[ 'oid' => '', 'desc' => 'Audio', 'x_not_human_readable' => true, 'x_binary_transfer_required' => false, ], '' => [ 'oid' => '', 'desc' => 'Binary', 'x_not_human_readable' => true, 'x_binary_transfer_required' => false, ], '' => [ 'oid' => '', 'desc' => 'Bit String', 'x_not_human_readable' => false, 'x_binary_transfer_required' => false, ], '' => [ 'oid' => '', 'desc' => 'Boolean', 'x_not_human_readable' => false, 'x_binary_transfer_required' => false, ], '' => [ 'oid' => '', 'desc' => 'Certificate', 'x_not_human_readable' => true, 'x_binary_transfer_required' => true, ], '' => [ 'oid' => '', 'desc' => 'Certificate List', 'x_not_human_readable' => true, 'x_binary_transfer_required' => true, ], '' => [ 'oid' => '', 'desc' => 'Certificate Pair', 'x_not_human_readable' => true, 'x_binary_transfer_required' => true, ], '' => [ 'oid' => '', 'desc' => 'X.509 AttributeCertificate', 'x_not_human_readable' => true, 'x_binary_transfer_required' => true, ], '' => [ 'oid' => '', 'desc' => 'Distinguished Name', 'x_not_human_readable' => false, 'x_binary_transfer_required' => false, ], '' => [ 'oid' => '', 'desc' => 'RDN', 'x_not_human_readable' => false, 'x_binary_transfer_required' => false, ], '' => [ 'oid' => '', 'desc' => 'Delivery Method', 'x_not_human_readable' => false, 'x_binary_transfer_required' => false, ], '' => [ 'oid' => '', 'desc' => 'Directory String', 'x_not_human_readable' => false, 'x_binary_transfer_required' => false, ], '' => [ 'oid' => '', 'desc' => 'Facsimile Telephone Number', 'x_not_human_readable' => false, 'x_binary_transfer_required' => false, ], '' => [ 'oid' => '', 'desc' => 'Fax image', 'x_not_human_readable' => false, 'x_binary_transfer_required' => false, ], '' => [ 'oid' => '', 'desc' => 'Generalized Time', 'x_not_human_readable' => false, 'x_binary_transfer_required' => false, ], '' => [ 'oid' => '', 'desc' => 'Guide', 'x_not_human_readable' => false, 'x_binary_transfer_required' => false, ], '' => [ 'oid' => '', 'desc' => 'IA5 String', 'x_not_human_readable' => false, 'x_binary_transfer_required' => false, ], '' => [ 'oid' => '', 'desc' => 'Integer', 'x_not_human_readable' => false, 'x_binary_transfer_required' => false, ], '' => [ 'oid' => '', 'desc' => 'JPEG', 'x_not_human_readable' => true, 'x_binary_transfer_required' => false, ], '' => [ 'oid' => '', 'desc' => 'Name And Optional UID', 'x_not_human_readable' => false, 'x_binary_transfer_required' => false, ], '' => [ 'oid' => '', 'desc' => 'Numeric String', 'x_not_human_readable' => false, 'x_binary_transfer_required' => false, ], '' => [ 'oid' => '', 'desc' => 'OID', 'x_not_human_readable' => false, 'x_binary_transfer_required' => false, ], '' => [ 'oid' => '', 'desc' => 'Other Mailbox', 'x_not_human_readable' => false, 'x_binary_transfer_required' => false, ], '' => [ 'oid' => '', 'desc' => 'Octet String', 'x_not_human_readable' => false, 'x_binary_transfer_required' => false, ], '' => [ 'oid' => '', 'desc' => 'Postal Address', 'x_not_human_readable' => false, 'x_binary_transfer_required' => false, ], '' => [ 'oid' => '', 'desc' => 'Printable String', 'x_not_human_readable' => false, 'x_binary_transfer_required' => false, ], '' => [ 'oid' => '', 'desc' => 'Country String', 'x_not_human_readable' => false, 'x_binary_transfer_required' => false, ], '' => [ 'oid' => '', 'desc' => 'SubtreeSpecification', 'x_not_human_readable' => false, 'x_binary_transfer_required' => false, ], '' => [ 'oid' => '', 'desc' => 'Supported Algorithm', 'x_not_human_readable' => true, 'x_binary_transfer_required' => true, ], '' => [ 'oid' => '', 'desc' => 'Telephone Number', 'x_not_human_readable' => false, 'x_binary_transfer_required' => false, ], '' => [ 'oid' => '', 'desc' => 'Teletex Terminal Identifier', 'x_not_human_readable' => false, 'x_binary_transfer_required' => false, ], '' => [ 'oid' => '', 'desc' => 'Telex Number', 'x_not_human_readable' => false, 'x_binary_transfer_required' => false, ], '' => [ 'oid' => '', 'desc' => 'UTC Time', 'x_not_human_readable' => false, 'x_binary_transfer_required' => false, ], '' => [ 'oid' => '', 'desc' => 'LDAP Syntax Description', 'x_not_human_readable' => false, 'x_binary_transfer_required' => false, ], '' => [ 'oid' => '', 'desc' => 'RFC2307 NIS Netgroup Triple', 'x_not_human_readable' => false, 'x_binary_transfer_required' => false, ], '' => [ 'oid' => '', 'desc' => 'RFC2307 Boot Parameter', 'x_not_human_readable' => false, 'x_binary_transfer_required' => false, ], '' => [ 'oid' => '', 'desc' => 'UUID', 'x_not_human_readable' => false, 'x_binary_transfer_required' => false, ], ]; const KNOWN_SYNTAX_CLASSES = [ '' => BinarySyntax::class, // audio '' => BinarySyntax::class, // binary '' => BinarySyntax::class, // bit string '' => BooleanSyntax::class, // boolean '' => BinarySyntax::class, // certificate '' => BinarySyntax::class, // certificate list '' => BinarySyntax::class, // certificate pair '' => BinarySyntax::class, // X.509 AttributeCertificate '' => StringSyntax::class, // DN '' => StringSyntax::class, // RDN '' => StringSyntax::class, // delivery method '' => StringSyntax::class, // directory string '' => TelephoneSyntax::class, // fax number '' => DateSyntax::class, // generalized time '' => StringSyntax::class, // IA5 string '' => IntegerSyntax::class, // integer '' => BinarySyntax::class, // jpeg '' => StringSyntax::class, // name and (opt.) oid '' => IntegerSyntax::class, // numeric string '' => StringSyntax::class, // oid '' => MailSyntax::class, // other mailbox '' => StringSyntax::class, // octet string '' => PostalAddressSyntax::class, // postal address '' => PrintableSyntax::class, // printable string '' => StringSyntax::class, // country string '' => StringSyntax::class, // subtree spec '' => BinarySyntax::class, // supported algorithm '' => TelephoneSyntax::class, // telephone number '' => TelephoneSyntax::class, // telex number '' => StringSyntax::class, // RFC2307 NIS Netgroup Triple '' => StringSyntax::class, // RFC2307 Boot Parameter '' => StringSyntax::class, // uuid ]; const LDAP_CONTROL_CONSTANTS = [ # pas toutes ne sont définies en fonction de la version de PHP "LDAP_CONTROL_MANAGEDSAIT", "LDAP_CONTROL_PROXY_AUTHZ", "LDAP_CONTROL_SUBENTRIES", "LDAP_CONTROL_VALUESRETURNFILTER", "LDAP_CONTROL_ASSERT", "LDAP_CONTROL_PRE_READ", "LDAP_CONTROL_POST_READ", "LDAP_CONTROL_SORTREQUEST", "LDAP_CONTROL_SORTRESPONSE", "LDAP_CONTROL_PAGEDRESULTS", "LDAP_CONTROL_SYNC", "LDAP_CONTROL_SYNC_STATE", "LDAP_CONTROL_SYNC_DONE", "LDAP_CONTROL_DONTUSECOPY", "LDAP_CONTROL_PASSWORDPOLICYREQUEST", "LDAP_CONTROL_PASSWORDPOLICYRESPONSE", "LDAP_CONTROL_X_INCREMENTAL_VALUES", "LDAP_CONTROL_X_DOMAIN_SCOPE", "LDAP_CONTROL_X_PERMISSIVE_MODIFY", "LDAP_CONTROL_X_SEARCH_OPTIONS", "LDAP_CONTROL_X_TREE_DELETE", "LDAP_CONTROL_X_EXTENDED_DN", "LDAP_CONTROL_VLVREQUEST", "LDAP_CONTROL_VLVRESPONSE", "LDAP_EXOP_MODIFY_PASSWD", "LDAP_EXOP_REFRESH", "LDAP_EXOP_START_TLS", "LDAP_EXOP_TURN", "LDAP_EXOP_WHO_AM_I", "LDAP_CONTROL_AUTHZID_REQUEST", "LDAP_CONTROL_AUTHZID_RESPONSE", ]; const ROOT_DSE_LITERALS = [ # Constantes non définies de façon normalisée ["", "/*Cancel Extended Request*/ \"\""], ["", "/*Modify-Increment*/ \"\""], ["", "/*All Op Attrs*/ \"\""], ["", "/*OC AD Lists*/ \"\""], ["", "/*LDAP Protocol Mechanism*/ \"\""], ["", "/*draft-zeilenga-ldap-rfc2596*/ \"\""], ["", "/*draft-zeilenga-ldap-rfc2596*/ \"\""], ]; }