actions = [];
function print($content, int $level=self::LEVEL_NORMAL): void {
if ($level < $this->minLevel) return;
function print($content, ?int $level=null): void {
if (!$this->checkLevel($level)) return;
$this->_printGeneric($level, "print", $content, $this->getIndentLevel(), $this->out);
function info($content, int $level=self::LEVEL_NORMAL): void {
if ($level < $this->minLevel) return;
function info($content, ?int $level=null): void {
if (!$this->checkLevel($level)) return;
$this->_printGeneric($level, "info", $content, $this->getIndentLevel(), $this->err);
function note($content, int $level=self::LEVEL_NORMAL): void {
if ($level < $this->minLevel) return;
function note($content, ?int $level=null): void {
if (!$this->checkLevel($level)) return;
$this->_printGeneric($level, "note", $content, $this->getIndentLevel(), $this->err);
function warn($content, int $level=self::LEVEL_NORMAL): void {
if ($level < $this->minLevel) return;
function warn($content, ?int $level=null): void {
if (!$this->checkLevel($level)) return;
$this->_printGeneric($level, "warn", $content, $this->getIndentLevel(), $this->err);
function error($content, int $level=self::LEVEL_NORMAL): void {
if ($level < $this->minLevel) return;
function error($content, ?int $level=null): void {
if (!$this->checkLevel($level)) return;
$this->_printGeneric($level, "error", $content, $this->getIndentLevel(), $this->err);
function end(bool $all=false) {

src/output/IContent.php Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
namespace nur\sery\output;
* Interface IContent: un objet capable de produire du contenu à afficher
interface IContent {
/** retourner le contenu à afficher */
function getContent(): iterable;

View File

@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ interface IMessenger {
* flush tous les messages en cours. ne peut être imbriqué. on peut considérer
* que c'est une sorte de "reset" de l'objet
function section($content, int $level=self::LEVEL_NORMAL): void;
function section($content, ?int $level=null): void;
* commencer un chapitre.
@ -21,24 +21,24 @@ interface IMessenger {
* peut être imbriqué dans un autre chapitre. terminer automatiquement
* l'action en cours avec un résultat neutre
function title($content, int $level=self::LEVEL_NORMAL): void;
function title($content, ?int $level=null): void;
/** ajouter une description au chapitre courant. */
function desc($content, int $level=self::LEVEL_NORMAL): void;
function desc($content, ?int $level=null): void;
* comencer une action dans le chapitre courant.
* peut être imbriqué dans une autre action.
function action($content, int $level=self::LEVEL_NORMAL): void;
function action($content, ?int $level=null): void;
* ajouter une étape à l'action courante.
* démarrer une action le cas échéant (et la terminer aussitôt)
function step($content): void;
function step($content, ?int $level=null): void;
* terminer l'action courante avec le résultat "succès"
@ -62,19 +62,19 @@ interface IMessenger {
function neutral($content=null): void;
/** afficher une donnée non structurée */
function print($content, int $level=self::LEVEL_NORMAL): void;
function print($content, ?int $level=null): void;
/** ajouter un événément "information" */
function info($content, int $level=self::LEVEL_NORMAL): void;
function info($content, ?int $level=null): void;
/** ajouter un événément "information importante" */
function note($content, int $level=self::LEVEL_NORMAL): void;
function note($content, ?int $level=null): void;
/** ajouter un événément "avertissement" */
function warn($content, int $level=self::LEVEL_NORMAL): void;
function warn($content, ?int $level=null): void;
/** ajouter un événément "erreur" */
function error($content, int $level=self::LEVEL_NORMAL): void;
function error($content, ?int $level=null): void;
* terminer le chapitre en cours. toutes les actions en cours sont terminées

src/output/IPrintable.php Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
namespace nur\sery\output;
* Interface IPrintable: un objet qui peut écrire du contenu sur la sortie
* standard
interface IPrintable {
/** afficher le contenu */
function print(): void;

View File

@ -72,6 +72,7 @@ class StdOutput {
if ($output === null) $output = cl::get($params, "output");
$color = cl::get($params, "color");
$filterTags = cl::get($params, "filter_tags", true);
$indent = cl::get($params, "indent", " ");
$flush = cl::get($params, "flush");
if ($output === null) {
@ -100,6 +101,7 @@ class StdOutput {
$this->outf = $outf;
$this->color = boolval($color);
$this->filterTags = boolval($filterTags);
$this->indent = $indent;
$this->flush = boolval($flush);
@ -116,6 +118,9 @@ class StdOutput {
/** @var bool faut-il enlever les tags dans la sortie? */
protected $filterTags;
/** @var string indentation unitaire */
protected $indent;
/** @var bool faut-il flush le fichier après l'écriture de chaque ligne */
protected $flush;
@ -155,24 +160,82 @@ class StdOutput {
return $text;
protected function filterColors(string $text): string {
function filterColors(string $text): string {
return preg_replace('/\x1B\[.*?m/', "", $text);
protected function fwrite(array $values): void {
static function flatten($values, ?array &$dest=null): array {
if ($dest === null) $dest = [];
if ($values === null) return $dest;
if (is_string($values)) {
$dest[] = $values;
return $dest;
} elseif (!is_array($values)) {
if ($values instanceof IContent) {
$values = $values->getContent();
} elseif ($values instanceof IPrintable) {
$dest[] = ob_get_clean();
return $dest;
} elseif (!is_iterable($values)) {
$dest[] = strval($values);
return $dest;
foreach ($values as $value) {
self::flatten($value, $dest);
return $dest;
function getIndent(int $indentLevel): string {
return str_repeat($this->indent, $indentLevel);
function getLines(bool $withNl, ...$values): array {
$values = self::flatten($values);
$text = implode("", $values);
$text = $this->filterContent($text);
if (!$this->color) $text = $this->filterColors($text);
fwrite($this->outf, $text);
if ($this->flush) fflush($this->outf);
$lines = explode("\n", $text);
$max = count($lines) - 1;
if ($withNl) {
for ($i = 0; $i < $max; $i++) {
$lines[$i] .= "\n";
if ($lines[$max] === "") unset($lines[$max]);
return $lines;
function writeLines($indent, array $lines, bool $addNl=false): void {
$outf = $this->outf;
foreach ($lines as $line) {
if ($indent !== null) fwrite($outf, $indent);
fwrite($outf, $line);
if ($addNl) fwrite($outf, "\n");
if ($this->flush) fflush($outf);
function write(...$values): void {
$this->writeLines(null, $this->getLines(true, ...$values));
function print(...$values): void {
$values[] = "\n";
$this->writeLines(null, $this->getLines(true, ...$values));
function iwrite(int $indentLevel, ...$values): void {
$indent = $this->getIndent($indentLevel);
$this->writeLines($indent, $this->getLines(true, ...$values));
function iprint(int $indentLevel, ...$values): void {
$values[] = "\n";
$indent = $this->getIndent($indentLevel);
$this->writeLines($indent, $this->getLines(true, ...$values));

tbin/test-console.php Executable file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
use nur\sery\output\Console;
$params = [];
$count = count($argv) - 1;
for ($i = 1; $i <= $count; $i++) {
switch ($argv[$i]) {
case "-n":
$params["color"] = false;
case "+n":
$params["color"] = true;
case "-d":
$params["debug"] = true;
case "+d":
$params["debug"] = false;
case "-D":
$params["default_level"] = "debug";
$params["debug"] = true;
case "-N":
$params["default_level"] = "normal";
case "-M":
$params["default_level"] = "major";
$c = new Console($params);
$c->success("action success");
$c->failure("action failure");
$c->success("action success");
$c->failure("action failure");
$c->success("action2 success");
$c->success("action1 success");
$c->success("action0 success");
$c->print("print under title1");
$c->print("print under title0");