2023-01-31 08:47:50 +04:00

436 lines
8.3 KiB

# JOE syntax highlight file for Haskell
# Define colors
# bold inverse blink dim underline
# white cyan magenta blue yellow green red black
# bg_white bg_cyan bg_magenta bg_blue bg_yellow bg_green bg_red bg_black
# not too colorfull to not distract user
=Special bold
=ConId bold yellow
=ReservedId bold
=Comment green
=Pragma bold green
=Error bg_red black
=FloatNumber bold cyan
=DecNumber bold cyan
=HexNumber cyan
=OctNumber cyan
=CharLit cyan
=StringLit cyan
=StringGap bg_cyan black
=EscapedChar bold cyan
:reset Idle
* reset
"a-z_" varid buffer recolor=-1
"A-Z" conormodid mark recolor=-1
":" consym buffer recolor=-1
"!#$%&*+./<=>?@\\^|~" varsym buffer recolor=-1
"-" dashorvarsym mark buffer recolor=-1
"(),;[]`}" special recolor=-1
"{" specialorncomment recolor=-1
"0-9" integerstart mark noeat
"\'" charlit recolor=-1
"\"" strlit recolor=-1
:special Special
* reset noeat
:specialorncomment Special
* reset noeat
"-" ncommentstart recolor=-2
:ncommentstart Comment
* reset noeat call=.comment()
"#" pragma recolor=-3
.subr comment
:ncomment Comment
* ncomment
"-" ncommentmaybeend
"{" ncommentmaybenest
:ncommentmaybeend Comment
* ncomment noeat
"}" ncomment return
:ncommentmaybenest Comment
* ncomment noeat
"-" ncomment call=.comment()
:pragma Pragma
* pragma
"#" pragmamaybeend1
"-" pragmamaybebadend
:pragmamaybeend1 Pragma
* pragma noeat
"-" pragmamaybeend2
:pragmamaybeend2 Pragma
* pragma noeat
"}" reset
:pragmamaybebadend Error
* pragma noeat
"}" errorstate recolor=-2
:errorstate Error
* reset
:conormodid ConId
* reset noeat
"." probablymodid recolor=-1
"a-zA-Z0-9'_" conormodid
# give it color varid to color the dot in case it is *not* a modid in the
# right color
:probablymodid VarSym
* ismodid noeat recolormark recolor=-1
" \t\r\n\v\f" reset
:ismodid ModId
* reset noeat
:varid VarId
* reset noeat strings
"case" reservedid
"class" reservedid
"data" reservedid
"default" reservedid
"deriving" reservedid
"do" reservedid
"else" reservedid
"if" reservedid
"import" reservedid
"infix" reservedid
"infixl" reservedid
"infixr" reservedid
"instance" reservedid
"let" reservedid
"module" reservedid
"newtype" reservedid
"of" reservedid
"then" reservedid
"type" reservedid
"where" reservedid
"_" reservedid
"a-zA-Z0-9_'" varid
:reservedid ReservedId
* reset noeat
:consym ConId
* reset noeat strings
":" reservedid
"::" reservedid
"-!#$%&*+./<=>?@\\^|~:" consym
:varsym VarSym
* reset noeat strings
".." reservedid
"=" reservedid
"\\" reservedid
"|" reservedid
"<-" reservedid
"->" reservedid
"@" reservedid
"~" reservedid
"-!#$%&*+./<=>?@\\^|~:" varsym
:dashorvarsym VarSym
* varsym noeat
"-" dashdash hold
:dashdash VarSym
* linecomment recolormark noeat
"!#$%&*+./<=>?@\\^|~:" varsym
"-" dashdash
:linecomment Comment
* linecomment
"\n" reset
:integerstart DecNumber
* decnum
"0" intdispatch
:decnum DecNumber
* reset noeat
"." floatmaybemant
"e" floatexponentstart
"0-9" decnum
:intdispatch DecNumber
* decnum noeat
"oO" octstart
"xX" hexstart
# Catch "0o " which is "integer 0" "symbol o" "whitespace"
# and "0oo" which is "integer 0" "symbol oo"
:octstart OctNumber
* varid noeat recolor=-2
"0-7" octint recolor=-3
# Catch "0o08" which is "(octal) integer 0" "integer 8"
:octint OctNumber
* reset noeat
"0-7" octint
:hexstart HexNumber
* varid noeat recolor=-2
"0-9a-fA-F" hexint recolor=-3
:hexint HexNumber
* reset noeat
"0-9a-fA-F" hexint
# default jumps to varsym because the dot that sent us here is the first
# char of a symbol.
:floatmaybemant FloatNumber
* varsym noeat recolor=-2
"0-9" floatmantissa recolormark
:floatmantissa FloatNumber
* reset noeat
"0-9" floatmantissa
"eE" floatexponentstart
# after an 'e'
# default jump is for identifiers starting with e directly pasted to a
# number
# recolormark is needed in the case we got here from decnum
:floatexponentstart FloatNumber
* varid noeat recolor=-2
"+-" floatexponentstart2
"0-9" floatexponent recolormark
# in case of non-digit:
# the e is a one-char-identifier, the + or - is the start of a symbol
:floatexponentstart2 FloatNumber
* unrollfloat noeat recolor=-3
"0-9" floatexponent recolormark
:floatexponent FloatNumber
* reset noeat
"0-9" floatexponent
# the error is just for testing...
:unrollfloat VarId
* varsym noeat recolor=-2
:charlit CharLit
* charlitend
"\n" errorstate noeat recolor=-2
"\'" errorstate noeat recolor=-2
"\\" escape_charlit mark recolor=-1
:charlitend CharLit
* charliterror noeat
"\'" reset
:escape_charlit EscapedChar
* charliterror recolor=-2
"0-9" escdecchar
"o" escoctcharstart
"x" eschexcharstart
"abfnrtv\\\"\'" charlitend
"A-Z" escasciichar buffer
"^" escasciictrlchar
:escoctcharstart EscapedChar
* charliterror recolor=-3 noeat
"0-7" escoctchar
:escoctchar EscapedChar
* charlitend noeat
"0-7" escoctchar
:escdecchar EscapedChar
* charlitend noeat
"0-9" escdecchar
:eschexcharstart EscapedChar
* charliterror recolor=-3 noeat
"0-9a-fA-F" eschexchar
:eschexchar EscapedChar
* charlitend noeat
"0-9a-fA-F" eschexchar
:escascnotfoundchar EscapedChar
* charliterror recolormark noeat
"A-Z" escasciichar
:escasciichar EscapedChar
* charliterror recolormark
"A-Z'" escascnotfoundchar noeat strings
"NUL" asciidonechar
"STX" asciidonechar
"ETX" asciidonechar
"EOT" asciidonechar
"ENQ" asciidonechar
"ACK" asciidonechar
"BEL" asciidonechar
"BS" asciidonechar
"HT" asciidonechar
"LF" asciidonechar
"VT" asciidonechar
"FF" asciidonechar
"CR" asciidonechar
"SO" asciiSOchar
"SI" asciidonechar
"DLE" asciidonechar
"DC1" asciidonechar
"DC2" asciidonechar
"DC3" asciidonechar
"DC4" asciidonechar
"NAK" asciidonechar
"SYN" asciidonechar
"ETB" asciidonechar
"CAN" asciidonechar
"EM" asciidonechar
"SUB" asciidonechar
"ESC" asciidonechar
"FS" asciidonechar
"GS" asciidonechar
"RS" asciidonechar
"US" asciidonechar
"SP" asciidonechar
"DEL" asciidonechar
:asciiSOchar EscapedChar
* charliterror recolormark
"'" charlitend noeat
"H" charlitend
:escasciictrlchar EscapedChar
* charliterror noeat recolor=-3
"A-Z@[\\]^_" charlitend
:asciidonechar EscapedChar
* charlitend noeat
:charliterror Error
* charliterror
"\'" charlitend noeat
# now for string literals
:strlit StringLit
* strlit
"\"" reset
"\n" errorstate noeat recolor=-2
"\\" escape_strlit mark recolor=-1
:escape_strlit EscapedChar
* strliterror recolor=-2
"0-9" escdecstr
"o" escoctstrstart
"x" eschexstrstart
"abfnrtv\\\"\'&" strlit
"A-Z" escasciistr buffer
"^" escasciictrlstr
" \t\n\r\v" stringgap recolor=-2
:escoctstrstart EscapedChar
* strliterror recolor=-3 noeat
"0-7" escoctstr
:escoctstr EscapedChar
* strlit noeat
"0-7" escoctstr
:escdecstr EscapedChar
* strlit noeat
"0-9" escdecstr
:eschexstrstart EscapedChar
* strliterror recolor=-3 noeat
"0-9a-fA-F" eschexstr
:eschexstr EscapedChar
* strlit noeat
"0-9a-fA-F" eschexstr
:escascnotfoundstr EscapedChar
* strliterror recolormark noeat
"A-Z" escasciistr
:escasciistr EscapedChar
* strliterror noeat recolormark
"A-Z\"" escascnotfoundstr noeat strings
"NUL" asciidonestr
"STX" asciidonestr
"ETX" asciidonestr
"EOT" asciidonestr
"ENQ" asciidonestr
"ACK" asciidonestr
"BEL" asciidonestr
"BS" asciidonestr
"HT" asciidonestr
"LF" asciidonestr
"VT" asciidonestr
"FF" asciidonestr
"CR" asciidonestr
"SO" asciiSOstr
"SI" asciidonestr
"DLE" asciidonestr
"DC1" asciidonestr
"DC2" asciidonestr
"DC3" asciidonestr
"DC4" asciidonestr
"NAK" asciidonestr
"SYN" asciidonestr
"ETB" asciidonestr
"CAN" asciidonestr
"EM" asciidonestr
"SUB" asciidonestr
"ESC" asciidonestr
"FS" asciidonestr
"GS" asciidonestr
"RS" asciidonestr
"US" asciidonestr
"SP" asciidonestr
"DEL" asciidonestr
:asciiSOstr EscapedChar
* strlit noeat
"H" strlit
:escasciictrlstr EscapedChar
* strliterror noeat recolor=-3
"A-Z@[\\]^_" strlit
:asciidonestr EscapedChar
* strlit noeat
:stringgap StringGap
* strgaperror recolor=-1
"\\" strlit
" \n\r\t\v" stringgap
:strgaperror Error
* strgaperror
"\\" strlit
"\"" reset
:strliterror Error
* strlit noeat