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2023-01-31 08:47:50 +04:00
.\" -*- nroff -*-
Copyright (C) 2011-2014 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
Written by Deri James <>
This file is part of groff.
groff is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
groff is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <>.
Author's Note
Much of the code in this macro has come from the excellent original work by
Keith Marshall (see attribution in the pdfmark.tmac file). I, however,
am solely responsible for any bugs I may have introduced into this file.
.mso ps.tmac
.de pdf:SS
. char \\$1 \\S'16'\\$1\\S'0'
.pdf:SS \[+h]
.pdf:SS \[ts]
.pdf:SS \[*a]
.pdf:SS \[*b]
.pdf:SS \[*x]
.pdf:SS \[*d]
.pdf:SS \[*e]
.pdf:SS \[*f]
.pdf:SS \[*g]
.pdf:SS \[*y]
.pdf:SS \[*i]
.pdf:SS \[+f]
.pdf:SS \[*k]
.pdf:SS \[*l]
.pdf:SS \[*m]
.pdf:SS \[*n]
.pdf:SS \[*o]
.pdf:SS \[*p]
.pdf:SS \[*h]
.pdf:SS \[*r]
.pdf:SS \[*s]
.pdf:SS \[*t]
.pdf:SS \[*u]
.pdf:SS \[+p]
.pdf:SS \[*w]
.pdf:SS \[*c]
.pdf:SS \[*q]
.pdf:SS \[*z]
.char \[lh] \X'pdf: xrev'\[rh]\X'pdf: xrev'
.nr 1
.de pdfmark
. nop \!x X ps:exec [\\$* pdfmark
.de pdf:warn
. tm \\n(.F:\\n(.c: macro warning: \\$*
.de pdf:error
. tm \\n(.F:\\n(.c: macro error: \\$*
.de pdfinfo
.\" -------------------------------------------------------------------
.\" Usage:
.\" .pdfinfo /FieldName field content ...
.\" Examples:
.\" .pdfinfo /Title A PDF Document
.\" .pdfinfo /Author Keith Marshall
.\" -------------------------------------------------------------------
.ds pdf:meta.field \\$1
.ie '\\n(.z'' .pdfmark \\*[pdf:meta.field] (\\$*) /DOCINFO
.el \!.pdfmark \\*[pdf:meta.field] (\\$*) /DOCINFO
.rm pdf:meta.field
.de pdfview
.\" -------------------------------------------------------------------
.\" Usage:
.\" .pdfview view parameters ...
.\" Examples:
.\" .pdfview /PageMode /UseOutlines
.\" .pdfview /Page 2 /View [/FitH \n(.p u]
.\" -------------------------------------------------------------------
.ie '\\n(.z'' .pdfmark \\$* /DOCVIEW
.el \!.pdfmark \\$* /DOCVIEW
.\" =====================================================================
.\" Module PDFNOTE: Insert "Sticky Note" Style Comments in a PDF Document
.\" =====================================================================
.\" "PDFNOTE.WIDTH" and "PDFNOTE.HEIGHT" set the preferred size for
.\" display of the "sticky note" pane, when opened. Acrobat Reader
.\" seems not to honour these -- perhaps GhostScript doesn't encode
.\" them correctly! Anyway, let's set some suitable default values,
.\" in case the user has a set up which does work as advertised.
.\" "pdf:bbox" defines the expression used to set the size and location
.\" of the bounding rectangle for display of notes and link "hot-spots".
.\" This is defined, such that a note is placed at troff's current text
.\" position on the current page, with its displayed image size defined
.\" by the "PDFNOTE.WIDTH" and "PDFNOTE.HEIGHT" registers, while the
.\" bounds for a link "hot-spot" are matched to the text region which
.\" defines the "hot-spot".
.ds pdf:bbox \\n[pdf:llx] u \\n[pdf:lly] u \\n[pdf:urx] u \\n[pdf:ury] u
.\" Getting line breaks into the text of a PDFNOTE is tricky -- we need
.\" to get a "\n" into the Postscript stream, but three levels of "\" are
.\" swallowed, when we invoke "pdfnote". The following definition of "PDFLB",
.\" (for LineBreak), is rather ugly, but does allow us to use
.\" .pdfnote Some text.\*[PDFLB]Some more text, on a new line.
.ds PDFLB \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\n
.de pdfnote
.\" ----------------------------------------------------------------------
.\" Usage:
.\" .pdfnote [-T "Text for Title"] Text of note ...
.\" ----------------------------------------------------------------------
.\" First, compute the bounding rectangle,
.\" for this PDFNOTE instance
. mk pdf:ury
. nr pdf:llx \\n(.k+\\n(.o+\\n[.in]
. nr pdf:lly \\n[pdf:ury]-\\n[PDFNOTE.HEIGHT]
. nr pdf:urx \\n[pdf:llx]+\\n[PDFNOTE.WIDTH]
. ds pdf:note.instance /Rect [\\*[pdf:bbox]]
.\" Parse any specified (recognisable) PDFNOTE options
. while dpdf:note\\$1 \{\
. pdf:note\\$1 \\$@
. shift \\n[pdf:note.argc]
. \}
.\" Emit the note, and clean up
. pdfmark \\*[pdf:note.instance] /Subtype /Text /Contents (\\$*) /ANN
. rm pdf:note.instance
. rr pdf:note.argc
.de pdf:note-T
.nr pdf:note.argc 2
.as pdf:note.instance " /Title (\\$2)
.\" =====================================================================
.\" Module PDFBOOKMARK: Add an Outline Reference in the PDF Bookmark Pane
.\" =====================================================================
.\" "PDFBOOKMARK.VIEW" controls how the document will be displayed,
.\" when the user selects a bookmark. This default setting will fit
.\" the page width to the viewing window, with the bookmarked entry
.\" located at the top of the viewable area.
.\" "PDFOUTLINE.FOLDLEVEL" controls how the document outline will be
.\" displayed. It is a number, defining the maximum heading level
.\" which will be visible, without outline expansion by the user, in
.\" the initial view of the document outline. Assuming that no sane
.\" document will ever extend to 10,000 levels of nested headings,
.\" this initial default value causes outlines to be fully expanded.
.\" The actual job of creating an outline reference
.\" is performed by the "pdfbookmark" macro.
.de pdfbookmark
.\" ------------------------------------------------------------------
.\" Usage:
.\" .pdfbookmark [-T tag] level "Text of Outline Entry"
.\" $1 = nesting level for bookmark (1 is top level)
.\" $2 = text for bookmark, (in PDF viewer bookmarks list)
.\" ------------------------------------------------------------------
.ie '\\n(.z'' \{\
.\" When we are at the top diversion level, i.e. actually emitting text
.\" to the output device stream, then we compute the location of, and
.\" plant this bookmark immediately.
. \" Make the bookmark name "untagged" by default,
. \" then parse any specified options, to set a "tag", if required
. \"
. ds pdf:href-T
. while dpdf:href.opt\\$1 \{\
. pdf:href.opt\\$1 \\$@
. shift \\n[pdf:href.argc]
. \}
. rr pdf:href.argc
. \"
. \" If we found "--" to mark the end of the options, discard it
. \"
. if '\\$1'--' .shift
. \"
. nr pdf:bm.lev 0+\\$1
. if \\n[pdf:bm.lev]==0 .nr pdf:bm.lev 1
. if \\n[pdf:bm.lev]-1==\\n[PDFOUTLINE.FOLDLEVEL] .nr pdf:bm.lev \\n[pdf:bm.lev]*-1
. nr pdf:bm.abslev 0+\\n[pdf:bm.lev]
. if \\n[pdf:bm.lev]<0 .nr pdf:bm.abslev 0+\\n[pdf:bm.abslev]*-1
. if \\n[pdf:bm.abslev]>\\n[] .nr \\n[]+1
. ie \\n[pdf:bm.abslev]>\\n[] \{\
. pdf:warn adjusted level \\n[pdf:bm.abslev] bookmark; should be <= \\n[]
. nr pdf:bm.abslev 0+\\n[]
. if \\n[pdf:bm.abslev]-1==\\n[PDFOUTLINE.FOLDLEVEL] .nr pdf:bm.lev \\n[pdf:bm.abslev]*-1
. \}
. el .nr \\n[pdf:bm.abslev]
. if \\n[pdf:bm.lev]<0 .nr pdf:bm.abslev \\n[pdf:bm.abslev]*-1
. nr pdf:bm.lev 0+\\n[pdf:bm.abslev]
. rr pdf:bm.abslev
. shift
. \"
. \" Increment the bookmark serialisation index
. \" in order to generate a uniquely serialised bookmark name,
. \" ( which we return in the string "PDFBOOKMARK.NAME" ),
. \"
. nr +1
. ie '\\*[pdf:href-T]'' .ds PDFBOOKMARK.NAME pdf:bm\\n[]
. el .ds PDFBOOKMARK.NAME \\*[pdf:href-T]
. pdf:href.sety
. ds pdf:cleaned \\$*
. ev pdfcln
. tr \[em]-
. nf
. box pdf:clean
. nop \\$*
. fl
. box
. chop pdf:clean
. asciify pdf:clean
. length pdf:clean:len \\*[pdf:clean]
. ds pdf:cleaned \\*[pdf:clean]
. rm pdf:clean
. ev
. tr \[em]\[em]
. ds pdf:look(\\*[PDFBOOKMARK.NAME]) \\*[pdf:cleaned]
. if dPDF.EXPORT .tm .ds pdf:look(\\*[PDFBOOKMARK.NAME]) \\*[pdf:cleaned]
. pdfmark /Dest /\\*[PDFBOOKMARK.NAME] /View [\\*[PDFBOOKMARK.VIEW]] /DEST
. nop \!x X ps:exec [/Dest /\\*[PDFBOOKMARK.NAME] /Title (\\*[pdf:cleaned]) /Level \\n[pdf:bm.lev] /OUT pdfmark
.\". pdfmark /Dest /\\*[PDFBOOKMARK.NAME] /Title "(\\*[pdf:cleaned])" /Level \\n[pdf:bm.lev] /OUT
. pdf:href.options.clear
. rm pdf:cleaned
. rm pdf:clean
. \}
. \}
.el \{\
.\" But when we are collecting a diversion which will be written out later,
.\" then we must defer bookmark placement, until we emit the diversion.
.\" (don't rely on $0 == pdfbookmark here; it may be a volatile alias).
. nop \!.pdfbookmark \\$@
. \}
.de pdfclean
. ie '\\n(.z'' \{\
. ds pdfcleaned \\$*
. ev pdfcln
. tr \[em]-
. nf
. box pdf:clean
. nop \\*[\\*[pdfcleaned]]
. fl
. box
. chop pdf:clean
. asciify pdf:clean
. ev
. ds \\*[pdfcleaned] "\\*[pdf:clean]
. rm pdf:clean
. tr \[em]\[em]
. el .nop \!.pdfclean \\$@
.\" =============================================================
.\" Module PDFHREF: Create Hypertext References in a PDF Document
.\" =============================================================
.\" "PDFHREF.VIEW" controls how the document will be displayed,
.\" when the user follows a link to a named reference.
.\" This default setting will fit the page width to the viewing
.\" window, with the bookmarked entry located close to the top
.\" of the viewable area. "PDFHREF.VIEW.LEADING" controls the
.\" actual distance below the top of the viewing window, where
.\" the reference will be positioned; 5 points is a reasonable
.\" default offset.
.\" Yuk!!!
.\" PDF view co-ordinates are mapped from the bottom left corner,
.\" of the page, whereas page printing co-ordinates are mapped
.\" conventionally, from top left.
.\" Macro "pdf:href.sety" transforms the vertical position of the
.\" last printed baseline, from the printing co-ordinate domain to
.\" the PDF view domain.
.de pdf:href.sety
.\" ----------------------------------------------------------------
.\" Usage:
.\" .pdf:href.sety
.\" ----------------------------------------------------------------
.\" This computation yields the vertical view co-ordinate
.\" in groff's basic units; don't forget to append grops' "u"
.\" conversion operator, when writing the pdfmark!
.\" When we create a link "hot-spot" ...
.\" "PDFHREF.LEADING" sets the distance above the top of the glyph
.\" bounding boxes, in each line of link text, over which the link
.\" hot-spot will extend, while "PDFHREF.HEIGHT" sets the hot-spot
.\" height, PER LINE of text occupied by the reference.
.\" Since most fonts specify some leading space within the bounding
.\" boxes of their glyphs, a better appearance may be achieved when
.\" NEGATIVE leading is specified for link hot-spots; indeed, when
.\" the default 10pt Times font is used, -1.0 point seems to be a
.\" reasonable default value for "PDFHREF.LEADING" -- it may be
.\" changed, if desired.
.\" "PDFHREF.HEIGHT" is initially set as one vertical spacing unit;
.\" note that it is defined as a string, so it will adapt to changes
.\" in the vertical spacing. Changing it is NOT RECOMMENDED.
.\" PDF readers generally place a rectangular border around link
.\" "hot-spots". Within text, this looks rather ugly, so we set
.\" "PDFHREF.BORDER" to suppress it -- the three zeroes represent
.\" the border parameters in the "/Border [0 0 0]" PDFMARK string,
.\" and may be changed to any valid form, as defined in Adobe's
.\" PDFMARK Reference Manual.
.\" "PDFHREF.COLOUR" (note British spelling) defines the colour to
.\" be used for display of link "hot-spots". This will apply both
.\" to borders, if used, and, by default to text; however, actual
.\" text colour is set by "PDFHREF.TEXT.COLOUR", which may be reset
.\" independently of "PDFHREF.COLOUR", to achieve contrasting text
.\" and border colours.
.\" "PDFHREF.COLOUR" must be set to a sequence of three values,
.\" each in the range 0.0 .. 1.0, representing the red, green, and
.\" blue components of the colour specification in the RGB colour
.\" domain, which is shared by "groff" and the PDF readers.
.ds PDFHREF.COLOUR 0.35 0.00 0.60
.defcolor pdf:href.colour rgb \*[PDFHREF.COLOUR]
.\" "PDFHREF.TEXT.COLOUR", on the other hand, is simply defined
.\" using any "groff" colour name -- this default maps it to the
.\" same colour value as "PDFHREF.COLOUR".
.ds PDFHREF.TEXT.COLOUR pdf:href.colour
.\" Accommodate users who prefer the American spelling, COLOR, to
.\" the British spelling, COLOUR.
.\" All PDF "Hypertext" reference capabilities are accessed
.\" through the "pdfhref" macro
.de pdfhref
.\" -----------------------------------------------------------------
.\" Usage:
.\" .pdfhref <subcommand [options ...] [parameters ...]> ...
.\" -----------------------------------------------------------------
.\" Loop over all subcommands specified in the argument list
. while \\n(.$ \{\
. \"
. \" Initially, assume each subcommand will complete successfully
. \"
. nr pdf:href.ok 1
. \"
. \" Initialise -E and -X flags in the OFF state
. \"
. nr pdf:href-E 0
. nr pdf:href-X 0
. \"
. \" Handle the case where subcommand is specified as "-class",
. \" setting up appropriate macro aliases for subcommand handlers.
. \"
. if dpdf*href\\$1 .als pdf*href pdf*href\\$1
. if dpdf*href\\$ .als pdf* pdf*href\\$
. if dpdf*href\\$1.file .als pdf*href.file pdf*href\\$1.file
. \"
. \" Repeat macro alias setup
. \" for the case where the subcommand is specified as "class",
. \" (without a leading hyphen)
. \"
. if dpdf*href-\\$1 .als pdf*href pdf*href-\\$1
. if dpdf*href-\\$ .als pdf* pdf*href-\\$
. if dpdf*href-\\$1.file .als pdf*href.file pdf*href-\\$1.file
. \"
. \" Process one subcommand ...
. \"
. ds pdf*href.class \\$1
. ie dpdf*href \{\
. \"
. \" Subcommand "class" is recognised ...
. \" discard the "class" code from the argument list,
. \" set the initial argument count to swallow all arguments,
. \" and invoke the selected subcommand handler.
. \"
. shift
. nr pdf:argc \\n(.$
. pdf*href \\$@
. \"
. \" When done,
. \" discard all arguments actually consumed by the handler,
. \" before proceeding to the next subcommand (if any).
. \"
. shift \\n[pdf:argc]
. \}
. el \{\
. \"
. \" Subcommand "class" is not recognised ...
. \" issue a warning, and discard the entire argument list,
. \" so aborting this "pdfhref" invocation
. \"
. pdf:warn \\$0: undefined reference class '\\$1' ignored
. shift \\n(.$
. \}
. \"
. \" Clean up temporary reference data,
. \" to ensure it doesn't propagate to any future reference
. \"
. rm pdf*href pdf:href.files
. rr pdf:href-E
. pdf:href.options.clear
. \}
. rr pdf:href.ok
.\" Macros "pdf:href.flag" and "pdf:href.option"
.\" provide a generic mechanism for switching on flag type options,
.\" and for decoding options with arguments, respectively
.de pdf:href.flag
.\" ----------------------------------------------------------------------
.\" ----------------------------------------------------------------------
.nr pdf:href\\$1 1
.nr pdf:href.argc 1
.de pdf:href.option
.\" ----------------------------------------------------------------------
.\" ----------------------------------------------------------------------
.ds pdf:href\\$1 \\$2
.nr pdf:href.argc 2
.\" Valid PDFHREF options are simply declared
.\" by aliasing option handlers to "pdf:href.option",
.\" or to "pdf:href.flag", as appropriate
.als pdf:href.opt-A pdf:href.option \" affixed text
.als pdf:href.opt-D pdf:href.option \" destination name
.als pdf:href.opt-E pdf:href.flag \" echo link descriptor
.als pdf:href.opt-F pdf:href.option \" remote file specifier
.als pdf:href.opt-N pdf:href.option \" reference name
.als pdf:href.opt-P pdf:href.option \" prefixed text
.als pdf:href.opt-T pdf:href.option \" bookmark "tag"
.als pdf:href.opt-X pdf:href.flag \" cross reference
.\" For references to another document file
.\" we also need to support OS dependent file name specifiers
.als pdf:href.opt-DF pdf:href.option \" /DOSFile specifier
.als pdf:href.opt-MF pdf:href.option \" /MacFile specifier
.als pdf:href.opt-UF pdf:href.option \" /UnixFile specifier
.als pdf:href.opt-WF pdf:href.option \" /WinFile specifier
.\" Macro "pdf:href.options.clear" ensures that ALL option
.\" argument strings are deleted, after "pdfhref" has completed
.\" all processing which depends on them
.de pdf:href.options.clear
.\" -----------------------------------------------------------------
.\" Usage:
.\" .pdf:href.options.clear [option ...]
.\" -----------------------------------------------------------------
.\" When an option list is specified ...
.ie \\n(.$ \{\
. \"
. \" then loop through the list,
. \" deleting each specified option argument string in turn
. \"
. while \\n(.$ \{\
. if dpdf:href-\\$1 .rm pdf:href-\\$1
. shift
. \}
. \}
.\" ... but when no list is specified,
.\" then recurse, to clear all known option argument strings
.el .pdf:href.options.clear A D F N P T DF MF UF WF
.\" Macro "pdf*href-M" is the handler invoked by "pdfhref", when
.\" called with the "M" reference class specifier, to create a
.\" named cross reference mark, and to emit a cross reference
.\" data record, as specified by "PDFHREF.INFO".
.de pdf*href-M
.\" -----------------------------------------------------------------
.\" Usage:
.\" .pdfhref M [-N name | -D name] [-E] descriptive text ...
.\" -----------------------------------------------------------------
.\" Initially, declare the -D and -N string options as empty,
.\" so we avoid warning messages when we try to use them, and find
.\" that they are undefined.
.ds pdf:href-D
.ds pdf:href-N
.\" Parse, interpret, and strip any specified options from the
.\" argument list. (Note that only options with a declared handler
.\" will be processed; there is no provision for detecting invalid
.\" options -- anything which is not recognised is assumed to start
.\" the "descriptive text" component of the argument list).
.while dpdf:href.opt\\$1 \{\
. pdf:href.opt\\$1 \\$@
. shift \\n[pdf:href.argc]
. \}
.\" If we found "--", to mark the end of the options,
.\" then we should discard it.
.if '\\$1'--' .shift
.\" All PDF reference markers MUST be named. The name may have been
.\" supplied using the "-N Name" option, (or the "-D Name" option);
.\" if not, deduce it from the first "word" in the "descriptive text",
.\" if any, and set the marker -- if we still can't identify the name
.\" for the destination, then this marker will not be created.
.ds PDFBOOKMARK.NAME "\\*[pdf:href-N]\\*[pdf:href-D]
.pdf*href.set \\*[PDFBOOKMARK.NAME] \\$1
.ds pdf:look(\\*[PDFBOOKMARK.NAME]) \\$*
.if dPDF.EXPORT .tm .ds pdf:look(\\*[PDFBOOKMARK.NAME]) \\$*
.\" Irrespective of whether this marker is created, or not,
.\" the descriptive text will be copied to the groff output stream,
.\" provided the "-E" option was specified
.if \\n[pdf:href-E] \&\\$*
.de pdf*href-F
.\"do nothing
.de pdf*href.set
.\" ----------------------------------------------------------------------
.\" ----------------------------------------------------------------------
.ie \\n(.$ \{\
. \"
. \" a marker name has been supplied ...
. \" if we are formatting for immediate output,
. \" emit PDFMARK code to establish the associated view
. \"
. ie '\\n(.z'' \{\
. pdf:href.sety
. pdfmark /Dest /\\$1 /View [\\*[PDFHREF.VIEW]] /DEST
. ds PDFHREF.NAME \\$1
. \}
. \"
. \" but, when formatting a diversion ...
. \" delay output of the PDFMARK code, until the diversion
. \" is eventually written out
. \"
. el \!.\\$0 \\$@
. \"
. \}
.el \{\
. \" marker is unnamed ...
. \" issue error message; do not emit reference data
. \"
. pdf:warn pdfhref destination marker must be named
. \}
.de pdf*href
.\" ------------------------------------------------------------------
.\" Usage:
.\" .pdf*href class [options ...] [link text ...]
.\" ------------------------------------------------------------------
.\" First, we initialise an empty string, which will be affixed to
.\" the end of the "link text". (This is needed to cancel the effect
.\" of a "\c" escape, which is placed at the end of the "link text"
.\" to support the "-A" option -- any text supplied by the user, when
.\" the "-A" option is specified, will replace this empty string).
.ds pdf:href-A
.\" Now we interpret, and remove any specified options from the
.\" argument list. (Note that only options with a declared handler
.\" will be processed; there is no provision for detecting invalid
.\" options -- anything which is not recognised is assumed to start
.\" the "link text" component of the argument list).
.while dpdf:href.opt\\$1 \{\
. pdf:href.opt\\$1 \\$@
. shift \\n[pdf:href.argc]
. \}
.\" If we found "--", to mark the end of the options, then we should
.\" discard it.
.if '\\$1'--' .shift
.\" All PDF link classes REQUIRE a named destination. This may have
.\" been supplied using the "-D Name" option, but, if not, deduce it
.\" from the first "word" in the "link text", if any -- if we still
.\" can't identify the destination, then set "pdf:href.ok" to zero,
.\" so this link will not be created.
.if !dpdf:href-D .pdf:href.option -D \\$1
.if '\\*[pdf:href-D]'' \{\
. pdf:error pdfhref has no destination
. nr pdf:href.ok 0
. \}
.\" Now, initialise a string, defining the PDFMARK code sequence
.\" to create the reference, using the appropriate type indicators.
.ds /Subtype /Link \\*[pdf*]
.\" And now, we have no further use for "pdf*".
.rm pdf*
.\" If the user specified any "link prefix" text, (using the "-P text"
.\" option), then emit it BEFORE processing the "link text" itself.
.if dpdf:href-P \&\\*[pdf:href-P]\c
.ie \\n[pdf:href.ok] \{\
. \"
. \" This link is VALID (so far as we can determine) ...
. \" Modify the "link text" argument specification, as required,
. \" to include any pre-formatted cross reference information
. \"
. ie \\n(.$ \{\
. \"
. \" One or more "link text" argument(s) are present,
. \" so, set the link description from the argument(s) ...
. \"
. ds PDFHREF.DESC \\\\$*
. \}
. el \{\
. ie dpdf:look(\\*[pdf:href-D]) .ds PDFHREF.DESC \\*[pdf:look(\\*[pdf:href-D])]
. el .ds PDFHREF.DESC Unknown
. \}
. \" Apply border and colour specifications to the PDFMARK string
. \" definition, as required.
. \"
. if dPDFHREF.BORDER .as " /Border [\\*[PDFHREF.BORDER]]
. if dPDFHREF.COLOUR .as " /Color [\\*[PDFHREF.COLOUR]]
. \"
. \" Emit the "link text", in its appropriate colour, marking the
. \" limits of its bounding box(es), as the before and after output
. \" text positions.
. \"
\#. if dPDFHREF.COLOUR .defcolor pdf:href.colour rgb \\*[PDFHREF.COLOUR]
. nr pdf:bm.width \\w'\\*[PDFHREF.DESC]'
. nop \&\m[\\*[PDFHREF.TEXT.COLOUR]]\c
. device pdf: markstart \\n[rst] \\n[rsb] \\n[PDFHREF.LEADING] \\*[]
. nop \&\\*[PDFHREF.DESC]\X'pdf: markend'\m[]\c
. \"
. \" Clean up the temporary registers and strings, used to
. \" compute the "hot-spot" bounds, and format the reference,
. \"
. \}
.\" But when we identify an INVALID link ...
.\" We simply emit the "link text", with no colour change, no border,
.\" and no associated "hot-spot".
.el \&\\$*\c
.\" And then, if the user specified any affixed text, (using the
.\" "-A text" option), we tack it on at the end.
.nop \&\\*[pdf:href-A]
.\" Macro "pdf*href-I" is used for one time initialisation of special
.\" "pdfhref" features; (currently, only the above page trap hook is
.\" supported, but it is implemented with one level of indirection, to
.\" accommodate possible future expansion).
.de pdf*href-I
.\" ----------------------------------------------------------------------
.\" Usage:
.\" .pdfhref I -<option> <optarg> [-<option> <optarg>] ...
.\" ----------------------------------------------------------------------
.\" Loop over all arguments, in pairs ...
.while \\n(.$ \{\
. \"
. \" handing them off to their respective initialisers,
. \" when suitable initialisers exist, or complaining otherwise.
. \"
. ie dpdf*href\\$1.init .pdf*href\\$1.init \\$2
. el .pdf*error pdfhref:init: unknown feature '\\$1'
. shift 2
. \}
.\" Before we can use the page break "hook", we need to initialise it
.\" as an addendum to a regular page break trap. To ensure that we don't
.\" compromise the user's page trap setup, we leave the onus for this
.\" initialisation with the user, but we provide the "pdf*href-PT.init"
.\" macro, (invoked by ".pdfhref I -PT <macro-name>"), to implement a
.\" suitable initialisation action.
.\" "pdf*href-L" is the generic handler for creating references to
.\" named destinations in PDF documents. It supports both local
.\" references, to locations within the same document, through its
.\" "pdf*" attribute, and also references to locations
.\" in any other PDF document, through "pdf*href-L.file".
.als pdf*href-L pdf*href
.ds pdf* /Dest /\\\\*[pdf:href-D]
.ds pdf*href-L.file /Action /GoToR \\\\*[pdf:href.files] \\*[pdf*]
.\" "pdf*href-O" is the "official" handler for creating PDF
.\" document outlines. It is simply an alias to "pdfbookmark",
.\" which may also be invoked directly, if preferred. Neither
.\" a "pdf*" nor a "pdf*href-O.file" attribute is
.\" required.
.als pdf*href-O pdfbookmark
.\" "pdf*href-W" is the generic handler for creating references to
.\" web resources, (or any resource specified by a uniform resource
.\" identifier). Such resource links are fully specified by the
.\" "pdf*" attribute.
.als pdf*href-W pdf*href
.ds pdf* /Action << /Subtype /URI /URI (\\\\*[pdf:href-D]) >>
.nr 0
.\" "pdfmarksuspend" and "pdfmarkrestart" should be used in any page trap
.\" macros to prevent output from the page trap macro being considered part
.\" of a 'hot spot' when it crosses a page boundary.
.de pdfmarksuspend
.nop \!x X pdf: marksuspend
.de pdfmarkrestart
.nop \!x X pdf: markrestart
.de pdfpagename
.nop \!x X pdf: pagename \\$1
.de pdfswitchtopage
.nop \!x X pdf: switchtopage \\$*
.\" pdf.tmac: end of file / vim: ft=groff