2023-01-31 09:52:15 +04:00

591 lines
21 KiB
Executable File

#!/usr/bin/env php
// usage : ./create_fs_json.php
// example: ./create_fs_json.php -d fs -o=fs.json -c=exceptions.txt
// parse $excep_file file to memorise file to transform (bashrc -> .bashrc)
// $prefix is a prefix for read datas ( home/alice/bash -> fs/home/alice/bash )
function read_exceptions( $excep_file, $prefix )
$exceptions = array();
$uid = array();
$gid = array();
$ignoreFiles = array();
$ignoreDirs = array();
$chmodFiles = array();
$chmodDir = array();
$chmodDirName = array();
$links = array();
$mesInfos = array();
$stat = @ stat( $excep_file );
if ( ! $stat )
fprintf(STDERR, "pas d'exceptions" . PHP_EOL);
$fd = fopen( $excep_file, "r" );
while (($ligne = fgets($fd)) !== false)
$ligne = trim( $ligne ); // suppress useless space
// don't parce comment lines
if ( ( substr( $ligne, 0, 1 ) == "#" ) || ( substr( $ligne, 0, 2 ) == "//" ) )
$ligne = $output = preg_replace('!\s+!', ' ', $ligne); // replace multiple spaces by one space
$t = explode( " ", $ligne );
if ( @ $t[0] == "herit" )
if ( count($t) == 5 )
// print ("analyse $ligne " . $t[1] . "\n");
if ( $t[1] == "uid" )
$uid[ $prefix . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $t[3] ] = $t[4];
else if ( $t[1] == "gid" )
$gid[ $prefix . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $t[3] ] = $t[4];
$nn = count($t);
fwrite (STDERR, "-->" . $ligne . "<-- not parsed : $nn arguments" . $PHP_EOL);
else if ( @ $t[0] == "rename" )
if ( count($t) == 3 )
$exceptions[ $prefix . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $t[1] ] = $t[2];
$nn = count($t);
fwrite (STDERR, "-->" . $ligne . "<-- not parsed : $nn arguments" . $PHP_EOL);
else if ( @ $t[0] == "forceload" )
$mesInfos["forceload"] = 1;
else if ( @ $t[0] == "webfs" )
if ( count($t) == 2 )
if ( $t[1] == "relative" )
$mesInfos["forcerelative"] = 1;
elseif ( $t[1] == "absolute" )
$mesInfos["forcerelative"] = 0;
fwrite (STDERR, "-->" . $ligne . "<-- not parsed" . $PHP_EOL);
else if ( count($t) == 3 )
if ( $t[1] == "path" )
$mesInfos["webpath"] = $t[2];
fwrite (STDERR, "-->" . $ligne . "<-- not parsed" . $PHP_EOL);
fwrite (STDERR, "-->" . $ligne . "<-- not parsed : $nn arguments" . $PHP_EOL);
else if ( @ $t[0] == "ignore" )
if ( count($t) == 3 )
if ( $t[1] == "file" )
array_push( $ignoreFiles, $t[2] );
else if ( $t[1] == "dir" )
$ignoreDirs[ $t[2] ] = "ignore";
fwrite (STDERR, $ligne . " not parsed" . PHP_EOL);
fwrite (STDERR, $ligne . " not parsed" . PHP_EOL);
else if ( @ $t[0] == "forcemod" )
if ( count($t) == 4 )
if ( $t[1] == "dir" )
$chmodDir [ $t[2] ] = $t[3];
elseif ( $t[1] == "rep" )
$chmodDirName [ $t[2] ] = $t[3];
else if ( $t[1] == "file" )
$chmodFiles [ $t[2] ] = $t[3];
fwrite (STDERR, $ligne . " not parsed" . PHP_EOL);
fwrite (STDERR, $ligne . " not parsed" . PHP_EOL);
else if ( @ $t[0] == "mklink" )
if ( count($t) == 3 )
$dir = dirname( $t[1] );
if ( substr( $dir,0,1 ) == DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR )
$dir = substr( $dir,1);
$link = basename( $t[1] );
$links[ $dir ][ $link ] = $t[2];
fwrite (STDERR, $ligne . " not parsed" . PHP_EOL);
else if ( count( $t ) == 2 )
// check there is 2 columns => file -> .file
$exceptions[ $prefix . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $t[0] ] = $t[1];
else if ( strlen( $ligne ) > 0 )
fwrite (STDERR, $ligne . " not parsed" . PHP_EOL);
// no warning for empty lines
fclose ($fd);
$parse = array( "exceptions" => $exceptions,
"uid" => $uid,
"gid" => $gid,
"ignoreFiles" => $ignoreFiles,
"ignoreDirs" => $ignoreDirs,
"chmodDir" => $chmodDir,
"chmodDirName" => $chmodDirName,
"chmodFiles" => $chmodFiles,
"links" => $links,
"mesInfos" => $mesInfos);
return $parse;
// return array( $exceptions, $uid, $gid, $ignoreFiles, $ignoreDirs, $chmodDir, $chmodDirName, $chmodFiles, $links, $mesInfos );
function dump_exceptions( $e )
if ( ! empty( $e ) )
while ( list( $k, $v ) = each( $e ) )
if ( is_array($v) )
foreach ( $v as $i=>$val )
fwrite ( STDERR, $k . "[" . $i . "] --> " . $val . PHP_EOL);
fwrite ( STDERR, $k . " --> " . $v . PHP_EOL);
fwrite( STDERR, "-------------------------------" . PHP_EOL);
function radical_search( $needle, $tab )
$res = array( false, 0);
// decoupe la chaine $needle (séparateur /) pour rechercher si la chaine est heritee
$t = explode( DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, $needle );
$s = "";
for ( $i = 0; $i < count($t); $i++)
if ( strlen($s) != 0 )
$s .= $t[$i];
if ( array_key_exists( $s, $tab ) )
$res = array( true, $tab[ $s ] );
$i = count($t);
return $res;
// return string formed by n spaces
// just to have a clean & beautiful presentation in the json file
function space( $n )
for ( $i = 0; $i<$n; $i++)
$sp.= " ";
return $sp;
function dirToArray($dir, $decalage)
// global $exceptions, $tabUID, $tabGID, $prefix,$ignoreFiles, $ignoreDirs, $chmodDir, $chmodDirName, $chmodFiles, $prefix, $links, $mesInfos;
global $fileparse;
global $superverbose;
global $prefix;
$exceptions = $fileparse["exceptions"];
$tabUID = $fileparse["uid"];
$tabGID = $fileparse["gid"];
$ignoreFiles = $fileparse["ignoreFiles"];
$ignoreDirs = $fileparse["ignoreDirs"];
$chmodDir = $fileparse["chmodDir"];
$chmodDirName= $fileparse["chmodDirName"];
$chmodFiles = $fileparse["chmodFiles"];
$links = $fileparse["links"];
$mesInfos = $fileparse["mesInfos"];
$result = "";
$lprefix = strlen( $prefix ) + 1; // 1 = DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR
// fwrite (STDERR, "___Analyse le repertoire : $dir ($prefix)\n");
$cdir = @ scandir($dir);
if ( $cdir )
// parse les fichiers en 1er
foreach ($cdir as $key => $filename)
$lname = $dir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $filename;
$absoluteName = substr( $lname, $lprefix );
$absoluteDir = substr( $dir, $lprefix );
if ( ! is_dir($lname) )
if ( $superverbose )
fwrite (STDERR, " Analyse $dir + $filename = $lname (asbDir=$absoluteDir :: absName=$absoluteName)" . PHP_EOL);
$ext = substr( $filename, strlen( $filename ) - 4, 4 );
if ( $ext == ".bz2" )
$realfilename=substr($filename,0, strlen($filename)-4);
if ( ( in_array( $filename, $ignoreFiles ) ) || ( in_array( $realfilename, $ignoreFiles ) ) )
if ( $superverbose )
fwrite (STDERR, " +-> ignored" . PHP_EOL);
else if ( is_link($lname) )
// Check if link is not already in Array(links)
// fwrite (STDERR, "Check $lname :: $absoluteName :: $absoluteDir :: $filename\n");
if ( ! isset( $links[ $absoluteDir] [ $filename ] ) )
$result .= space( $decalage ) . '{ "name":"' . $filename . '", "mode":"120777", "path":"' . readlink( $lname ) . '"},' . "\n";
$infos = stat( $dir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $filename );
// print ("traite le fichier : $dir" . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . "$filename\n");
// file is compressed ... need to find the real (decompressed) size
if ( $ext == ".bz2" )
$l = 0;
$fh = bzopen($lname ,'r');
$buffer = bzread($fh);
if($buffer === FALSE)
else if(bzerrno($fh) !== 0)
// die('Compression Problem');
$l += strlen( $buffer );
$d = sprintf("%04o", $infos['mode']);
$nname = substr( $filename, 0, strlen( $filename) - 4 ); // substract the 4 last chars (".bz2")
$extra = "";
$needle = $dir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $nname;
if ( array_key_exists( $needle, $exceptions ) )
$extra = ', "src":"' . $needle . '" ';
$nname = basename( $exceptions[$needle] );
list( $res, $u ) = radical_search( $needle, $tabUID );
if ( $res )
if ( $superverbose )
fprintf (STDERR, " +-> search $needle in Array(UID) : FOUNDED ($u)" . PHP_EOL);
$extra .= ', "uid":' . $u;
list( $res, $g ) = radical_search( $needle, $tabGID );
if ( $res )
if ( $superverbose )
fprintf (STDERR, " +-> search $needle in Array(GID) : FOUNDED ($g)" . PHP_EOL);
$extra .= ', "gid":' . $g;
if ( isset( $chmodDir[ $absoluteDir ] ) )
if ( $superverbose )
fprintf (STDERR, " +-> from chmodDir " . PHP_EOL);
$d = $chmodDir[ $absoluteDir ];
$rawFileName = substr( $absoluteName, 0, strlen( $absoluteName ) - 4); // substract the 4 last chars (".bz2")
if ( isset( $chmodFiles[ $rawFileName ] ) )
if ( $superverbose )
fprintf (STDERR, " +-> search $rawFileName in chmodFiles : FOUNDED" . PHP_EOL);
$d = $chmodFiles[ $rawFileName ];
if ( isset( $mesInfos["forceload"] ) )
$extra .= ', "load":1';
$result .= space( $decalage );
$result.= '{ "name":"' . $nname . '", "mode":"' . $d . '", "size":' . $l . ', "c":1' . $extra . '},' . "\n";
// flat file
$result .= space( $decalage );
if ( ! $infos )
$result .= '{ "name":"' . $filename . '", "mode":"100644", "size":0},' . "\n";
$t=decoct($infos['mode'] & 000777);
$d = sprintf("%04o", $infos['mode']);
$extra = "";
$needle = $dir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $filename;
list( $res, $u ) = radical_search( $needle, $tabUID );
if ( $res )
if ( $superverbose )
fprintf (STDERR, " +-> search $needle in Array(UID) : FOUNDED ($u)\n");
$extra .= ', "uid":' . $u;
list( $res, $g ) = radical_search( $needle, $tabGID );
if ( $res )
if ( $superverbose )
fprintf (STDERR, " +-> search $needle in Array(GID) : FOUNDED ($g)\n");
$extra .= ', "gid":' . $g;
if ( isset( $chmodDir[ $absoluteDir ] ) )
if ( $superverbose )
fprintf (STDERR, " +-> from chmodDir " . PHP_EOL);
$d = $chmodDir[ $absoluteDir ];
if ( isset( $chmodFiles[ $absoluteName ] ) )
if ( $superverbose )
fprintf (STDERR, " +-> search $absoluteName in chmodFiles : FOUNDED" . PHP_EOL);
$d = $chmodFiles[ $absoluteName ];
if ( array_key_exists( $needle, $exceptions ) )
$filename = basename( $exceptions[$needle] );
$needle = substr( $needle, strlen( $prefix ) + 1 );
$extra .= ', "src":"' . $needle . '" ';
if ( isset( $mesInfos["forceload"] ) )
$extra .= ', "load":1';
$result.= '{ "name":"' . $filename . '", "mode":"' . $d . '", "size":' . $infos["size"] . $extra . '},' . "\n";
// parse les repertoires en 2nd
foreach ($cdir as $key => $value)
if ( ! in_array($value,array(".","..")))
if (is_dir($dir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $value))
// $result .= space( $decalage) . $dir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $value . "-\n";
// $result .= $dir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $value;
$complement = "";
$needle = $dir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $value;
$absoluteDir = substr( $dir, $lprefix );
if ( strlen($absoluteDir) > 0 )
$absoluteDir .= $value;
if ( isset( $ignoreDirs[ $absoluteDir ] ) )
if ( $superverbose )
fprintf (STDERR, " +-> IGNORE DIR $absoluteDir\n");
list( $res, $u ) = radical_search( $needle, $tabUID );
if ( $res )
if ( $superverbose )
fprintf (STDERR, " +-> search $needle in Array(UID) : FOUNDED ($u)\n");
$complement .= '"uid":' . $u . ", ";
list( $res, $g ) = radical_search( $needle, $tabGID );
if ( $res )
if ( $superverbose )
fprintf (STDERR, " +-> search $needle in Array(GID) : FOUNDED ($g)\n");
$complement .= '"gid":' . $g . ", ";
$mode = "40755";
if ( isset($chmodDirName[ $absoluteDir] ))
$mode = $chmodDirName[ $absoluteDir];
if ( $superverbose )
fprintf (STDERR, " +-> Change Mode(dir) : $value -> $mode\n");
$result .= space( $decalage) . '{ "name":"' . $value . '", ' . $complement . '"mode":"' . $mode . '", "child":[' . "\n";
// print ("ANALYSE $dir + $value --> $absoluteDir\n");
if ( isset( $links[ $absoluteDir ] ) )
// Put all links first
if ( $superverbose )
fwrite (STDERR, " +-> Create links for $absoluteDir" . PHP_EOL);
foreach ( $links[ $absoluteDir ] as $link => $dest )
if ( $superverbose )
fwrite (STDERR, " - $link -> $dest" . PHP_EOL );
$result .= space( $decalage + 3) . '{ "name":"' . $link . '", "mode":"120777", "path":"' . $dest . '"},' . "\n";
$b = rtrim( dirToArray($dir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $value, $decalage+3) );
if ( strlen ($b) > 0 )
$result .= $b . "\n";
$result .= space( $decalage) . "]},\n";
if ( substr( $result, strlen( $result ) - 2, 2 ) == ",\n" )
$result = substr( $result, 0, strlen( $result ) - 2) . "\n";
// $result .= "Fin de l'analyse du repertoire : $dir" . PHP_EOL;
return $result;
function usage($scriptName)
print ("$scriptName [-v] [-vv] [-r] -d path [-o=outputfile] [-c=consignes.txt]" . PHP_EOL);
print (" -x : print Version" . PHP_EOL);
print (" -v : verbose" . PHP_EOL);
print (" -vv : more verbose" . PHP_EOL);
print (" -d path : analyse path" . PHP_EOL);
print (" -o=filename : write result in the filename" . PHP_EOL);
print (" -ofilename : write result in the filename" . PHP_EOL);
print (" -c : configuration file (default: exceptions.txt)" . PHP_EOL);
print (" -p=myPath : path of the filesystem (default: fs)" . PHP_EOL);
* MAIN *
// Init global variables
$verbose = false;
$superverbose = false;
$relatif = false;
$fileConf = "exceptions.txt";
$path = "sys/fs";
$shortopts = "";
$shortopts .= "d:"; // Valeur requise
$shortopts .= "v::"; // Valeur optionnelle
$shortopts .= "o::"; // Valeur optionnelle
$shortopts .= "c::"; // Valeur optionnelle
$shortopts .= "p::"; // Valeur optionnelle
$shortopts .= "x"; // autosuffisant
$longopts = array(
"required:", // Valeur requise
"optional::", // Valeur optionnelle
"optional::", // Valeur optionnelle
"optional::", // Valeur optionnelle
"optional::", // Valeur optionnelle
"opt", // Valeur optionnelle
$options = getopt($shortopts, $longopts);
if ( isset( $options["x"] ) )
die("Version : $version". PHP_EOL);
if ( isset( $options["d"] ) )
$prefix = $options["d"];
usage( $argv[0] );
die("ERROR: -d directory is necessary". PHP_EOL);
if ( isset( $options["v"] ) )
if ( $options["v"] == "v" )
if ( isset( $options["c"] ) )
$fileConf = $options["c"];
// var_dump( $options ); exit;
// exceptions, ... : GLOBAL Variables
$fileparse = read_exceptions( $fileConf, $prefix );
// list($exceptions, $tabUID, $tabGID, $ignoreFiles, $ignoreDirs, $chmodDir, $chmodDirName, $chmodFiles, $links, $mesInfos ) = read_exceptions( $fileConf, $prefix );
if ( ( $verbose ) || ( $superverbose ) )
dump_exceptions( $fileparse["exceptions"] );
dump_exceptions( $fileparse["uid"] );
dump_exceptions( $fileparse["gid"] );
dump_exceptions( $fileparse["ignoreFiles"] );
dump_exceptions( $fileparse["ignoreDirs"] );
dump_exceptions( $fileparse["chmodDir"] );
dump_exceptions( $fileparse["chmodDirName"] );
dump_exceptions( $fileparse["chmodFiles"] );
dump_exceptions( $fileparse["links"] );
dump_exceptions( $fileparse["mesInfos"] );
if ( isset( $fileparse["mesInfos"]["webpath"] ) )
$path = $fileparse["mesInfos"]["webpath"]; // Je prends tout le chemin
if ( isset( $options["p"] ) )
$path = "sys/" . $options["p"]; // je préfixe le chemin passé en paramètre
if ( @ $fileparse["mesInfos"]["forcerelative"] == 1 )
$prefixPath = "";
$path = $prefixPath . $path;
$decalage = 3;
$s = '{"src":"' . $path . '", "fs":[' . "\n";
$s .= dirToArray( $prefix, $decalage );
$s .= "]}\n";
if ( isset( $options["o"] ) )
$filename = $options["o"];
$fd = fopen( $filename, "w" );
if ( $fd )
fwrite( $fd, $s );
fprintf( STDERR, "Can't open $filename" . PHP_EOL );
// print output on sdtout
print ($s);