/*! SearchPanes 2.0.0 * 2019-2022 SpryMedia Ltd - datatables.net/license */ (function () { 'use strict'; var $$4; var dataTable$1; function setJQuery$4(jq) { $$4 = jq; dataTable$1 = jq.fn.dataTable; } var SearchPane = /** @class */ (function () { /** * Creates the panes, sets up the search function * * @param paneSettings The settings for the searchPanes * @param opts The options for the default features * @param index the index of the column for this pane * @param panesContainer The overall container for SearchPanes that this pane will be attached to * @param panes The custom pane settings if this is a custom pane * @returns {object} the pane that has been created, including the table and the index of the pane */ function SearchPane(paneSettings, opts, index, panesContainer, panes) { var _this = this; if (panes === void 0) { panes = null; } // Check that the required version of DataTables is included if (!dataTable$1 || !dataTable$1.versionCheck || !dataTable$1.versionCheck('1.10.0')) { throw new Error('SearchPane requires DataTables 1.10 or newer'); } // Check that Select is included // eslint-disable-next-line no-extra-parens if (!dataTable$1.select) { throw new Error('SearchPane requires Select'); } var table = new dataTable$1.Api(paneSettings); this.classes = $$4.extend(true, {}, SearchPane.classes); // Get options from user this.c = $$4.extend(true, {}, SearchPane.defaults, opts); if (opts && opts.hideCount && opts.viewCount === undefined) { this.c.viewCount = !this.c.hideCount; } var rowLength = table.columns().eq(0).toArray().length; this.s = { colExists: index < rowLength, colOpts: undefined, customPaneSettings: panes, displayed: false, dt: table, dtPane: undefined, firstSet: true, index: index, indexes: [], listSet: false, name: undefined, rowData: { arrayFilter: [], arrayOriginal: [], bins: {}, binsOriginal: {}, filterMap: new Map(), totalOptions: 0 }, scrollTop: 0, searchFunction: undefined, selections: [], serverSelect: [], serverSelecting: false, tableLength: null, updating: false }; this.s.colOpts = this.s.colExists ? this._getOptions() : this._getBonusOptions(); this.dom = { buttonGroup: $$4('<div/>').addClass(this.classes.buttonGroup), clear: $$4('<button type="button">×</button>') .attr('disabled', 'true') .addClass(this.classes.disabledButton) .addClass(this.classes.paneButton) .addClass(this.classes.clearButton) .html(this.s.dt.i18n('searchPanes.clearPane', this.c.i18n.clearPane)), collapseButton: $$4('<button type="button"><span class="' + this.classes.caret + '">^</span></button>') .addClass(this.classes.paneButton) .addClass(this.classes.collapseButton), container: $$4('<div/>') .addClass(this.classes.container) .addClass(this.s.colOpts.className) .addClass(this.classes.layout + (parseInt(this.c.layout.split('-')[1], 10) < 10 ? this.c.layout : this.c.layout.split('-')[0] + '-9')) .addClass(this.s.customPaneSettings && this.s.customPaneSettings.className ? this.s.customPaneSettings.className : ''), countButton: $$4('<button type="button"></button>') .addClass(this.classes.paneButton) .addClass(this.classes.countButton), dtP: $$4('<table><thead><tr><th>' + (this.s.colExists ? $$4(this.s.dt.column(this.s.index).header()).text() : this.s.customPaneSettings.header || 'Custom Pane') + '</th><th/></tr></thead></table>'), lower: $$4('<div/>').addClass(this.classes.subRow2).addClass(this.classes.narrowButton), nameButton: $$4('<button type="button"></button>') .addClass(this.classes.paneButton) .addClass(this.classes.nameButton), panesContainer: panesContainer, searchBox: $$4('<input/>').addClass(this.classes.paneInputButton).addClass(this.classes.search), searchButton: $$4('<button type = "button"/>') .addClass(this.classes.searchIcon) .addClass(this.classes.paneButton), searchCont: $$4('<div/>').addClass(this.classes.searchCont), searchLabelCont: $$4('<div/>').addClass(this.classes.searchLabelCont), topRow: $$4('<div/>').addClass(this.classes.topRow), upper: $$4('<div/>').addClass(this.classes.subRow1).addClass(this.classes.narrowSearch) }; // Set the value of name incase ordering is desired if (this.s.colOpts.name) { this.s.name = this.s.colOpts.name; } else if (this.s.customPaneSettings && this.s.customPaneSettings.name) { this.s.name = this.s.customPaneSettings.name; } else { this.s.name = this.s.colExists ? $$4(this.s.dt.column(this.s.index).header()).text() : this.s.customPaneSettings.header || 'Custom Pane'; } var tableNode = this.s.dt.table(0).node(); // Custom search function for table this.s.searchFunction = function (settings, searchData, dataIndex) { // If no data has been selected then show all if (_this.s.selections.length === 0) { return true; } if (settings.nTable !== tableNode) { return true; } var filter = null; if (_this.s.colExists) { // Get the current filtered data filter = searchData[_this.s.index]; if (_this.s.colOpts.orthogonal.filter !== 'filter') { // get the filter value from the map filter = _this.s.rowData.filterMap.get(dataIndex); if (filter instanceof $$4.fn.dataTable.Api) { // eslint-disable-next-line no-extra-parens filter = filter.toArray(); } } } return _this._search(filter, dataIndex); }; $$4.fn.dataTable.ext.search.push(this.s.searchFunction); // If the clear button for this pane is clicked clear the selections if (this.c.clear) { this.dom.clear.on('click.dtsp', function () { var searches = _this.dom.container.find('.' + _this.classes.search.replace(/\s+/g, '.')); searches.each(function () { $$4(this).val('').trigger('input'); }); _this.clearPane(); }); } // Sometimes the top row of the panes containing the search box and ordering buttons appears // weird if the width of the panes is lower than expected, this fixes the design. // Equally this may occur when the table is resized. this.s.dt.on('draw.dtsp', function () { return _this.adjustTopRow(); }); this.s.dt.on('buttons-action.dtsp', function () { return _this.adjustTopRow(); }); // When column-reorder is present and the columns are moved, it is necessary to // reassign all of the panes indexes to the new index of the column. this.s.dt.on('column-reorder.dtsp', function (e, settings, details) { _this.s.index = details.mapping[_this.s.index]; }); return this; } /** * Adds a row to the panes table * * @param display the value to be displayed to the user * @param filter the value to be filtered on when searchpanes is implemented * @param shown the number of rows in the table that are currently visible matching this criteria * @param total the total number of rows in the table that match this criteria * @param sort the value to be sorted in the pane table * @param type the value of which the type is to be derived from */ SearchPane.prototype.addRow = function (display, filter, sort, type, className, total, shown) { if (!total) { total = this.s.rowData.bins[filter] ? this.s.rowData.bins[filter] : 0; } if (!shown) { shown = this._getShown(filter); } var index; for (var _i = 0, _a = this.s.indexes; _i < _a.length; _i++) { var entry = _a[_i]; if (entry.filter === filter) { index = entry.index; } } if (index === undefined) { index = this.s.indexes.length; this.s.indexes.push({ filter: filter, index: index }); } return this.s.dtPane.row.add({ className: className, display: display !== '' ? display : this.emptyMessage(), filter: filter, index: index, shown: shown, sort: sort, total: total, type: type }); }; /** * Adjusts the layout of the top row when the screen is resized */ SearchPane.prototype.adjustTopRow = function () { var subContainers = this.dom.container.find('.' + this.classes.subRowsContainer.replace(/\s+/g, '.')); var subRow1 = this.dom.container.find('.' + this.classes.subRow1.replace(/\s+/g, '.')); var subRow2 = this.dom.container.find('.' + this.classes.subRow2.replace(/\s+/g, '.')); var topRow = this.dom.container.find('.' + this.classes.topRow.replace(/\s+/g, '.')); // If the width is 0 then it is safe to assume that the pane has not yet been displayed. // Even if it has, if the width is 0 it won't make a difference if it has the narrow class or not if (($$4(subContainers[0]).width() < 252 || $$4(topRow[0]).width() < 252) && $$4(subContainers[0]).width() !== 0) { $$4(subContainers[0]).addClass(this.classes.narrow); $$4(subRow1[0]).addClass(this.classes.narrowSub).removeClass(this.classes.narrowSearch); $$4(subRow2[0]).addClass(this.classes.narrowSub).removeClass(this.classes.narrowButton); } else { $$4(subContainers[0]).removeClass(this.classes.narrow); $$4(subRow1[0]).removeClass(this.classes.narrowSub).addClass(this.classes.narrowSearch); $$4(subRow2[0]).removeClass(this.classes.narrowSub).addClass(this.classes.narrowButton); } }; /** * In the case of a rebuild there is potential for new data to have been included or removed * so all of the rowData must be reset as a precaution. */ SearchPane.prototype.clearData = function () { this.s.rowData = { arrayFilter: [], arrayOriginal: [], bins: {}, binsOriginal: {}, filterMap: new Map(), totalOptions: 0 }; }; /** * Clear the selections in the pane */ SearchPane.prototype.clearPane = function () { // Deselect all rows which are selected and update the table and filter count. this.s.dtPane.rows({ selected: true }).deselect(); this.updateTable(); return this; }; /** * Collapses the pane so that only the header is displayed */ SearchPane.prototype.collapse = function () { var _this = this; if (!this.s.displayed || ( // If collapsing is disabled globally, and not enabled specifically for this column !this.c.collapse && this.s.colOpts.collapse !== true || // OR, collapsing could be enabled globally and this column specifically // is not to be collapsed. // We can't just take !this.s.colOpts.collapse here as if it is undefined // then the global should be used this.s.colOpts.collapse === false)) { return; } $$4(this.s.dtPane.table().container()).addClass(this.classes.hidden); this.dom.topRow.addClass(this.classes.bordered); this.dom.nameButton.addClass(this.classes.disabledButton); this.dom.countButton.addClass(this.classes.disabledButton); this.dom.searchButton.addClass(this.classes.disabledButton); this.dom.collapseButton.addClass(this.classes.rotated); this.dom.topRow.one('click.dtsp', function () { return _this.show(); }); }; /** * Strips all of the SearchPanes elements from the document and turns all of the listeners for the buttons off */ SearchPane.prototype.destroy = function () { if (this.s.dtPane) { this.s.dtPane.off('.dtsp'); } this.s.dt.off('.dtsp'); this.dom.clear.off('.dtsp'); this.dom.nameButton.off('.dtsp'); this.dom.countButton.off('.dtsp'); this.dom.searchButton.off('.dtsp'); this.dom.collapseButton.off('.dtsp'); $$4(this.s.dt.table().node()).off('.dtsp'); this.dom.container.detach(); var searchIdx = $$4.fn.dataTable.ext.search.indexOf(this.s.searchFunction); while (searchIdx !== -1) { $$4.fn.dataTable.ext.search.splice(searchIdx, 1); searchIdx = $$4.fn.dataTable.ext.search.indexOf(this.s.searchFunction); } // If the datatables have been defined for the panes then also destroy these if (this.s.dtPane) { this.s.dtPane.destroy(); } this.s.listSet = false; }; /** * Getting the legacy message is a little complex due a legacy parameter */ SearchPane.prototype.emptyMessage = function () { var def = this.c.i18n.emptyMessage; // Legacy parameter support if (this.c.emptyMessage) { def = this.c.emptyMessage; } // Override per column if (this.s.colOpts.emptyMessage !== false && this.s.colOpts.emptyMessage !== null) { def = this.s.colOpts.emptyMessage; } return this.s.dt.i18n('searchPanes.emptyMessage', def); }; /** * Updates the number of filters that have been applied in the title */ SearchPane.prototype.getPaneCount = function () { return this.s.dtPane ? this.s.dtPane.rows({ selected: true }).data().toArray().length : 0; }; /** * Rebuilds the panes from the start having deleted the old ones * * @param? dataIn data to be used in buildPane * @param? maintainSelection Whether the current selections are to be maintained over rebuild */ SearchPane.prototype.rebuildPane = function (dataIn, maintainSelection) { if (dataIn === void 0) { dataIn = null; } if (maintainSelection === void 0) { maintainSelection = false; } this.clearData(); var selectedRows = []; this.s.serverSelect = []; var prevEl = null; // When rebuilding strip all of the HTML Elements out of the container and start from scratch if (this.s.dtPane) { if (maintainSelection) { if (!this.s.dt.page.info().serverSide) { selectedRows = this.s.dtPane.rows({ selected: true }).data().toArray(); } else { this.s.serverSelect = this.s.dtPane.rows({ selected: true }).data().toArray(); } } this.s.dtPane.clear().destroy(); prevEl = this.dom.container.prev(); this.destroy(); this.s.dtPane = undefined; $$4.fn.dataTable.ext.search.push(this.s.searchFunction); } this.dom.container.removeClass(this.classes.hidden); this.s.displayed = false; this._buildPane(!this.s.dt.page.info().serverSide ? selectedRows : this.s.serverSelect, dataIn, prevEl); return this; }; /** * Resizes the pane based on the layout that is passed in * * @param layout the layout to be applied to this pane */ SearchPane.prototype.resize = function (layout) { this.c.layout = layout; this.dom.container .removeClass() .addClass(this.classes.show) .addClass(this.classes.container) .addClass(this.s.colOpts.className) .addClass(this.classes.layout + (parseInt(layout.split('-')[1], 10) < 10 ? layout : layout.split('-')[0] + '-9')) .addClass(this.s.customPaneSettings !== null && this.s.customPaneSettings.className ? this.s.customPaneSettings.className : ''); this.adjustTopRow(); }; /** * Sets the listeners for the pane. * * Having it in it's own function makes it easier to only set them once */ SearchPane.prototype.setListeners = function () { var _this = this; if (!this.s.dtPane) { return; } this.s.dtPane.select.style('os'); var t0; // When an item is selected on the pane, add these to the array which holds selected items. // Custom search will perform. this.s.dtPane.off('select.dtsp').on('select.dtsp', function () { clearTimeout(t0); _this._updateSelection(!_this.s.updating); _this.dom.clear.removeClass(_this.classes.disabledButton).removeAttr('disabled'); }); // When an item is deselected on the pane, re add the currently selected items to the array // which holds selected items. Custom search will be performed. this.s.dtPane.off('deselect.dtsp').on('deselect.dtsp', function () { t0 = setTimeout(function () { _this._updateSelection(true); if (_this.s.dtPane.rows({ selected: true }).data().toArray().length === 0) { _this.dom.clear.addClass(_this.classes.disabledButton).attr('disabled', 'true'); } }, 50); }); // If we attempty to turn off this event then it will ruin behaviour in other panes // so need to make sure that it is only done once if (this.s.firstSet) { this.s.firstSet = false; // When saving the state store all of the selected rows for preselection next time around this.s.dt.on('stateSaveParams.dtsp', function (e, settings, data) { // If the data being passed in is empty then state clear must have occured // so clear the panes state as well if ($$4.isEmptyObject(data)) { _this.s.dtPane.state.clear(); return; } var bins; var order; var selected = []; var collapsed; var searchTerm; var arrayFilter; // Get all of the data needed for the state save from the pane if (_this.s.dtPane) { selected = _this.s.dtPane .rows({ selected: true }) .data() .map(function (item) { return item.filter.toString(); }) .toArray(); searchTerm = _this.dom.searchBox.val(); order = _this.s.dtPane.order(); bins = _this.s.rowData.binsOriginal; arrayFilter = _this.s.rowData.arrayOriginal; collapsed = _this.dom.collapseButton.hasClass(_this.classes.rotated); } if (data.searchPanes === undefined) { data.searchPanes = {}; } if (data.searchPanes.panes === undefined) { data.searchPanes.panes = []; } for (var i = 0; i < data.searchPanes.panes.length; i++) { if (data.searchPanes.panes[i].id === _this.s.index) { data.searchPanes.panes.splice(i, 1); i--; } } // Add the panes data to the state object data.searchPanes.panes.push({ arrayFilter: arrayFilter, bins: bins, collapsed: collapsed, id: _this.s.index, order: order, searchTerm: searchTerm, selected: selected }); }); } this.s.dtPane.off('user-select.dtsp').on('user-select.dtsp', function (e, _dt, type, cell, originalEvent) { originalEvent.stopPropagation(); }); this.s.dtPane.off('draw.dtsp').on('draw.dtsp', function () { return _this.adjustTopRow(); }); // When the button to order by the name of the options is clicked then // change the ordering to whatever it isn't currently this.dom.nameButton.off('click.dtsp').on('click.dtsp', function () { var currentOrder = _this.s.dtPane.order()[0][1]; _this.s.dtPane.order([0, currentOrder === 'asc' ? 'desc' : 'asc']).draw(); // This state save is required so that the ordering of the panes is maintained _this.s.dt.state.save(); }); // When the button to order by the number of entries in the column is clicked then // change the ordering to whatever it isn't currently this.dom.countButton.off('click.dtsp').on('click.dtsp', function () { var currentOrder = _this.s.dtPane.order()[0][1]; _this.s.dtPane.order([1, currentOrder === 'asc' ? 'desc' : 'asc']).draw(); // This state save is required so that the ordering of the panes is maintained _this.s.dt.state.save(); }); // When the button to order by the number of entries in the column is clicked then // change the ordering to whatever it isn't currently this.dom.collapseButton.off('click.dtsp').on('click.dtsp', function (e) { e.stopPropagation(); var container = $$4(_this.s.dtPane.table().container()); // Toggle the classes container.toggleClass(_this.classes.hidden); _this.dom.topRow.toggleClass(_this.classes.bordered); _this.dom.nameButton.toggleClass(_this.classes.disabledButton); _this.dom.countButton.toggleClass(_this.classes.disabledButton); _this.dom.searchButton.toggleClass(_this.classes.disabledButton); _this.dom.collapseButton.toggleClass(_this.classes.rotated); if (container.hasClass(_this.classes.hidden)) { _this.dom.topRow.on('click.dtsp', function () { return _this.dom.collapseButton.click(); }); } else { _this.dom.topRow.off('click.dtsp'); } _this.s.dt.state.save(); }); // When the clear button is clicked reset the pane this.dom.clear.off('click.dtsp').on('click.dtsp', function () { var searches = _this.dom.container.find('.' + _this.classes.search.replace(/ /g, '.')); searches.each(function () { // set the value of the search box to be an empty string and then search on that, effectively reseting $$4(this).val('').trigger('input'); }); _this.clearPane(); }); // When the search button is clicked then draw focus to the search box this.dom.searchButton.off('click.dtsp').on('click.dtsp', function () { return _this.dom.searchBox.focus(); }); // When a character is inputted into the searchbox search the pane for matching values. // Doing it this way means that no button has to be clicked to trigger a search, it is done asynchronously this.dom.searchBox.off('click.dtsp').on('input.dtsp', function () { var searchval = _this.dom.searchBox.val(); _this.s.dtPane.search(searchval).draw(); if (typeof searchval === 'string' && (searchval.length > 0 || searchval.length === 0 && _this.s.dtPane.rows({ selected: true }).data().toArray().length > 0)) { _this.dom.clear.removeClass(_this.classes.disabledButton).removeAttr('disabled'); } else { _this.dom.clear.addClass(_this.classes.disabledButton).attr('disabled', 'true'); } // This state save is required so that the searching on the panes is maintained _this.s.dt.state.save(); }); // WORKAROUND // If this line is removed, the select listeners aren't present on // the panes for some reason when a rebuild occurs this.s.dtPane.select.style('os'); }; /** * Populates the SearchPane based off of the data that has been recieved from the server * * This method is overriden by SearchPaneST * * @param dataIn The data that has been sent from the server */ SearchPane.prototype._serverPopulate = function (dataIn) { if (dataIn.tableLength) { this.s.tableLength = dataIn.tableLength; this.s.rowData.totalOptions = this.s.tableLength; } else if (this.s.tableLength === null || this.s.dt.rows()[0].length > this.s.tableLength) { this.s.tableLength = this.s.dt.rows()[0].length; this.s.rowData.totalOptions = this.s.tableLength; } var colTitle = this.s.dt.column(this.s.index).dataSrc(); // If there is SP data for this column add it to the data array and bin if (dataIn.searchPanes.options[colTitle]) { for (var _i = 0, _a = dataIn.searchPanes.options[colTitle]; _i < _a.length; _i++) { var dataPoint = _a[_i]; this.s.rowData.arrayFilter.push({ display: dataPoint.label, filter: dataPoint.value, sort: dataPoint.label, type: dataPoint.label }); this.s.rowData.bins[dataPoint.value] = dataPoint.total; } } var binLength = Object.keys(this.s.rowData.bins).length; var uniqueRatio = this._uniqueRatio(binLength, this.s.tableLength); // Don't show the pane if there isnt enough variance in the data, or there is only 1 entry for that pane if (this.s.displayed === false && ((this.s.colOpts.show === undefined && this.s.colOpts.threshold === null ? uniqueRatio > this.c.threshold : uniqueRatio > this.s.colOpts.threshold) || this.s.colOpts.show !== true && binLength <= 1)) { this.dom.container.addClass(this.classes.hidden); this.s.displayed = false; return; } // Store the original data this.s.rowData.arrayOriginal = this.s.rowData.arrayFilter; this.s.rowData.binsOriginal = this.s.rowData.bins; // Flag this pane as being displayed this.s.displayed = true; }; /** * Expands the pane from the collapsed state */ SearchPane.prototype.show = function () { if (!this.s.displayed) { return; } this.dom.topRow.removeClass(this.classes.bordered); this.dom.nameButton.removeClass(this.classes.disabledButton); this.dom.countButton.removeClass(this.classes.disabledButton); this.dom.searchButton.removeClass(this.classes.disabledButton); this.dom.collapseButton.removeClass(this.classes.rotated); $$4(this.s.dtPane.table().container()).removeClass(this.classes.hidden); }; /** * Finds the ratio of the number of different options in the table to the number of rows * * @param bins the number of different options in the table * @param rowCount the total number of rows in the table * @returns {number} returns the ratio */ SearchPane.prototype._uniqueRatio = function (bins, rowCount) { if (rowCount > 0 && (this.s.rowData.totalOptions > 0 && !this.s.dt.page.info().serverSide || this.s.dt.page.info().serverSide && this.s.tableLength > 0)) { return bins / this.s.rowData.totalOptions; } return 1; }; /** * Updates the panes if one of the options to do so has been set to true * rather than the filtered message when using viewTotal. */ SearchPane.prototype.updateTable = function () { var selectedRows = this.s.dtPane.rows({ selected: true }).data().toArray().map(function (el) { return el.filter; }); this.s.selections = selectedRows; this._searchExtras(); }; /** * Adds the custom options to the pane * * @returns {Array} Returns the array of rows which have been added to the pane */ SearchPane.prototype._getComparisonRows = function () { // Find the appropriate options depending on whether this is a pane for a specific column or a custom pane var options = this.s.colOpts.options ? this.s.colOpts.options : this.s.customPaneSettings && this.s.customPaneSettings.options ? this.s.customPaneSettings.options : undefined; if (options === undefined) { return; } var allRows = this.s.dt.rows(); var tableValsTotal = allRows.data().toArray(); var rows = []; // Clear all of the other rows from the pane, only custom options are to be displayed when they are defined this.s.dtPane.clear(); this.s.indexes = []; for (var _i = 0, options_1 = options; _i < options_1.length; _i++) { var comp = options_1[_i]; // Initialise the object which is to be placed in the row var insert = comp.label !== '' ? comp.label : this.emptyMessage(); var comparisonObj = { className: comp.className, display: insert, filter: typeof comp.value === 'function' ? comp.value : [], sort: insert, total: 0, type: insert }; // If a custom function is in place if (typeof comp.value === 'function') { // Count the number of times the function evaluates to true for the original data in the Table for (var i = 0; i < tableValsTotal.length; i++) { if (comp.value.call(this.s.dt, tableValsTotal[i], allRows[0][i])) { comparisonObj.total++; } } // Update the comparisonObj if (typeof comparisonObj.filter !== 'function') { comparisonObj.filter.push(comp.filter); } } rows.push(this.addRow(comparisonObj.display, comparisonObj.filter, comparisonObj.sort, comparisonObj.type, comparisonObj.className, comparisonObj.total)); } return rows; }; SearchPane.prototype._getMessage = function (row) { return this.s.dt.i18n('searchPanes.count', this.c.i18n.count).replace(/{total}/g, row.total); }; /** * Overridden in SearchPaneViewTotal and SearchPaneCascade to get the number of times a specific value is shown * * Here it is blanked so that it takes no action * * @param filter The filter value * @returns undefined */ // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars SearchPane.prototype._getShown = function (filter) { return undefined; }; /** * Get's the pane config appropriate to this class * * @returns The config needed to create a pane of this type */ SearchPane.prototype._getPaneConfig = function () { var _this = this; // eslint-disable-next-line no-extra-parens var haveScroller = dataTable$1.Scroller; var langOpts = this.s.dt.settings()[0].oLanguage; langOpts.url = undefined; langOpts.sUrl = undefined; return { columnDefs: [ { className: 'dtsp-nameColumn', data: 'display', render: function (data, type, row) { if (type === 'sort') { return row.sort; } else if (type === 'type') { return row.type; } var message = _this._getMessage(row); // We are displaying the count in the same columne as the name of the search option. // This is so that there is not need to call columns.adjust() // which in turn speeds up the code var pill = '<span class="' + _this.classes.pill + '">' + message + '</span>'; if (!_this.c.viewCount || !_this.s.colOpts.viewCount) { pill = ''; } if (type === 'filter') { return typeof data === 'string' && data.match(/<[^>]*>/) !== null ? data.replace(/<[^>]*>/g, '') : data; } return '<div class="' + _this.classes.nameCont + '"><span title="' + (typeof data === 'string' && data.match(/<[^>]*>/) !== null ? data.replace(/<[^>]*>/g, '') : data) + '" class="' + _this.classes.name + '">' + data + '</span>' + pill + '</div>'; }, targets: 0, // Accessing the private datatables property to set type based on the original table. // This is null if not defined by the user, meaning that automatic type detection // would take place type: this.s.dt.settings()[0].aoColumns[this.s.index] ? this.s.dt.settings()[0].aoColumns[this.s.index]._sManualType : null }, { className: 'dtsp-countColumn ' + this.classes.badgePill, data: 'total', searchable: false, targets: 1, visible: false } ], deferRender: true, dom: 't', info: false, language: langOpts, paging: haveScroller ? true : false, scrollX: false, scrollY: '200px', scroller: haveScroller ? true : false, select: true, stateSave: this.s.dt.settings()[0].oFeatures.bStateSave ? true : false }; }; /** * This method allows for changes to the panes and table to be made when a selection or a deselection occurs */ SearchPane.prototype._makeSelection = function () { this.updateTable(); this.s.updating = true; this.s.dt.draw(); this.s.updating = false; }; /** * Populates an array with all of the data for the table * * @param rowIdx The current row index to be compared * @param arrayFilter The array that is to be populated with row Details * @param settings The DataTable settings object * @param bins The bins object that is to be populated with the row counts */ SearchPane.prototype._populatePaneArray = function (rowIdx, arrayFilter, settings, bins) { if (bins === void 0) { bins = this.s.rowData.bins; } // Retrieve the rendered data from the cell using the fnGetCellData function // rather than the cell().render API method for optimisation if (typeof this.s.colOpts.orthogonal === 'string') { var rendered = settings.oApi._fnGetCellData(settings, rowIdx, this.s.index, this.s.colOpts.orthogonal); this.s.rowData.filterMap.set(rowIdx, rendered); this._addOption(rendered, rendered, rendered, rendered, arrayFilter, bins); this.s.rowData.totalOptions++; } else { var filter = settings.oApi._fnGetCellData(settings, rowIdx, this.s.index, this.s.colOpts.orthogonal.search); // Null and empty string are to be considered the same value if (filter === null) { filter = ''; } if (typeof filter === 'string') { filter = filter.replace(/<[^>]*>/g, ''); } this.s.rowData.filterMap.set(rowIdx, filter); if (!bins[filter]) { bins[filter] = 1; this._addOption(filter, settings.oApi._fnGetCellData(settings, rowIdx, this.s.index, this.s.colOpts.orthogonal.display), settings.oApi._fnGetCellData(settings, rowIdx, this.s.index, this.s.colOpts.orthogonal.sort), settings.oApi._fnGetCellData(settings, rowIdx, this.s.index, this.s.colOpts.orthogonal.type), arrayFilter, bins); this.s.rowData.totalOptions++; } else { bins[filter]++; this.s.rowData.totalOptions++; } } }; /** * Reloads all of the previous selects into the panes * * @param loadedFilter The loaded filters from a previous state */ SearchPane.prototype._reloadSelect = function (loadedFilter) { // If the state was not saved don't selected any if (loadedFilter === undefined) { return; } var idx; // For each pane, check that the loadedFilter list exists and is not null, // find the id of each search item and set it to be selected. for (var i = 0; i < loadedFilter.searchPanes.panes.length; i++) { if (loadedFilter.searchPanes.panes[i].id === this.s.index) { idx = i; break; } } if (idx) { var table = this.s.dtPane; var rows = table.rows({ order: 'index' }).data().map(function (item) { return item.filter !== null ? item.filter.toString() : null; }).toArray(); for (var _i = 0, _a = loadedFilter.searchPanes.panes[idx].selected; _i < _a.length; _i++) { var filter = _a[_i]; var id = -1; if (filter !== null) { id = rows.indexOf(filter.toString()); } if (id > -1) { this.s.serverSelecting = true; table.row(id).select(); this.s.serverSelecting = false; } } } }; /** * Notes the rows that have been selected within this pane and stores them internally * * @param notUpdating Whether the panes are updating themselves or not */ SearchPane.prototype._updateSelection = function (notUpdating) { this.s.scrollTop = $$4(this.s.dtPane.table().node()).parent()[0].scrollTop; if (this.s.dt.page.info().serverSide && !this.s.updating) { if (!this.s.serverSelecting) { this.s.serverSelect = this.s.dtPane.rows({ selected: true }).data().toArray(); this.s.dt.draw(false); } } else if (notUpdating) { this._makeSelection(); } }; /** * Takes in potentially undetected rows and adds them to the array if they are not yet featured * * @param filter the filter value of the potential row * @param display the display value of the potential row * @param sort the sort value of the potential row * @param type the type value of the potential row * @param arrayFilter the array to be populated * @param bins the bins to be populated */ SearchPane.prototype._addOption = function (filter, display, sort, type, arrayFilter, bins) { // If the filter is an array then take a note of this, and add the elements to the arrayFilter array if (Array.isArray(filter) || filter instanceof dataTable$1.Api) { // Convert to an array so that we can work with it if (filter instanceof dataTable$1.Api) { filter = filter.toArray(); display = display.toArray(); } if (filter.length === display.length) { for (var i = 0; i < filter.length; i++) { // If we haven't seen this row before add it if (!bins[filter[i]]) { bins[filter[i]] = 1; arrayFilter.push({ display: display[i], filter: filter[i], sort: sort[i], type: type[i] }); } // Otherwise just increment the count else { bins[filter[i]]++; } this.s.rowData.totalOptions++; } return; } throw new Error('display and filter not the same length'); } // If the values were affected by othogonal data and are not an array then check if it is already present else if (typeof this.s.colOpts.orthogonal === 'string') { if (!bins[filter]) { bins[filter] = 1; arrayFilter.push({ display: display, filter: filter, sort: sort, type: type }); this.s.rowData.totalOptions++; } else { bins[filter]++; this.s.rowData.totalOptions++; } } // Otherwise we must just be adding an option else { arrayFilter.push({ display: display, filter: filter, sort: sort, type: type }); } }; /** * Method to construct the actual pane. * * @param selectedRows previously selected Rows to be reselected * @param dataIn Data that should be used to populate this pane * @param prevEl Reference to the previous element, used to ensure insert is in the correct location * @returns boolean to indicate whether this pane was the last one to have a selection made */ SearchPane.prototype._buildPane = function (selectedRows, dataIn, prevEl) { var _this = this; if (selectedRows === void 0) { selectedRows = []; } if (dataIn === void 0) { dataIn = null; } if (prevEl === void 0) { prevEl = null; } // Aliases this.s.selections = []; // Other Variables var loadedFilter = this.s.dt.state.loaded(); // If the listeners have not been set yet then using the latest state may result in funny errors if (this.s.listSet) { loadedFilter = this.s.dt.state(); } // If it is not a custom pane in place if (this.s.colExists) { var idx = -1; if (loadedFilter && loadedFilter.searchPanes && loadedFilter.searchPanes.panes) { for (var i = 0; i < loadedFilter.searchPanes.panes.length; i++) { if (loadedFilter.searchPanes.panes[i].id === this.s.index) { idx = i; break; } } } // Perform checks that do not require populate pane to run if ((this.s.colOpts.show === false || this.s.colOpts.show !== undefined && this.s.colOpts.show !== true) && idx === -1) { this.dom.container.addClass(this.classes.hidden); this.s.displayed = false; return false; } else if (this.s.colOpts.show === true || idx !== -1) { this.s.displayed = true; } if (!this.s.dt.page.info().serverSide && (!dataIn || !dataIn.searchPanes || !dataIn.searchPanes.options)) { // Only run populatePane if the data has not been collected yet if (this.s.rowData.arrayFilter.length === 0) { this.s.rowData.totalOptions = 0; this._populatePane(); this.s.rowData.arrayOriginal = this.s.rowData.arrayFilter; this.s.rowData.binsOriginal = this.s.rowData.bins; } var binLength = Object.keys(this.s.rowData.binsOriginal).length; var uniqueRatio = this._uniqueRatio(binLength, this.s.dt.rows()[0].length); // Don't show the pane if there isn't enough variance in the data, or there is only 1 entry // for that pane if (this.s.displayed === false && ((this.s.colOpts.show === undefined && this.s.colOpts.threshold === null ? uniqueRatio > this.c.threshold : uniqueRatio > this.s.colOpts.threshold) || this.s.colOpts.show !== true && binLength <= 1)) { this.dom.container.addClass(this.classes.hidden); this.s.displayed = false; return; } this.dom.container.addClass(this.classes.show); this.s.displayed = true; } else if (dataIn && dataIn.searchPanes && dataIn.searchPanes.options) { this._serverPopulate(dataIn); } } else { this.s.displayed = true; } // If the variance is accceptable then display the search pane this._displayPane(); if (!this.s.listSet) { // Here, when the state is loaded if the data object on the original table is empty, // then a state.clear() must have occurred, so delete all of the panes tables state objects too. this.dom.dtP.on('stateLoadParams.dtsp', function (e, settings, data) { if ($$4.isEmptyObject(_this.s.dt.state.loaded())) { $$4.each(data, function (index) { delete data[index]; }); } }); } // Add the container to the document in its original location if (prevEl !== null && this.dom.panesContainer.has(prevEl).length > 0) { this.dom.container.insertAfter(prevEl); } else { this.dom.panesContainer.prepend(this.dom.container); } // Declare the datatable for the pane var errMode = $$4.fn.dataTable.ext.errMode; $$4.fn.dataTable.ext.errMode = 'none'; // eslint-disable-next-line no-extra-parens this.s.dtPane = this.dom.dtP.DataTable($$4.extend(true, this._getPaneConfig(), this.c.dtOpts, this.s.colOpts ? this.s.colOpts.dtOpts : {}, this.s.colOpts.options || !this.s.colExists ? { createdRow: function (row, data) { $$4(row).addClass(data.className); } } : undefined, this.s.customPaneSettings !== null && this.s.customPaneSettings.dtOpts ? this.s.customPaneSettings.dtOpts : {}, $$4.fn.dataTable.versionCheck('2') ? { layout: { bottomLeft: null, bottomRight: null, topLeft: null, topRight: null } } : {})); this.dom.dtP.addClass(this.classes.table); // Getting column titles is a little messy var headerText = 'Custom Pane'; if (this.s.customPaneSettings && this.s.customPaneSettings.header) { headerText = this.s.customPaneSettings.header; } else if (this.s.colOpts.header) { headerText = this.s.colOpts.header; } else if (this.s.colExists) { headerText = $$4.fn.dataTable.versionCheck('2') ? this.s.dt.column(this.s.index).title() : this.s.dt.settings()[0].aoColumns[this.s.index].sTitle; } headerText = this._escapeHTML(headerText); this.dom.searchBox.attr('placeholder', headerText); // As the pane table is not in the document yet we must initialise select ourselves // eslint-disable-next-line no-extra-parens $$4.fn.dataTable.select.init(this.s.dtPane); $$4.fn.dataTable.ext.errMode = errMode; // If it is not a custom pane if (this.s.colExists) { // Add all of the search options to the pane for (var i = 0, ien = this.s.rowData.arrayFilter.length; i < ien; i++) { if (this.s.dt.page.info().serverSide) { var row = this.addRow(this.s.rowData.arrayFilter[i].display, this.s.rowData.arrayFilter[i].filter, this.s.rowData.arrayFilter[i].sort, this.s.rowData.arrayFilter[i].type); for (var _i = 0, _a = this.s.serverSelect; _i < _a.length; _i++) { var option = _a[_i]; if (option.filter === this.s.rowData.arrayFilter[i].filter) { this.s.serverSelecting = true; row.select(); this.s.serverSelecting = false; } } } else if (!this.s.dt.page.info().serverSide && this.s.rowData.arrayFilter[i]) { this.addRow(this.s.rowData.arrayFilter[i].display, this.s.rowData.arrayFilter[i].filter, this.s.rowData.arrayFilter[i].sort, this.s.rowData.arrayFilter[i].type); } else if (!this.s.dt.page.info().serverSide) { // Just pass an empty string as the message will be calculated based on that in addRow() this.addRow('', '', '', ''); } } } // eslint-disable-next-line no-extra-parens dataTable$1.select.init(this.s.dtPane); // If there are custom options set or it is a custom pane then get them if (this.s.colOpts.options || this.s.customPaneSettings && this.s.customPaneSettings.options) { this._getComparisonRows(); } // Display the pane this.s.dtPane.draw(); this.s.dtPane.table().node().parentNode.scrollTop = this.s.scrollTop; this.adjustTopRow(); this.setListeners(); this.s.listSet = true; for (var _b = 0, selectedRows_1 = selectedRows; _b < selectedRows_1.length; _b++) { var selection = selectedRows_1[_b]; if (selection) { for (var _c = 0, _d = this.s.dtPane.rows().indexes().toArray(); _c < _d.length; _c++) { var row = _d[_c]; if (this.s.dtPane.row(row).data() && selection.filter === this.s.dtPane.row(row).data().filter) { // If this is happening when serverSide processing is happening then // different behaviour is needed if (this.s.dt.page.info().serverSide) { this.s.serverSelecting = true; this.s.dtPane.row(row).select(); this.s.serverSelecting = false; } else { this.s.dtPane.row(row).select(); } } } } } // If SSP and the table is ready, apply the search for the pane if (this.s.dt.page.info().serverSide) { this.s.dtPane.search(this.dom.searchBox.val()).draw(); } if ((this.c.initCollapsed && this.s.colOpts.initCollapsed !== false || this.s.colOpts.initCollapsed) && (this.c.collapse && this.s.colOpts.collapse !== false || this.s.colOpts.collapse)) { // If the pane has not initialised yet then we need to wait for it to do so before collapsing // Otherwise the container that the class is added to does not exist if (this.s.dtPane.settings()[0]._bInitComplete) { this.collapse(); } else { this.s.dtPane.one('init', function () { return _this.collapse(); }); } } // Reload the selection, searchbox entry and ordering from the previous state // Need to check here if SSP that this is the first draw, otherwise it will infinite loop if (loadedFilter && loadedFilter.searchPanes && loadedFilter.searchPanes.panes && (!dataIn || dataIn.draw === 1)) { this._reloadSelect(loadedFilter); for (var _e = 0, _f = loadedFilter.searchPanes.panes; _e < _f.length; _e++) { var pane = _f[_e]; if (pane.id === this.s.index) { // Save some time by only triggering an input if there is a value if (pane.searchTerm && pane.searchTerm.length > 0) { this.dom.searchBox.val(pane.searchTerm).trigger('input'); } if (pane.order) { this.s.dtPane.order(pane.order).draw(); } // Is the pane to be hidden or shown? if (pane.collapsed) { this.collapse(); } else { this.show(); } } } } return true; }; /** * Appends all of the HTML elements to their relevant parent Elements */ SearchPane.prototype._displayPane = function () { // Empty everything to start again this.dom.dtP.empty(); this.dom.topRow.empty().addClass(this.classes.topRow); // If there are more than 3 columns defined then make there be a smaller gap between the panes if (parseInt(this.c.layout.split('-')[1], 10) > 3) { this.dom.container.addClass(this.classes.smallGap); } this.dom.topRow .addClass(this.classes.subRowsContainer) .append(this.dom.upper.append(this.dom.searchCont)) .append(this.dom.lower.append(this.dom.buttonGroup)); // If no selections have been made in the pane then disable the clear button if (this.c.dtOpts.searching === false || this.s.colOpts.dtOpts && this.s.colOpts.dtOpts.searching === false || (!this.c.controls || !this.s.colOpts.controls) || this.s.customPaneSettings && this.s.customPaneSettings.dtOpts && this.s.customPaneSettings.dtOpts.searching !== undefined && !this.s.customPaneSettings.dtOpts.searching) { this.dom.searchBox .removeClass(this.classes.paneInputButton) .addClass(this.classes.disabledButton) .attr('disabled', 'true'); } this.dom.searchBox.appendTo(this.dom.searchCont); // Create the contents of the searchCont div. Worth noting that this function will change when using semantic ui this._searchContSetup(); // If the clear button is allowed to show then display it if (this.c.clear && this.c.controls && this.s.colOpts.controls) { this.dom.clear.appendTo(this.dom.buttonGroup); } if (this.c.orderable && this.s.colOpts.orderable && this.c.controls && this.s.colOpts.controls) { this.dom.nameButton.appendTo(this.dom.buttonGroup); } // If the count column is hidden then don't display the ordering button for it if (this.c.viewCount && this.s.colOpts.viewCount && this.c.orderable && this.s.colOpts.orderable && this.c.controls && this.s.colOpts.controls) { this.dom.countButton.appendTo(this.dom.buttonGroup); } if ((this.c.collapse && this.s.colOpts.collapse !== false || this.s.colOpts.collapse) && this.c.controls && this.s.colOpts.controls) { this.dom.collapseButton.appendTo(this.dom.buttonGroup); } this.dom.container.prepend(this.dom.topRow).append(this.dom.dtP).show(); }; /** * Escape html characters within a string * * @param txt the string to be escaped * @returns the escaped string */ SearchPane.prototype._escapeHTML = function (txt) { return txt .toString() .replace(/&/g, '&') .replace(/</g, '<') .replace(/>/g, '>') .replace(/"/g, '"'); }; /** * Gets the options for the row for the customPanes * * @returns {object} The options for the row extended to include the options from the user. */ SearchPane.prototype._getBonusOptions = function () { // We need to reset the thresholds as if they have a value in colOpts then that value will be used var defaultMutator = { threshold: null }; return $$4.extend(true, {}, SearchPane.defaults, defaultMutator, this.c ? this.c : {}); }; /** * Gets the options for the row for the customPanes * * @returns {object} The options for the row extended to include the options from the user. */ SearchPane.prototype._getOptions = function () { var table = this.s.dt; // We need to reset the thresholds as if they have a value in colOpts then that value will be used var defaultMutator = { collapse: null, emptyMessage: false, initCollapsed: null, threshold: null }; var columnOptions = table.settings()[0].aoColumns[this.s.index].searchPanes; var colOpts = $$4.extend(true, {}, SearchPane.defaults, defaultMutator, columnOptions); if (columnOptions && columnOptions.hideCount && columnOptions.viewCount === undefined) { colOpts.viewCount = !columnOptions.hideCount; } return colOpts; }; /** * Fill the array with the values that are currently being displayed in the table */ SearchPane.prototype._populatePane = function () { this.s.rowData.arrayFilter = []; this.s.rowData.bins = {}; var settings = this.s.dt.settings()[0]; if (!this.s.dt.page.info().serverSide) { for (var _i = 0, _a = this.s.dt.rows().indexes().toArray(); _i < _a.length; _i++) { var index = _a[_i]; this._populatePaneArray(index, this.s.rowData.arrayFilter, settings); } } }; /** * This method decides whether a row should contribute to the pane or not * * @param filter the value that the row is to be filtered on * @param dataIndex the row index */ SearchPane.prototype._search = function (filter, dataIndex) { var colOpts = this.s.colOpts; var table = this.s.dt; // For each item selected in the pane, check if it is available in the cell for (var _i = 0, _a = this.s.selections; _i < _a.length; _i++) { var colSelect = _a[_i]; if (typeof colSelect === 'string' && typeof filter === 'string') { // The filter value will not have the & in place but a &, // so we need to do a replace to make sure that they will match colSelect = this._escapeHTML(colSelect); } // if the filter is an array then is the column present in it if (Array.isArray(filter)) { if (colOpts.combiner === 'and') { if (!filter.includes(colSelect)) { return false; } } else if (filter.includes(colSelect)) { return true; } } // if the filter is a function then does it meet the criteria of that function or not else if (typeof colSelect === 'function') { if (colSelect.call(table, table.row(dataIndex).data(), dataIndex)) { if (colOpts.combiner === 'or') { return true; } } // If the combiner is an "and" then we need to check against all possible selections // so if it fails here then the and is not met and return false else if (colOpts.combiner === 'and') { return false; } } // otherwise if the two filter values are equal then return true else if (filter === colSelect || // Loose type checking incase number type in column comparing to a string // eslint-disable-next-line eqeqeq !(typeof filter === 'string' && filter.length === 0) && filter == colSelect || colSelect === null && typeof filter === 'string' && filter === '') { return true; } } // If the combiner is an and then we need to check against all possible selections // so return true here if so because it would have returned false earlier if it had failed if (colOpts.combiner === 'and') { return true; } // Otherwise it hasn't matched with anything by this point so it must be false return false; }; /** * Creates the contents of the searchCont div * * NOTE This is overridden when semantic ui styling in order to integrate the search button into the text box. */ SearchPane.prototype._searchContSetup = function () { if (this.c.controls && this.s.colOpts.controls) { this.dom.searchButton.appendTo(this.dom.searchLabelCont); } if (!(this.c.dtOpts.searching === false || this.s.colOpts.dtOpts.searching === false || this.s.customPaneSettings && this.s.customPaneSettings.dtOpts && this.s.customPaneSettings.dtOpts.searching !== undefined && !this.s.customPaneSettings.dtOpts.searching)) { this.dom.searchLabelCont.appendTo(this.dom.searchCont); } }; /** * Adds outline to the pane when a selection has been made */ SearchPane.prototype._searchExtras = function () { var updating = this.s.updating; this.s.updating = true; var filters = this.s.dtPane.rows({ selected: true }).data().pluck('filter').toArray(); var nullIndex = filters.indexOf(this.emptyMessage()); var container = $$4(this.s.dtPane.table().container()); // If null index is found then search for empty cells as a filter. if (nullIndex > -1) { filters[nullIndex] = ''; } // If a filter has been applied then outline the respective pane, remove it when it no longer is. if (filters.length > 0) { container.addClass(this.classes.selected); } else if (filters.length === 0) { container.removeClass(this.classes.selected); } this.s.updating = updating; }; SearchPane.version = '2.0.0-dev'; SearchPane.classes = { bordered: 'dtsp-bordered', buttonGroup: 'dtsp-buttonGroup', buttonSub: 'dtsp-buttonSub', caret: 'dtsp-caret', clear: 'dtsp-clear', clearAll: 'dtsp-clearAll', clearButton: 'clearButton', collapseAll: 'dtsp-collapseAll', collapseButton: 'dtsp-collapseButton', container: 'dtsp-searchPane', countButton: 'dtsp-countButton', disabledButton: 'dtsp-disabledButton', hidden: 'dtsp-hidden', hide: 'dtsp-hide', layout: 'dtsp-', name: 'dtsp-name', nameButton: 'dtsp-nameButton', nameCont: 'dtsp-nameCont', narrow: 'dtsp-narrow', paneButton: 'dtsp-paneButton', paneInputButton: 'dtsp-paneInputButton', pill: 'dtsp-pill', rotated: 'dtsp-rotated', search: 'dtsp-search', searchCont: 'dtsp-searchCont', searchIcon: 'dtsp-searchIcon', searchLabelCont: 'dtsp-searchButtonCont', selected: 'dtsp-selected', smallGap: 'dtsp-smallGap', subRow1: 'dtsp-subRow1', subRow2: 'dtsp-subRow2', subRowsContainer: 'dtsp-subRowsContainer', title: 'dtsp-title', topRow: 'dtsp-topRow' }; // Define SearchPanes default options SearchPane.defaults = { clear: true, collapse: true, combiner: 'or', container: function (dt) { return dt.table().container(); }, controls: true, dtOpts: {}, emptyMessage: null, hideCount: false, i18n: { clearPane: '×', count: '{total}', emptyMessage: '<em>No data</em>' }, initCollapsed: false, layout: 'auto', name: undefined, orderable: true, orthogonal: { display: 'display', filter: 'filter', hideCount: false, search: 'filter', show: undefined, sort: 'sort', threshold: 0.6, type: 'type', viewCount: true }, preSelect: [], threshold: 0.6, viewCount: true }; return SearchPane; }()); var __extends$4 = (window && window.__extends) || (function () { var extendStatics = function (d, b) { extendStatics = Object.setPrototypeOf || ({ __proto__: [] } instanceof Array && function (d, b) { d.__proto__ = b; }) || function (d, b) { for (var p in b) if (b.hasOwnProperty(p)) d[p] = b[p]; }; return extendStatics(d, b); }; return function (d, b) { extendStatics(d, b); function __() { this.constructor = d; } d.prototype = b === null ? Object.create(b) : (__.prototype = b.prototype, new __()); }; })(); var SearchPaneST = /** @class */ (function (_super) { __extends$4(SearchPaneST, _super); function SearchPaneST(paneSettings, opts, index, panesContainer, panes) { return _super.call(this, paneSettings, opts, index, panesContainer, panes) || this; } /** * Populates the SearchPane based off of the data that has been recieved from the server * * This method overrides SearchPane's _serverPopulate() method * * @param dataIn The data that has been sent from the server */ SearchPaneST.prototype._serverPopulate = function (dataIn) { this.s.rowData.binsShown = {}; this.s.rowData.arrayFilter = []; if (dataIn.tableLength !== undefined) { this.s.tableLength = dataIn.tableLength; this.s.rowData.totalOptions = this.s.tableLength; } else if (this.s.tableLength === null || this.s.dt.rows()[0].length > this.s.tableLength) { this.s.tableLength = this.s.dt.rows()[0].length; this.s.rowData.totalOptions = this.s.tableLength; } var colTitle = this.s.dt.column(this.s.index).dataSrc(); // If there is SP data for this column add it to the data array and bin if (dataIn.searchPanes.options[colTitle] !== undefined) { for (var _i = 0, _a = dataIn.searchPanes.options[colTitle]; _i < _a.length; _i++) { var dataPoint = _a[_i]; this.s.rowData.arrayFilter.push({ display: dataPoint.label, filter: dataPoint.value, shown: +dataPoint.count, sort: dataPoint.label, total: +dataPoint.total, type: dataPoint.label }); this.s.rowData.binsShown[dataPoint.value] = +dataPoint.count; this.s.rowData.bins[dataPoint.value] = +dataPoint.total; } } var binLength = Object.keys(this.s.rowData.bins).length; var uniqueRatio = this._uniqueRatio(binLength, this.s.tableLength); // Don't show the pane if there isnt enough variance in the data, or there is only 1 entry for that pane if (!this.s.colOpts.show && this.s.displayed === false && ((this.s.colOpts.show === undefined && this.s.colOpts.threshold === null ? uniqueRatio > this.c.threshold : uniqueRatio > this.s.colOpts.threshold) || this.s.colOpts.show !== true && binLength <= 1)) { this.dom.container.addClass(this.classes.hidden); this.s.displayed = false; return; } // Store the original data this.s.rowData.arrayOriginal = this.s.rowData.arrayFilter; this.s.rowData.binsOriginal = this.s.rowData.bins; // Flag this pane as being displayed this.s.displayed = true; // If the pane exists if (this.s.dtPane) { // Not the selections that have been made and remove all of the rows var selected = this.s.serverSelect; this.s.dtPane.rows().remove(); // Add the rows that are to be shown into the pane for (var _b = 0, _c = this.s.rowData.arrayFilter; _b < _c.length; _b++) { var data = _c[_b]; if (this._shouldAddRow(data)) { var row = this.addRow(data.display, data.filter, data.sort, data.type); // Select the row if it was selected before for (var i = 0; i < selected.length; i++) { var selection = selected[i]; if (selection.filter === data.filter) { // This flag stops another request being made to the server this.s.serverSelecting = true; row.select(); this.s.serverSelecting = false; // Remove the selection from the to select list and add it to the selected list selected.splice(i, 1); this.s.selections.push(data.filter); break; } } } } // Remake any selections that are no longer present for (var _d = 0, selected_1 = selected; _d < selected_1.length; _d++) { var selection = selected_1[_d]; for (var _e = 0, _f = this.s.rowData.arrayOriginal; _e < _f.length; _e++) { var data = _f[_e]; if (data.filter === selection.filter) { var row = this.addRow(data.display, data.filter, data.sort, data.type); this.s.serverSelecting = true; row.select(); this.s.serverSelecting = false; this.s.selections.push(data.filter); } } } // Store the selected rows this.s.serverSelect = this.s.dtPane.rows({ selected: true }).data().toArray(); // Update the pane this.s.dtPane.draw(); } }; /** * This method updates the rows and their data within the SearchPanes * * SearchPaneCascade overrides this method */ SearchPaneST.prototype.updateRows = function () { if (!this.s.dt.page.info().serverSide) { // Get the latest count values from the table this.s.rowData.binsShown = {}; for (var _i = 0, _a = this.s.dt.rows({ search: 'applied' }).indexes().toArray(); _i < _a.length; _i++) { var index = _a[_i]; this._updateShown(index, this.s.dt.settings()[0], this.s.rowData.binsShown); } } // Update the rows data to show the current counts for (var _b = 0, _c = this.s.dtPane.rows().data().toArray(); _b < _c.length; _b++) { var row = _c[_b]; row.shown = typeof this.s.rowData.binsShown[row.filter] === 'number' ? this.s.rowData.binsShown[row.filter] : 0; this.s.dtPane.row(row.index).data(row); } // Show updates in the pane this.s.dtPane.draw(); this.s.dtPane.table().node().parentNode.scrollTop = this.s.scrollTop; }; /** * Remove functionality from makeSelection - needs to be more advanced when tracking selections */ SearchPaneST.prototype._makeSelection = function () { return; }; /** * Blank method to remove reloading of selected rows - needs to be more advanced when tracking selections */ SearchPaneST.prototype._reloadSelect = function () { return; }; /** * Decides if a row should be added when being added from the server * * Overridden by SearchPaneCascade * * @param data the row data * @returns boolean indicating if the row should be added or not */ // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars SearchPaneST.prototype._shouldAddRow = function (data) { return true; }; /** * Updates the server selection list where appropriate */ SearchPaneST.prototype._updateSelection = function () { if (this.s.dt.page.info().serverSide && !this.s.updating && !this.s.serverSelecting) { this.s.serverSelect = this.s.dtPane.rows({ selected: true }).data().toArray(); } }; /** * Used when binning the data for a column * * @param rowIdx The current row that is to be added to the bins * @param settings The datatables settings object * @param bins The bins object that is to be incremented */ SearchPaneST.prototype._updateShown = function (rowIdx, settings, bins) { if (bins === void 0) { bins = this.s.rowData.binsShown; } var filter = settings.oApi._fnGetCellData(settings, rowIdx, this.s.index, this.s.colOpts.orthogonal.search); if (!bins[filter]) { bins[filter] = 1; } else { bins[filter]++; } }; return SearchPaneST; }(SearchPane)); var __extends$3 = (window && window.__extends) || (function () { var extendStatics = function (d, b) { extendStatics = Object.setPrototypeOf || ({ __proto__: [] } instanceof Array && function (d, b) { d.__proto__ = b; }) || function (d, b) { for (var p in b) if (b.hasOwnProperty(p)) d[p] = b[p]; }; return extendStatics(d, b); }; return function (d, b) { extendStatics(d, b); function __() { this.constructor = d; } d.prototype = b === null ? Object.create(b) : (__.prototype = b.prototype, new __()); }; })(); var $$3; function setJQuery$3(jq) { $$3 = jq; } var SearchPaneViewTotal = /** @class */ (function (_super) { __extends$3(SearchPaneViewTotal, _super); function SearchPaneViewTotal(paneSettings, opts, index, panesContainer, panes) { var _this = this; var override = { i18n: { countFiltered: '{shown} ({total})' } }; _this = _super.call(this, paneSettings, $$3.extend(override, opts), index, panesContainer, panes) || this; return _this; } /** * Gets the message that is to be used to indicate the count for each SearchPane row * * This method overrides _getMessage() in SearchPane and is overridden by SearchPaneCascadeViewTotal * * @param row The row object that is being processed * @returns string - the message that is to be shown for the count of each entry */ SearchPaneViewTotal.prototype._getMessage = function (row) { var countMessage = this.s.dt.i18n('searchPanes.count', this.c.i18n.count); var filteredMessage = this.s.dt.i18n('searchPanes.countFiltered', this.c.i18n.countFiltered); return (this.s.filteringActive ? filteredMessage : countMessage) .replace(/{total}/g, row.total) .replace(/{shown}/g, row.shown); }; /** * Overrides the blank method in SearchPane to return the number of times a given value is currently being displayed * * @param filter The filter value * @returns number - The number of times the value is shown */ SearchPaneViewTotal.prototype._getShown = function (filter) { return this.s.rowData.binsShown && this.s.rowData.binsShown[filter] ? this.s.rowData.binsShown[filter] : 0; }; return SearchPaneViewTotal; }(SearchPaneST)); var __extends$2 = (window && window.__extends) || (function () { var extendStatics = function (d, b) { extendStatics = Object.setPrototypeOf || ({ __proto__: [] } instanceof Array && function (d, b) { d.__proto__ = b; }) || function (d, b) { for (var p in b) if (b.hasOwnProperty(p)) d[p] = b[p]; }; return extendStatics(d, b); }; return function (d, b) { extendStatics(d, b); function __() { this.constructor = d; } d.prototype = b === null ? Object.create(b) : (__.prototype = b.prototype, new __()); }; })(); var $$2; function setJQuery$2(jq) { $$2 = jq; } var SearchPaneCascade = /** @class */ (function (_super) { __extends$2(SearchPaneCascade, _super); function SearchPaneCascade(paneSettings, opts, index, panesContainer, panes) { var _this = this; var override = { i18n: { count: '{shown}' } }; _this = _super.call(this, paneSettings, $$2.extend(override, opts), index, panesContainer, panes) || this; return _this; } /** * This method updates the rows and their data within the SearchPanes * * This overrides the method in SearchPane */ SearchPaneCascade.prototype.updateRows = function () { // Note the currently selected values in the pane and remove all of the rows var selected = this.s.dtPane.rows({ selected: true }).data().toArray(); if (this.s.colOpts.options || this.s.customPaneSettings && this.s.customPaneSettings.options) { // If there are custom options set or it is a custom pane then get them this._getComparisonRows(); var rows = this.s.dtPane.rows().toArray()[0]; for (var i = 0; i < rows.length; i++) { var row = this.s.dtPane.row(rows[i]); var rowData = row.data(); if (rowData === undefined) { continue; } if (rowData.shown === 0) { row.remove(); rows = this.s.dtPane.rows(); i--; continue; } for (var _i = 0, selected_1 = selected; _i < selected_1.length; _i++) { var selection = selected_1[_i]; if (rowData.filter === selection.filter) { row.select(); selected.splice(i, 1); this.s.selections.push(rowData.filter); break; } } } } else { if (!this.s.dt.page.info().serverSide) { // Get the latest count values from the table this._activePopulatePane(); this.s.rowData.binsShown = {}; for (var _a = 0, _b = this.s.dt.rows({ search: 'applied' }).indexes().toArray(); _a < _b.length; _a++) { var index = _b[_a]; this._updateShown(index, this.s.dt.settings()[0], this.s.rowData.binsShown); } } this.s.dtPane.rows().remove(); // Go over all of the rows that could be displayed for (var _c = 0, _d = this.s.rowData.arrayFilter; _c < _d.length; _c++) { var data = _d[_c]; // Cascade - If there are no rows present in the table don't show the option if (data.shown === 0) { continue; } // Add the row to the pane var row = this.addRow(data.display, data.filter, data.sort, data.type, undefined); // Check if this row was selected for (var i = 0; i < selected.length; i++) { var selection = selected[i]; if (selection.filter === data.filter) { row.select(); // Remove the row from the to find list and then add it to the selections list selected.splice(i, 1); this.s.selections.push(data.filter); break; } } } // Add all of the rows that were previously selected but aren't any more for (var _e = 0, selected_2 = selected; _e < selected_2.length; _e++) { var selection = selected_2[_e]; for (var _f = 0, _g = this.s.rowData.arrayOriginal; _f < _g.length; _f++) { var data = _g[_f]; if (data.filter === selection.filter) { var row = this.addRow(data.display, data.filter, data.sort, data.type, undefined); row.select(); this.s.selections.push(data.filter); } } } } // Show updates in the pane this.s.dtPane.draw(); this.s.dtPane.table().node().parentNode.scrollTop = this.s.scrollTop; // If client side updated the tables results if (!this.s.dt.page.info().serverSide) { this.s.dt.draw(); } }; /** * Fill the array with the values that are currently being displayed in the table */ SearchPaneCascade.prototype._activePopulatePane = function () { this.s.rowData.arrayFilter = []; this.s.rowData.bins = {}; var settings = this.s.dt.settings()[0]; if (!this.s.dt.page.info().serverSide) { for (var _i = 0, _a = this.s.dt.rows({ search: 'applied' }).indexes().toArray(); _i < _a.length; _i++) { var index = _a[_i]; this._populatePaneArray(index, this.s.rowData.arrayFilter, settings); } } }; SearchPaneCascade.prototype._getComparisonRows = function () { // Find the appropriate options depending on whether this is a pane for a specific column or a custom pane var options = this.s.colOpts.options ? this.s.colOpts.options : this.s.customPaneSettings && this.s.customPaneSettings.options ? this.s.customPaneSettings.options : undefined; if (options === undefined) { return; } var allRows = this.s.dt.rows(); var shownRows = this.s.dt.rows({ search: 'applied' }); var tableValsTotal = allRows.data().toArray(); var tableValsShown = shownRows.data().toArray(); var rows = []; // Clear all of the other rows from the pane, only custom options are to be displayed when they are defined this.s.dtPane.clear(); this.s.indexes = []; for (var _i = 0, options_1 = options; _i < options_1.length; _i++) { var comp = options_1[_i]; // Initialise the object which is to be placed in the row var insert = comp.label !== '' ? comp.label : this.emptyMessage(); var comparisonObj = { className: comp.className, display: insert, filter: typeof comp.value === 'function' ? comp.value : [], shown: 0, sort: insert, total: 0, type: insert }; // If a custom function is in place if (typeof comp.value === 'function') { // Count the number of times the function evaluates to true for the original data in the Table for (var i = 0; i < tableValsTotal.length; i++) { if (comp.value.call(this.s.dt, tableValsTotal[i], allRows[0][i])) { comparisonObj.total++; } } for (var i = 0; i < tableValsShown.length; i++) { if (comp.value.call(this.s.dt, tableValsShown[i], shownRows[0][i])) { comparisonObj.shown++; } } // Update the comparisonObj if (typeof comparisonObj.filter !== 'function') { comparisonObj.filter.push(comp.filter); } } rows.push(this.addRow(comparisonObj.display, comparisonObj.filter, comparisonObj.sort, comparisonObj.type, comparisonObj.className, comparisonObj.total, comparisonObj.shown)); } return rows; }; /** * Gets the message that is to be used to indicate the count for each SearchPane row * * This method overrides _getMessage() in SearchPane and is overridden by SearchPaneCascadeViewTotal * * @param row The row object that is being processed * @returns string - the message that is to be shown for the count of each entry */ SearchPaneCascade.prototype._getMessage = function (row) { return this.s.dt.i18n('searchPanes.count', this.c.i18n.count) .replace(/{total}/g, row.total) .replace(/{shown}/g, row.shown); }; /** * Overrides the blank method in SearchPane to return the number of times a given value is currently being displayed * * @param filter The filter value * @returns number - The number of times the value is shown */ SearchPaneCascade.prototype._getShown = function (filter) { return this.s.rowData.binsShown && this.s.rowData.binsShown[filter] ? this.s.rowData.binsShown[filter] : 0; }; /** * Decides if a row should be added when being added from the server * * Overrides method in by SearchPaneST * * @param data the row data * @returns boolean indicating if the row should be added or not */ SearchPaneCascade.prototype._shouldAddRow = function (data) { return data.shown > 0; }; return SearchPaneCascade; }(SearchPaneST)); var __extends$1 = (window && window.__extends) || (function () { var extendStatics = function (d, b) { extendStatics = Object.setPrototypeOf || ({ __proto__: [] } instanceof Array && function (d, b) { d.__proto__ = b; }) || function (d, b) { for (var p in b) if (b.hasOwnProperty(p)) d[p] = b[p]; }; return extendStatics(d, b); }; return function (d, b) { extendStatics(d, b); function __() { this.constructor = d; } d.prototype = b === null ? Object.create(b) : (__.prototype = b.prototype, new __()); }; })(); var $$1; function setJQuery$1(jq) { $$1 = jq; } var SearchPaneCascadeViewTotal = /** @class */ (function (_super) { __extends$1(SearchPaneCascadeViewTotal, _super); function SearchPaneCascadeViewTotal(paneSettings, opts, index, panesContainer, panes) { var _this = this; var override = { i18n: { count: '{total}', countFiltered: '{shown} ({total})' } }; _this = _super.call(this, paneSettings, $$1.extend(override, opts), index, panesContainer, panes) || this; return _this; } /** * Fill the array with the values that are currently being displayed in the table * * This method overrides _activePopulatePane() in SearchPaneCascade */ SearchPaneCascadeViewTotal.prototype._activePopulatePane = function () { this.s.rowData.arrayFilter = []; this.s.rowData.binsShown = {}; var settings = this.s.dt.settings()[0]; if (!this.s.dt.page.info().serverSide) { for (var _i = 0, _a = this.s.dt.rows({ search: 'applied' }).indexes().toArray(); _i < _a.length; _i++) { var index = _a[_i]; this._populatePaneArray(index, this.s.rowData.arrayFilter, settings, this.s.rowData.binsShown); } } }; /** * Gets the message that is to be used to indicate the count for each SearchPane row * * This method overrides _getMessage() in SearchPaneCascade * * @param row The row object that is being processed * @returns string - the message that is to be shown for the count of each entry */ SearchPaneCascadeViewTotal.prototype._getMessage = function (row) { var countMessage = this.s.dt.i18n('searchPanes.count', this.c.i18n.count); var filteredMessage = this.s.dt.i18n('searchPanes.countFiltered', this.c.i18n.countFiltered); return (this.s.filteringActive ? filteredMessage : countMessage) .replace(/{total}/g, row.total) .replace(/{shown}/g, row.shown); }; return SearchPaneCascadeViewTotal; }(SearchPaneCascade)); var $; var dataTable; function setJQuery(jq) { $ = jq; dataTable = jq.fn.dataTable; } var SearchPanes = /** @class */ (function () { function SearchPanes(paneSettings, opts, fromPreInit, paneClass) { var _this = this; if (fromPreInit === void 0) { fromPreInit = false; } if (paneClass === void 0) { paneClass = SearchPane; } // Check that the required version of DataTables is included if (!dataTable || !dataTable.versionCheck || !dataTable.versionCheck('1.10.0')) { throw new Error('SearchPane requires DataTables 1.10 or newer'); } // Check that Select is included // eslint-disable-next-line no-extra-parens if (!dataTable.select) { throw new Error('SearchPane requires Select'); } var table = new dataTable.Api(paneSettings); this.classes = $.extend(true, {}, SearchPanes.classes); // Get options from user this.c = $.extend(true, {}, SearchPanes.defaults, opts); // Add extra elements to DOM object including clear this.dom = { clearAll: $('<button type="button"/>') .addClass(this.classes.clearAll) .html(table.i18n('searchPanes.clearMessage', this.c.i18n.clearMessage)), collapseAll: $('<button type="button"/>') .addClass(this.classes.collapseAll) .html(table.i18n('searchPanes.collapseMessage', this.c.i18n.collapseMessage)), container: $('<div/>').addClass(this.classes.panes).html(table.i18n('searchPanes.loadMessage', this.c.i18n.loadMessage)), emptyMessage: $('<div/>').addClass(this.classes.emptyMessage), panes: $('<div/>').addClass(this.classes.container), showAll: $('<button type="button"/>') .addClass(this.classes.showAll) .addClass(this.classes.disabledButton) .attr('disabled', 'true') .html(table.i18n('searchPanes.showMessage', this.c.i18n.showMessage)), title: $('<div/>').addClass(this.classes.title), titleRow: $('<div/>').addClass(this.classes.titleRow) }; this.s = { colOpts: [], dt: table, filterCount: 0, minPaneWidth: 260.0, page: 0, paging: false, paneClass: paneClass, panes: [], selectionList: [], serverData: {}, stateRead: false, updating: false }; // Do not reinitialise if already initialised on table if (table.settings()[0]._searchPanes) { return; } this._getState(); if (this.s.dt.page.info().serverSide) { // Listener to get the data into the server request before it is made this.s.dt.on('preXhr.dtsps', function (e, settings, data) { if (data.searchPanes === undefined) { data.searchPanes = {}; } if (data.searchPanes_null === undefined) { data.searchPanes_null = {}; } var src; for (var _i = 0, _a = _this.s.selectionList; _i < _a.length; _i++) { var selection = _a[_i]; src = _this.s.dt.column(selection.column).dataSrc(); if (data.searchPanes[src] === undefined) { data.searchPanes[src] = {}; } if (data.searchPanes_null[src] === undefined) { data.searchPanes_null[src] = {}; } for (var i = 0; i < selection.rows.length; i++) { data.searchPanes[src][i] = selection.rows[i]; if (data.searchPanes[src][i] === null) { data.searchPanes_null[src][i] = true; } } } if (_this.s.selectionList.length > 0) { data.searchPanesLast = src; } }); } this._setXHR(); table.settings()[0]._searchPanes = this; if (this.s.dt.settings()[0]._bInitComplete || fromPreInit) { this._paneDeclare(table, paneSettings, opts); } else { table.one('preInit.dtsps', function () { _this._paneDeclare(table, paneSettings, opts); }); } return this; } /** * Clear the selections of all of the panes */ SearchPanes.prototype.clearSelections = function () { for (var _i = 0, _a = this.s.panes; _i < _a.length; _i++) { var pane = _a[_i]; if (pane.s.dtPane) { pane.s.scrollTop = pane.s.dtPane.table().node().parentNode.scrollTop; } } // Load in all of the searchBoxes in the documents var searches = this.dom.container.find('.' + this.classes.search.replace(/\s+/g, '.')); // For each searchBox set the input text to be empty and then trigger // an input on them so that they no longer filter the panes searches.each(function () { $(this).val('').trigger('input'); }); // Clear the selectionList this.s.selectionList = []; var returnArray = []; for (var _b = 0, _c = this.s.panes; _b < _c.length; _b++) { var pane = _c[_b]; if (pane.s.dtPane) { returnArray.push(pane.clearPane()); } } return returnArray; }; /** * returns the container node for the searchPanes */ SearchPanes.prototype.getNode = function () { return this.dom.container; }; /** * rebuilds all of the panes */ SearchPanes.prototype.rebuild = function (targetIdx, maintainSelection) { if (targetIdx === void 0) { targetIdx = false; } if (maintainSelection === void 0) { maintainSelection = false; } this.dom.emptyMessage.detach(); // As a rebuild from scratch is required, empty the searchpanes container. if (targetIdx === false) { this.dom.panes.empty(); } // Rebuild each pane individually, if a specific pane has been selected then only rebuild that one var returnArray = []; for (var _i = 0, _a = this.s.panes; _i < _a.length; _i++) { var pane = _a[_i]; if (targetIdx === false || pane.s.index === targetIdx) { pane.clearData(); pane.rebuildPane(this.s.dt.page.info().serverSide ? this.s.serverData : undefined, maintainSelection); this.dom.panes.append(pane.dom.container); returnArray.push(pane); } } this._updateSelection(); // Attach panes, clear buttons, and title bar to the document this._updateFilterCount(); this._attachPaneContainer(); this._initSelectionListeners(false); // If the selections are to be maintained, then it is safe to assume that paging is also to be maintained // Otherwise, the paging should be reset this.s.dt.draw(!maintainSelection); // Resize the panes incase there has been a change this.resizePanes(); // If a single pane has been rebuilt then return only that pane return returnArray.length === 1 ? returnArray[0] : returnArray; }; /** * Resizes all of the panes */ SearchPanes.prototype.resizePanes = function () { if (this.c.layout === 'auto') { var contWidth = $(this.s.dt.searchPanes.container()).width(); var target = Math.floor(contWidth / this.s.minPaneWidth); // The neatest number of panes per row var highest_1 = 1; var highestmod_1 = 0; // Get the indexes of all of the displayed panes var dispIndex = []; for (var _i = 0, _a = this.s.panes; _i < _a.length; _i++) { var pane = _a[_i]; if (pane.s.displayed) { dispIndex.push(pane.s.index); } } var displayCount = dispIndex.length; // If the neatest number is the number we have then use this. if (target === displayCount) { highest_1 = target; } else { // Go from the target down and find the value with the most panes left over, this will be the best fit for (var ppr = target; ppr > 1; ppr--) { var rem = displayCount % ppr; if (rem === 0) { highest_1 = ppr; highestmod_1 = 0; break; } // If there are more left over at this amount of panes per row (ppr) // then it fits better so new values else if (rem > highestmod_1) { highest_1 = ppr; highestmod_1 = rem; } } } // If there is a perfect fit then none are to be wider var widerIndexes_1 = highestmod_1 !== 0 ? dispIndex.slice(dispIndex.length - highestmod_1, dispIndex.length) : []; this.s.panes.forEach(function (pane) { // Resize the pane with the new layout if (pane.s.displayed) { pane.resize('columns-' + (!widerIndexes_1.includes(pane.s.index) ? highest_1 : highestmod_1)); } }); } else { for (var _b = 0, _c = this.s.panes; _b < _c.length; _b++) { var pane = _c[_b]; pane.adjustTopRow(); } } return this; }; /** * Holder method that is userd in SearchPanesST to set listeners that have an effect on other panes * * @param isPreselect boolean to indicate if the preselect array is to override the current selection list. */ SearchPanes.prototype._initSelectionListeners = function (isPreselect) { return; }; /** * Blank method that is overridden in SearchPanesST to retrieve the totals from the server data */ SearchPanes.prototype._serverTotals = function () { return; }; /** * Set's the xhr listener so that SP can extact appropriate data from the response */ SearchPanes.prototype._setXHR = function () { var _this = this; // We are using the xhr event to rebuild the panes if required due to viewTotal being enabled // If viewTotal is not enabled then we simply update the data from the server this.s.dt.on('xhr.dtsps', function (e, settings, json) { if (json && json.searchPanes && json.searchPanes.options) { _this.s.serverData = json; _this.s.serverData.tableLength = json.recordsTotal; _this._serverTotals(); } }); }; /** * Set's the function that is to be performed when a state is loaded * * Overridden by the method in SearchPanesST */ SearchPanes.prototype._stateLoadListener = function () { var _this = this; this.s.dt.on('stateLoadParams.dtsps', function (e, settings, data) { if (data.searchPanes === undefined) { return; } _this.clearSelections(); // Set the selection list for the panes so that the correct // rows can be reselected and in the right order _this.s.selectionList = data.searchPanes.selectionList ? data.searchPanes.selectionList : []; // Find the panes that match from the state and the actual instance if (data.searchPanes.panes) { for (var _i = 0, _a = data.searchPanes.panes; _i < _a.length; _i++) { var loadedPane = _a[_i]; for (var _b = 0, _c = _this.s.panes; _b < _c.length; _b++) { var pane = _c[_b]; if (loadedPane.id === pane.s.index) { // Set the value of the searchbox pane.dom.searchBox.val(loadedPane.searchTerm); // Set the value of the order pane.s.dtPane.order(loadedPane.order); } } } } _this._makeSelections(_this.s.selectionList); }); }; /** * Updates the selectionList when cascade is not in place * * Overridden in SearchPanesST */ SearchPanes.prototype._updateSelection = function () { this.s.selectionList = []; for (var _i = 0, _a = this.s.panes; _i < _a.length; _i++) { var pane = _a[_i]; if (pane.s.dtPane) { var rows = pane.s.dtPane.rows({ selected: true }).data().toArray().map(function (el) { return el.filter; }); if (rows.length) { this.s.selectionList.push({ column: pane.s.index, rows: rows }); } } } }; /** * Attach the panes, buttons and title to the document */ SearchPanes.prototype._attach = function () { var _this = this; this.dom.titleRow .removeClass(this.classes.hide) .detach() .append(this.dom.title); // If the clear button is permitted attach it if (this.c.clear) { this.dom.clearAll .appendTo(this.dom.titleRow) .on('click.dtsps', function () { return _this.clearSelections(); }); } if (this.c.collapse) { this.dom.showAll.appendTo(this.dom.titleRow); this.dom.collapseAll.appendTo(this.dom.titleRow); this._setCollapseListener(); } // Attach the container for each individual pane to the overall container for (var _i = 0, _a = this.s.panes; _i < _a.length; _i++) { var pane = _a[_i]; this.dom.panes.append(pane.dom.container); } // Attach everything to the document this.dom.container .text('') .removeClass(this.classes.hide) .append(this.dom.titleRow) .append(this.dom.panes); // WORKAROUND this.s.panes.forEach(function (pane) { return pane.setListeners(); }); if ($('div.' + this.classes.container).length === 0) { this.dom.container.prependTo(this.s.dt); } }; /** * If there are no panes to display then this method is called to either * display a message in their place or hide them completely. */ SearchPanes.prototype._attachMessage = function () { // Create a message to display on the screen var message; try { message = this.s.dt.i18n('searchPanes.emptyPanes', this.c.i18n.emptyPanes); } catch (error) { message = null; } // If the message is an empty string then searchPanes.emptyPanes is undefined, // therefore the pane container should be removed from the display if (message === null) { this.dom.container.addClass(this.classes.hide); this.dom.titleRow.removeClass(this.classes.hide); return; } // Otherwise display the message this.dom.container.removeClass(this.classes.hide); this.dom.titleRow.addClass(this.classes.hide); this.dom.emptyMessage.html(message).appendTo(this.dom.container); }; /** * Attaches the panes to the document and displays a message or hides if there are none */ SearchPanes.prototype._attachPaneContainer = function () { // If a pane is to be displayed then attach the normal pane output for (var _i = 0, _a = this.s.panes; _i < _a.length; _i++) { var pane = _a[_i]; if (pane.s.displayed === true) { this._attach(); return; } } // Otherwise attach the custom message or remove the container from the display this._attachMessage(); }; /** * Checks which panes are collapsed and then performs relevant actions to the collapse/show all buttons */ SearchPanes.prototype._checkCollapse = function () { var disableClose = true; var disableShow = true; for (var _i = 0, _a = this.s.panes; _i < _a.length; _i++) { var pane = _a[_i]; if (pane.s.displayed) { // If the pane is not collapsed if (!pane.dom.collapseButton.hasClass(pane.classes.rotated)) { // Enable the collapse all button this.dom.collapseAll.removeClass(this.classes.disabledButton).removeAttr('disabled'); disableClose = false; } else { // Otherwise enable the show all button this.dom.showAll.removeClass(this.classes.disabledButton).removeAttr('disabled'); disableShow = false; } } } // If this flag is still true, no panes are open so the close button should be disabled if (disableClose) { this.dom.collapseAll.addClass(this.classes.disabledButton).attr('disabled', 'true'); } // If this flag is still true, no panes are closed so the show button should be disabled if (disableShow) { this.dom.showAll.addClass(this.classes.disabledButton).attr('disabled', 'true'); } }; /** * Attaches the message to the document but does not add any panes */ SearchPanes.prototype._checkMessage = function () { // If a pane is to be displayed then attach the normal pane output for (var _i = 0, _a = this.s.panes; _i < _a.length; _i++) { var pane = _a[_i]; if (pane.s.displayed === true) { // Ensure that the empty message is removed if a pane is displayed this.dom.emptyMessage.detach(); this.dom.titleRow.removeClass(this.classes.hide); return; } } // Otherwise attach the custom message or remove the container from the display this._attachMessage(); }; /** * Collapses all of the panes */ SearchPanes.prototype._collapseAll = function () { for (var _i = 0, _a = this.s.panes; _i < _a.length; _i++) { var pane = _a[_i]; pane.collapse(); } }; /** * Finds a pane based upon the name of that pane * * @param name string representing the name of the pane * @returns SearchPane The pane which has that name */ SearchPanes.prototype._findPane = function (name) { for (var _i = 0, _a = this.s.panes; _i < _a.length; _i++) { var pane = _a[_i]; if (name === pane.s.name) { return pane; } } }; /** * Gets the selection list from the previous state and stores it in the selectionList Property */ SearchPanes.prototype._getState = function () { var loadedFilter = this.s.dt.state.loaded(); if (loadedFilter && loadedFilter.searchPanes && loadedFilter.searchPanes.selectionList) { this.s.selectionList = loadedFilter.searchPanes.selectionList; } }; SearchPanes.prototype._makeSelections = function (selectList) { for (var _i = 0, selectList_1 = selectList; _i < selectList_1.length; _i++) { var selection = selectList_1[_i]; var pane = void 0; for (var _a = 0, _b = this.s.panes; _a < _b.length; _a++) { var p = _b[_a]; if (p.s.index === selection.column) { pane = p; break; } } if (pane && pane.s.dtPane) { for (var j = 0; j < pane.s.dtPane.rows().data().toArray().length; j++) { if (selection.rows.includes(typeof pane.s.dtPane.row(j).data().filter === 'function' ? pane.s.dtPane.cell(j, 0).data() : pane.s.dtPane.row(j).data().filter)) { pane.s.dtPane.row(j).select(); } } pane.updateTable(); } } }; /** * Declares the instances of individual searchpanes dependant on the number of columns. * It is necessary to run this once preInit has completed otherwise no panes will be * created as the column count will be 0. * * @param table the DataTable api for the parent table * @param paneSettings the settings passed into the constructor * @param opts the options passed into the constructor */ SearchPanes.prototype._paneDeclare = function (table, paneSettings, opts) { var _this = this; // Create Panes table .columns(this.c.columns.length > 0 ? this.c.columns : undefined) .eq(0) .each(function (idx) { _this.s.panes.push(new _this.s.paneClass(paneSettings, opts, idx, _this.dom.panes)); }); // If there is any extra custom panes defined then create panes for them too var colCount = table.columns().eq(0).toArray().length; for (var i = 0; i < this.c.panes.length; i++) { var id = colCount + i; this.s.panes.push(new this.s.paneClass(paneSettings, opts, id, this.dom.panes, this.c.panes[i])); } // If a custom ordering is being used if (this.c.order.length > 0) { // Make a new Array of panes based upon the order this.s.panes = this.c.order.map(function (name) { return _this._findPane(name); }); } // If this internal property is true then the DataTable has been initialised already if (this.s.dt.settings()[0]._bInitComplete) { this._startup(table); } else { // Otherwise add the paneStartup function to the list of functions // that are to be run when the table is initialised. This will garauntee that the // panes are initialised before the init event and init Complete callback is fired this.s.dt.settings()[0].aoInitComplete.push({ fn: function () { return _this._startup(table); } }); } }; /** * Sets the listeners for the collapse and show all buttons * Also sets and performs checks on current panes to see if they are collapsed */ SearchPanes.prototype._setCollapseListener = function () { var _this = this; this.dom.collapseAll.on('click.dtsps', function () { _this._collapseAll(); _this.dom.collapseAll.addClass(_this.classes.disabledButton).attr('disabled', 'true'); _this.dom.showAll.removeClass(_this.classes.disabledButton).removeAttr('disabled'); _this.s.dt.state.save(); }); this.dom.showAll.on('click.dtsps', function () { _this._showAll(); _this.dom.showAll.addClass(_this.classes.disabledButton).attr('disabled', 'true'); _this.dom.collapseAll.removeClass(_this.classes.disabledButton).removeAttr('disabled'); _this.s.dt.state.save(); }); for (var _i = 0, _a = this.s.panes; _i < _a.length; _i++) { var pane = _a[_i]; // We want to make the same check whenever there is a collapse/expand pane.dom.collapseButton.on('click.dtsps', function () { return _this._checkCollapse(); }); } this._checkCollapse(); }; /** * Shows all of the panes */ SearchPanes.prototype._showAll = function () { for (var _i = 0, _a = this.s.panes; _i < _a.length; _i++) { var pane = _a[_i]; pane.show(); } }; /** * Initialises the tables previous/preset selections and initialises callbacks for events * * @param table the parent table for which the searchPanes are being created */ SearchPanes.prototype._startup = function (table) { var _this = this; // Attach clear button and title bar to the document this._attach(); this.dom.panes.empty(); for (var _i = 0, _a = this.s.panes; _i < _a.length; _i++) { var pane = _a[_i]; pane.rebuildPane(Object.keys(this.s.serverData).length > 0 ? this.s.serverData : undefined); this.dom.panes.append(pane.dom.container); } // If the layout is set to auto then the panes need to be resized to their best fit if (this.c.layout === 'auto') { this.resizePanes(); } var loadedFilter = this.s.dt.state.loaded(); // Reset the paging if that has been saved in the state if (!this.s.stateRead && loadedFilter) { this.s.dt .page(loadedFilter.start / this.s.dt.page.len()) .draw('page'); } this.s.stateRead = true; this._checkMessage(); // When a draw is called on the DataTable, update all of the panes incase the data in the DataTable has changed table.on('preDraw.dtsps', function () { // Check that the panes are not updating to avoid infinite loops // Also check that this draw is not due to paging if (!_this.s.updating && !_this.s.paging) { _this._updateFilterCount(); _this._updateSelection(); } // Paging flag reset - we only need to dodge the draw once _this.s.paging = false; }); $(window).on('resize.dtsps', dataTable.util.throttle(function () { return _this.resizePanes(); })); // Whenever a state save occurs store the selection list in the state object this.s.dt.on('stateSaveParams.dtsps', function (e, settings, data) { if (data.searchPanes === undefined) { data.searchPanes = {}; } data.searchPanes.selectionList = _this.s.selectionList; }); this._stateLoadListener(); // Listener for paging on main table table.off('page.dtsps').on('page.dtsps', function () { _this.s.paging = true; _this.s.page = _this.s.dt.page(); }); if (this.s.dt.page.info().serverSide) { table.off('preXhr.dtsps').on('preXhr.dtsps', function (e, settings, data) { if (!data.searchPanes) { data.searchPanes = {}; } if (!data.searchPanes_null) { data.searchPanes_null = {}; } // Count how many filters are being applied var filterCount = 0; for (var _i = 0, _a = _this.s.panes; _i < _a.length; _i++) { var pane = _a[_i]; var src = _this.s.dt.column(pane.s.index).dataSrc(); if (!data.searchPanes[src]) { data.searchPanes[src] = {}; } if (!data.searchPanes_null[src]) { data.searchPanes_null[src] = {}; } if (pane.s.dtPane) { var rowData = pane.s.dtPane.rows({ selected: true }).data().toArray(); for (var i = 0; i < rowData.length; i++) { data.searchPanes[src][i] = rowData[i].filter; if (!data.searchPanes[src][i]) { data.searchPanes_null[src][i] = true; } filterCount++; } } } // If there is a filter to be applied, then we need to read from the start of the result set // and set the paging to 0. This matches the behaviour of client side processing if (filterCount > 0) { // If the number of filters has changed we need to read from the start of the // result set and reset the paging if (filterCount !== _this.s.filterCount) { data.start = 0; _this.s.page = 0; } // Otherwise it is a paging request and we need to read from whatever the paging has been set to else { data.start = _this.s.page * _this.s.dt.page.len(); } _this.s.dt.page(_this.s.page); _this.s.filterCount = filterCount; } if (_this.s.selectionList.length > 0) { data.searchPanesLast = _this.s.dt .column(_this.s.selectionList[_this.s.selectionList.length - 1].column) .dataSrc(); } }); } else { table.on('preXhr.dtsps', function () { return _this.s.panes.forEach(function (pane) { return pane.clearData(); }); }); } // If the data is reloaded from the server then it is possible that it has changed completely, // so we need to rebuild the panes this.s.dt.on('xhr.dtsps', function (e, settings) { if (settings.nTable !== _this.s.dt.table().node()) { return; } if (!_this.s.dt.page.info().serverSide) { var processing_1 = false; _this.s.dt.one('preDraw.dtsps', function () { if (processing_1) { return; } var page = _this.s.dt.page(); processing_1 = true; _this.s.updating = true; _this.dom.panes.empty(); for (var _i = 0, _a = _this.s.panes; _i < _a.length; _i++) { var pane = _a[_i]; pane.clearData(); // Clears all of the bins and will mean that the data has to be re-read // Pass a boolean to say whether this is the last choice made for maintaining selections // when rebuilding pane.rebuildPane(undefined, true); _this.dom.panes.append(pane.dom.container); } if (!_this.s.dt.page.info().serverSide) { _this.s.dt.draw(); } _this.s.updating = false; _this._updateSelection(); _this._checkMessage(); _this.s.dt.one('draw.dtsps', function () { _this.s.updating = true; _this.s.dt.page(page).draw(false); _this.s.updating = false; }); }); } }); // PreSelect any selections which have been defined using the preSelect option var selectList = this.c.preSelect; if (loadedFilter && loadedFilter.searchPanes && loadedFilter.searchPanes.selectionList) { selectList = loadedFilter.searchPanes.selectionList; } this._makeSelections(selectList); // Update the title bar to show how many filters have been selected this._updateFilterCount(); // If the table is destroyed and restarted then clear the selections so that they do not persist. table.on('destroy.dtsps', function () { for (var _i = 0, _a = _this.s.panes; _i < _a.length; _i++) { var pane = _a[_i]; pane.destroy(); } table.off('.dtsps'); _this.dom.showAll.off('.dtsps'); _this.dom.clearAll.off('.dtsps'); _this.dom.collapseAll.off('.dtsps'); $(table.table().node()).off('.dtsps'); _this.dom.container.detach(); _this.clearSelections(); }); if (this.c.collapse) { this._setCollapseListener(); } // When the clear All button has been pressed clear all of the selections in the panes if (this.c.clear) { this.dom.clearAll.on('click.dtsps', function () { return _this.clearSelections(); }); } table.settings()[0]._searchPanes = this; // This state save is required so that state is maintained over multiple refreshes if no actions are made this.s.dt.state.save(); }; /** * Updates the number of filters that have been applied in the title */ SearchPanes.prototype._updateFilterCount = function () { var filterCount = 0; // Add the number of all of the filters throughout the panes for (var _i = 0, _a = this.s.panes; _i < _a.length; _i++) { var pane = _a[_i]; if (pane.s.dtPane) { filterCount += pane.getPaneCount(); } } // Run the message through the internationalisation method to improve readability this.dom.title.html(this.s.dt.i18n('searchPanes.title', this.c.i18n.title, filterCount)); if (this.c.filterChanged && typeof this.c.filterChanged === 'function') { this.c.filterChanged.call(this.s.dt, filterCount); } if (filterCount === 0) { this.dom.clearAll.addClass(this.classes.disabledButton).attr('disabled', 'true'); } else { this.dom.clearAll.removeClass(this.classes.disabledButton).removeAttr('disabled'); } }; SearchPanes.version = '2.0.0'; SearchPanes.classes = { clear: 'dtsp-clear', clearAll: 'dtsp-clearAll', collapseAll: 'dtsp-collapseAll', container: 'dtsp-searchPanes', disabledButton: 'dtsp-disabledButton', emptyMessage: 'dtsp-emptyMessage', hide: 'dtsp-hidden', panes: 'dtsp-panesContainer', search: 'dtsp-search', showAll: 'dtsp-showAll', title: 'dtsp-title', titleRow: 'dtsp-titleRow' }; // Define SearchPanes default options SearchPanes.defaults = { clear: true, collapse: true, columns: [], container: function (dt) { return dt.table().container(); }, filterChanged: undefined, i18n: { clearMessage: 'Clear All', clearPane: '×', collapse: { 0: 'SearchPanes', _: 'SearchPanes (%d)' }, collapseMessage: 'Collapse All', count: '{total}', emptyMessage: '<em>No data</em>', emptyPanes: 'No SearchPanes', loadMessage: 'Loading Search Panes...', showMessage: 'Show All', title: 'Filters Active - %d' }, layout: 'auto', order: [], panes: [], preSelect: [] }; return SearchPanes; }()); var __extends = (window && window.__extends) || (function () { var extendStatics = function (d, b) { extendStatics = Object.setPrototypeOf || ({ __proto__: [] } instanceof Array && function (d, b) { d.__proto__ = b; }) || function (d, b) { for (var p in b) if (b.hasOwnProperty(p)) d[p] = b[p]; }; return extendStatics(d, b); }; return function (d, b) { extendStatics(d, b); function __() { this.constructor = d; } d.prototype = b === null ? Object.create(b) : (__.prototype = b.prototype, new __()); }; })(); var SearchPanesST = /** @class */ (function (_super) { __extends(SearchPanesST, _super); function SearchPanesST(paneSettings, opts, fromPreInit) { if (fromPreInit === void 0) { fromPreInit = false; } var _this = this; var paneClass; if (opts.cascadePanes && opts.viewTotal) { paneClass = SearchPaneCascadeViewTotal; } else if (opts.cascadePanes) { paneClass = SearchPaneCascade; } else if (opts.viewTotal) { paneClass = SearchPaneViewTotal; } _this = _super.call(this, paneSettings, opts, fromPreInit, paneClass) || this; var loadedFilter = _this.s.dt.state.loaded(); var loadFn = function () { return _this._initSelectionListeners(true, loadedFilter && loadedFilter.searchPanes && loadedFilter.searchPanes.selectionList ? loadedFilter.searchPanes.selectionList : _this.c.preSelect); }; _this.s.dt.off('init.dtsps').on('init.dtsps', loadFn); return _this; } /** * Ensures that the correct selection listeners are set for selection tracking * * @param preSelect Any values that are to be preselected */ SearchPanesST.prototype._initSelectionListeners = function (isPreselect, preSelect) { if (isPreselect === void 0) { isPreselect = true; } if (preSelect === void 0) { preSelect = []; } if (isPreselect) { this.s.selectionList = preSelect; } // Set selection listeners for each pane for (var _i = 0, _a = this.s.panes; _i < _a.length; _i++) { var pane = _a[_i]; if (pane.s.displayed) { pane.s.dtPane .off('select.dtsp') .on('select.dtsp', this._update(pane)) .off('deselect.dtsp') .on('deselect.dtsp', this._update(pane)); } } // Update on every draw this.s.dt.off('draw.dtsps').on('draw.dtsps', this._update()); // Also update right now as table has just initialised this._updateSelectionList(); }; /** * Retrieve the total values from the server data */ SearchPanesST.prototype._serverTotals = function () { for (var _i = 0, _a = this.s.panes; _i < _a.length; _i++) { var pane = _a[_i]; if (pane.s.colOpts.show) { var colTitle = this.s.dt.column(pane.s.index).dataSrc(); var blockVT = true; // If any of the counts are not equal to the totals filtering must be active for (var _b = 0, _c = this.s.serverData.searchPanes.options[colTitle]; _b < _c.length; _b++) { var data = _c[_b]; if (data.total !== data.count) { blockVT = false; break; } } // Set if filtering is present on the pane and populate the data arrays pane.s.filteringActive = !blockVT; pane._serverPopulate(this.s.serverData); } } }; /** * Set's the function that is to be performed when a state is loaded * * Overrides the method in SearchPanes */ SearchPanesST.prototype._stateLoadListener = function () { var _this = this; var stateLoadFunction = function (e, settings, data) { if (data.searchPanes === undefined) { return; } // Set the selection list for the panes so that the correct // rows can be reselected and in the right order _this.s.selectionList = data.searchPanes.selectionList ? data.searchPanes.selectionList : []; // Find the panes that match from the state and the actual instance if (data.searchPanes.panes) { for (var _i = 0, _a = data.searchPanes.panes; _i < _a.length; _i++) { var loadedPane = _a[_i]; for (var _b = 0, _c = _this.s.panes; _b < _c.length; _b++) { var pane = _c[_b]; if (loadedPane.id === pane.s.index) { // Set the value of the searchbox pane.dom.searchBox.val(loadedPane.searchTerm); // Set the value of the order pane.s.dtPane.order(loadedPane.order); } } } } _this._updateSelectionList(); }; this.s.dt.off('stateLoadParams.dtsps', stateLoadFunction).on('stateLoadParams.dtsps', stateLoadFunction); }; /** * Remove the function's actions when using cascade * * Overrides the method in SearchPanes */ SearchPanesST.prototype._updateSelection = function () { return; }; /** * Returns a function that updates the selection list based on a specific pane * * @param pane the pane that is to have it's selections loaded */ SearchPanesST.prototype._update = function (pane) { var _this = this; if (pane === void 0) { pane = undefined; } return function () { return _this._updateSelectionList(pane); }; }; /** * Updates the selection list to include the latest selections for a given pane * * @param index The index of the pane that is to be updated * @param selected Which rows are selected within the pane */ SearchPanesST.prototype._updateSelectionList = function (paneIn) { if (paneIn === void 0) { paneIn = undefined; } // Bail if any of these flags are set if (this.s.updating || paneIn && paneIn.s.serverSelecting) { return; } if (paneIn !== undefined) { if (this.s.dt.page.info().serverSide) { paneIn._updateSelection(); } // Get filter values for all of the rows and the selections var rows = paneIn.s.dtPane.rows({ selected: true }).data().toArray().map(function (el) { return el.filter; }); this.s.selectionList = this.s.selectionList.filter(function (selection) { return selection.column !== paneIn.s.index; }); if (rows.length > 0) { this.s.selectionList.push({ column: paneIn.s.index, rows: rows }); } if (this.s.dt.page.info().serverSide) { this.s.dt.draw(false); } } this._remakeSelections(); this._updateFilterCount(); }; /** * Remake the selections that were present before new data or calculations have occured */ SearchPanesST.prototype._remakeSelections = function () { this.s.updating = true; if (!this.s.dt.page.info().serverSide) { var tmpSL = this.s.selectionList; var anotherFilter = false; this.clearSelections(); this.s.dt.draw(); // When there are no selections present if the length of the data does not match the searched data // then another filter is present if (this.s.dt.rows().toArray()[0].length > this.s.dt.rows({ search: 'applied' }).toArray()[0].length) { anotherFilter = true; } this.s.selectionList = tmpSL; // Update the rows in each pane for (var _i = 0, _a = this.s.panes; _i < _a.length; _i++) { var pane = _a[_i]; if (pane.s.displayed) { pane.s.filteringActive = anotherFilter; pane.updateRows(); } } for (var _b = 0, _c = this.s.selectionList; _b < _c.length; _b++) { var selection = _c[_b]; var pane = void 0; for (var _d = 0, _e = this.s.panes; _d < _e.length; _d++) { var paneCheck = _e[_d]; if (paneCheck.s.index === selection.column) { pane = paneCheck; break; } } if (!pane.s.dtPane) { continue; } var ids = pane.s.dtPane.rows().indexes().toArray(); // Select the rows that are present in the selection list for (var _f = 0, _g = selection.rows; _f < _g.length; _f++) { var row = _g[_f]; for (var _h = 0, ids_1 = ids; _h < ids_1.length; _h++) { var id = ids_1[_h]; var currRow = pane.s.dtPane.row(id); var data = currRow.data(); if (row === data.filter) { currRow.select(); } } } pane.s.selections = selection.rows; // If there are no rows selected then don't bother continuing past here // Will just increase processing time and skew the rows that are shown in the table if (selection.rows.length === 0) { continue; } // Update the table to display the current results this.s.dt.draw(); var filteringActive = false; var filterCount = 0; var prevSelectedPanes = 0; var selectedPanes = 0; // Add the number of all of the filters throughout the panes for (var _j = 0, _k = this.s.panes; _j < _k.length; _j++) { var currPane = _k[_j]; if (currPane.s.dtPane) { filterCount += currPane.getPaneCount(); if (filterCount > prevSelectedPanes) { selectedPanes++; prevSelectedPanes = filterCount; } } } filteringActive = filterCount > 0; for (var _l = 0, _m = this.s.panes; _l < _m.length; _l++) { var currPane = _m[_l]; if (currPane.s.displayed) { // Set the filtering active flag if (anotherFilter || pane.s.index !== currPane.s.index || !filteringActive) { currPane.s.filteringActive = filteringActive || anotherFilter; } else if (selectedPanes === 1) { currPane.s.filteringActive = false; } // Update the rows to show correct counts if (currPane.s.index !== pane.s.index) { currPane.updateRows(); } } } } // Update table to show final search results this.s.dt.draw(); } else { // Identify the last pane to have a change in selection var pane = void 0; if (this.s.selectionList.length > 0) { pane = this.s.panes[this.s.selectionList[this.s.selectionList.length - 1].column]; } // Update the rows of all of the other panes for (var _o = 0, _p = this.s.panes; _o < _p.length; _o++) { var currPane = _p[_o]; if (currPane.s.displayed && (!pane || currPane.s.index !== pane.s.index)) { currPane.updateRows(); } } } this.s.updating = false; }; return SearchPanesST; }(SearchPanes)); /*! SearchPanes 2.0.0 * 2019-2022 SpryMedia Ltd - datatables.net/license */ // DataTables extensions common UMD. Note that this allows for AMD, CommonJS // (with window and jQuery being allowed as parameters to the returned // function) or just default browser loading. (function (factory) { if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) { // AMD define(['jquery', 'datatables.net'], function ($) { return factory($, window, document); }); } else if (typeof exports === 'object') { // CommonJS module.exports = function (root, $) { if (!root) { root = window; } if (!$ || !$.fn.dataTable) { // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-var-requires $ = require('datatables.net')(root, $).$; } return factory($, root, root.document); }; } else { // Browser - assume jQuery has already been loaded // eslint-disable-next-line no-extra-parens factory(window.jQuery, window, document); } }(function ($, window, document) { setJQuery$4($); setJQuery($); setJQuery$3($); setJQuery$2($); setJQuery$1($); var dataTable = $.fn.dataTable; // eslint-disable-next-line no-extra-parens $.fn.dataTable.SearchPanes = SearchPanes; // eslint-disable-next-line no-extra-parens $.fn.DataTable.SearchPanes = SearchPanes; // eslint-disable-next-line no-extra-parens $.fn.dataTable.SearchPanesST = SearchPanesST; // eslint-disable-next-line no-extra-parens $.fn.DataTable.SearchPanesST = SearchPanesST; // eslint-disable-next-line no-extra-parens $.fn.dataTable.SearchPane = SearchPane; // eslint-disable-next-line no-extra-parens $.fn.DataTable.SearchPane = SearchPane; // eslint-disable-next-line no-extra-parens $.fn.dataTable.SearchPaneViewTotal = SearchPaneViewTotal; // eslint-disable-next-line no-extra-parens $.fn.DataTable.SearchPaneViewTotal = SearchPaneViewTotal; // eslint-disable-next-line no-extra-parens $.fn.dataTable.SearchPaneCascade = SearchPaneCascade; // eslint-disable-next-line no-extra-parens $.fn.DataTable.SearchPaneCascade = SearchPaneCascade; // eslint-disable-next-line no-extra-parens $.fn.dataTable.SearchPaneCascadeViewTotal = SearchPaneCascadeViewTotal; // eslint-disable-next-line no-extra-parens $.fn.DataTable.SearchPaneCascadeViewTotal = SearchPaneCascadeViewTotal; // eslint-disable-next-line no-extra-parens var apiRegister = $.fn.dataTable.Api.register; apiRegister('searchPanes()', function () { return this; }); apiRegister('searchPanes.clearSelections()', function () { return this.iterator('table', function (ctx) { if (ctx._searchPanes) { ctx._searchPanes.clearSelections(); } }); }); apiRegister('searchPanes.rebuildPane()', function (targetIdx, maintainSelections) { return this.iterator('table', function (ctx) { if (ctx._searchPanes) { ctx._searchPanes.rebuild(targetIdx, maintainSelections); } }); }); apiRegister('searchPanes.resizePanes()', function () { var ctx = this.context[0]; return ctx._searchPanes ? ctx._searchPanes.resizePanes() : null; }); apiRegister('searchPanes.container()', function () { var ctx = this.context[0]; return ctx._searchPanes ? ctx._searchPanes.getNode() : null; }); $.fn.dataTable.ext.buttons.searchPanesClear = { action: function (e, dt) { dt.searchPanes.clearSelections(); }, text: 'Clear Panes' }; $.fn.dataTable.ext.buttons.searchPanes = { action: function (e, dt, node, config) { this.popover(config._panes.getNode(), { align: 'container', span: 'container' }); config._panes.rebuild(undefined, true); }, config: {}, init: function (dt, node, config) { var buttonOpts = $.extend({ filterChanged: function (count) { dt.button(node).text(dt.i18n('searchPanes.collapse', dt.context[0].oLanguage.searchPanes !== undefined ? dt.context[0].oLanguage.searchPanes.collapse : dt.context[0]._searchPanes.c.i18n.collapse, count)); } }, config.config); var panes = buttonOpts && (buttonOpts.cascadePanes || buttonOpts.viewTotal) ? new $.fn.dataTable.SearchPanesST(dt, buttonOpts) : new $.fn.dataTable.SearchPanes(dt, buttonOpts); dt.button(node).text(config.text || dt.i18n('searchPanes.collapse', panes.c.i18n.collapse, 0)); config._panes = panes; }, text: null }; function _init(settings, options, fromPre) { if (options === void 0) { options = null; } if (fromPre === void 0) { fromPre = false; } var api = new dataTable.Api(settings); var opts = options ? options : api.init().searchPanes || dataTable.defaults.searchPanes; var searchPanes = opts && (opts.cascadePanes || opts.viewTotal) ? new SearchPanesST(api, opts, fromPre) : new SearchPanes(api, opts, fromPre); var node = searchPanes.getNode(); return node; } // Attach a listener to the document which listens for DataTables initialisation // events so we can automatically initialise $(document).on('preInit.dt.dtsp', function (e, settings) { if (e.namespace !== 'dt') { return; } if (settings.oInit.searchPanes || dataTable.defaults.searchPanes) { if (!settings._searchPanes) { _init(settings, null, true); } } }); // DataTables `dom` feature option dataTable.ext.feature.push({ cFeature: 'P', fnInit: _init }); // DataTables 2 layout feature if (dataTable.ext.features) { dataTable.ext.features.register('searchPanes', _init); } })); })();