230 lines
3.4 KiB
230 lines
3.4 KiB
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# PASCAL highlighter for JOE
# With support for Delphi and FPC by Michael Van Canneyt
=Comment green
=Constant cyan
=Type bold
=Keyword bold
=Operator bold
=Function bold
=Bad bold red
:idle Idle
* idle
"a-zA-Z" ident buffer
"(" maybe_comment
"/" maybe_linecomment
"{" comment recolor=-1
"'" string recolor=-1
"$" maybe_hex_number
"%" maybe_bin_number
"&" maybe_oct_number
"0-9" number recolor=-1
# Comments
:maybe_comment Idle
* idle noeat
"*" comment recolor=-2
:maybe_linecomment Idle
* idle noeat
"/" line_comment recolor=-2
:line_comment Comment
* line_comment
"\n" reset
:comment Comment
* comment
"*" maybe_end_comment
"}" idle
:comment Comment
* comment
"*" maybe_end_comment
"}" idle
:maybe_end_comment Comment
* comment noeat
")" idle
# String constant
:string Constant
* string
"\n" idle
"'" maybe_end_string
:maybe_end_string Constant
* idle recolor=-1 noeat
"'" string
# Numeric constant
:maybe_hex_number Idle
* idle noeat
"0-9A-Fa-f" hex_number recolor=-2
:maybe_bin_number Idle
* idle noeat
"01" bin_number recolor=-2
:maybe_oct_number Idle
* idle noeat
"0-7" oct_number recolor=-2
:bad Bad
* idle
:hex_number Constant
* idle noeat
"0-9" hex_number
"a-fA-F" hex_number
:bin_number Constant
* idle noeat
"01" bin_number
"2-9" bad recolor=-1
:oct_number Constant
* idle noeat
"0-7" oct_number
"89" bad recolor=-1
:number Constant
* idle noeat
"0-9" number
"eE" epart
"." dot
:dot Constant
* idle noeat
"0-9" float
:float Constant
* idle noeat
"eE" epart
"0-9" float
:epart Constant
* idle noeat
"0-9+\-" enum
:enum Constant
* idle noeat
"0-9" enum
# Keywords
:ident Idle
* idle noeat istrings
"and" operator
"array" type
"begin" kw
"case" kw
"const" kw
"div" operator
"do" kw
"downto" kw
"else" kw
"end" kw
"file" kw
"for" kw
"function" kw
"goto" kw
"if" kw
"in" kw
"label" kw
"mod" operator
"nil" word_constant
"not" operator
"of" kw
"or" operator
"packed" kw
"procedure" kw
"program" kw
"record" kw
"repeat" kw
"set" kw
"then" kw
"type" kw
"until" kw
"var" kw
"while" kw
"with" kw
# Delphi keywords
"to" kw
"try" kw
"finally" kw
"raise" kw
"absolute" kw
"cdecl" kw
"stdcall" kw
"register" kw
"interface" kw
"library" kw
"constructor" kw
"destructor" kw
"dispinterface" kw
"inherited" kw
"public" kw
"private" kw
"published" kw
"protected" kw
"initialization" kw
"finalization" kw
"class" kw
"object" kw
"resourcestring" kw
"property" kw
"threadvar" kw
"integer" type
"boolean" type
"real" type
"char" type
"string" type
"text" type
"abs" function
"atan" function
"arctan" function
"concat" function
"cos" function
"eof" function
"eoln" function
"exp" function
"insert" function
"length" function
"ln" function
"log" function
"odd" function
"ord" function
"page" function
"pred" function
"round" function
"sin" function
"sqr" function
"sqrt" function
"succ" function
"trun" function
"a-zA-Z0-9_" ident
:kw Keyword
* idle noeat
:type Type
* idle noeat
:operator Operator
* idle noeat
:word_constant Constant
* idle noeat
:function Function
* idle noeat