2023-01-31 08:47:50 +04:00

285 lines
5.0 KiB

# Improved XML highlighter by: Brian Candler <>
# Define no. sync lines
# You can say:
# -200 means 200 lines
# - means always start parsing from beginning of file when we lose sync
# if nothing is specified, the default is -50
# Define colors
# bold inverse blink dim underline
# white cyan magenta blue yellow green red black
# bg_white bg_cyan bg_magenta bg_blue bg_yellow bg_green bg_red bg_black
# The underlines are here right now just because I want to distinguish which
# bits have been coloured (say) CdataStart, CdataBody, CdataEnd. And that's
# because I think it may be useful to make that distinction for some people.
=Error red bold
=Tag blue
=Attr cyan
=Constant blue bold
=EntityRef magenta
=Decl cyan
=CommentStart green
=CommentBody green
=CommentEnd green
=PIStart magenta bold
=PIBody magenta
=PIEnd magenta bold
=CdataStart blue bold
=CdataBody bold
=CdataEnd blue bold
# NOTE: For UNICODE compatibility, the ranges
# "A-Za-z_:" -- first character of Name
# "A-Za-z0-9._:-" -- subsequent characters of Name
# ought to be replaced with some appropriate Unicode character classes
:content Idle
* content
"<" tag recolor=-1
"&" entityref recolor=-1
# > is allowed
# ">" error noeat recolor=-1
# In several contexts a space is an error, and since a coloured space is
# not visible, we colour the next non-space character as well.
:error Error
* error_visible noeat recolor=-1
" \t\r\n" error
:error_visible Error
* content
# Matched: &
:entityref EntityRef
* error noeat recolor=-1
"A-Za-z0-9._:-" entityref
"#" entityref
";" content
# Matched: <
:tag Tag
* error noeat recolor=-1
"/" end_tag
"A-Za-z_:" start_or_empty_tag
"?" pi_start recolor=-2
"!" decl recolor=-2 buffer
# Matched: </
:end_tag Tag
* error noeat recolor=-1
"A-Za-z_:" end_tag2
:end_tag2 Tag
* error noeat recolor=-1
"A-Za-z0-9._:-" end_tag2
" \t\r\n" end_tag2_sp recolor=-1
">" content
:end_tag2_sp Idle
* end_tag3 noeat
:end_tag3 Tag
* error noeat recolor=-1
" \t\r\n" end_tag3_sp recolor=-1
">" content
:end_tag3_sp Idle
* end_tag_3 noeat
# Matched: <tag
:start_or_empty_tag Tag
* error noeat recolor=-1
"A-Za-z0-9._:-" start_or_empty_tag
"/" empty_tag
" \t\r\n" start_or_empty_tag_sp recolor=-1
">" content
:start_or_empty_tag_sp Idle
* tag_space noeat
# Matched: <tag/
:empty_tag Tag
* error noeat recolor=-1
">" content
# Matched: <tag SPACE
:tag_space Attr
* error noeat recolor=-1
" \t\r\n" tag_space_sp recolor=-1
"A-Za-z_:" attr
"/" empty_tag recolor=-1
">" close_tag recolor=-1
:tag_space_sp Idle
* tag_space noeat
# Matched: <tag attr
:attr Attr
* error noeat recolor=-1
"A-Za-z0-9._:-" attr
" \t\r\n" attr_sp recolor=-1
"=" string
:attr_sp Idle
* attr_before noeat
:attr_before Attr
* error noeat recolor=-1
" \t\r\n" attr_sp recolor=-1
"=" string
# Matched: <tag attr=
:string Attr
* error noeat recolor=-1
" \t\r\n" string_sp recolor=-1
"\"" astring recolor=-1
"'" bstring recolor=-1
:string_sp Idle
* string noeat
# Matched: <tag attr="
:astring Constant
* astring
"<" error noeat recolor=-1
"&" achar recolor=-1
"\"" endstring
# ">" error noeat recolor=-1
:bstring Constant
* bstring
"<" error noeat recolor=-1
"&" bchar recolor=-1
"'" endstring
# ">" error noeat recolor=-1
:achar EntityRef
* error noeat recolor=-1
"A-Za-z0-9._:-" achar
"#" achar
";" astring
:bchar EntityRef
* error noeat recolor=-1
"A-Za-z0-9._:-" bchar
"#" bchar
";" bstring
# Matched: <tag attr="foo"
:endstring Attr
* error noeat recolor=-1
" \t\r\n" tag_space_sp
"/" empty_tag recolor=-1
">" close_tag recolor=-1
# This state is just to recolor the final ">" at the end of <tag attr="val">
:close_tag Tag
* content noeat
# Matched: <?
:pi_start PIStart
* pi noeat recolor=-1
:pi PIBody
* pi
"?" pi2
:pi2 PIBody
* pi
">" pi_end recolor=-2
:pi_end PIEnd
* content noeat recolor=-1
# Matched: <!
:decl Decl
* decl strings
"!--" comment_start recolor=-5
"![CDATA[" cdata_start recolor=-10
"<" decl_nest
">" content
# We allow one level of <...> nesting within declarations
:decl_nest Decl
* decl_nest
">" decl
# Matched: <!--
:comment_start CommentStart
* comment noeat
:comment CommentBody
* comment
"-" comment2
:comment2 CommentBody
* comment
"-" comment3
:comment3 CommentBody
* comment_error noeat recolor=-3
">" comment_end recolor=-3
:comment_end CommentEnd
* content noeat recolor=-1
# For compatibility, the string "--" (double-hyphen) MUST NOT occur within
# comments. [ section 2.5]
:comment_error Error
* comment
"-" comment_error
">" comment_end recolor=-3
# Matched: <![CDATA[
:cdata_start CdataStart
* cdata noeat
:cdata CdataBody
* cdata
"]" cdata2
:cdata2 CdataBody
* cdata
"]" cdata3
:cdata3 CdataBody
* cdata
">" cdata_end recolor=-3
:cdata_end CdataEnd
* content noeat recolor=-1